Documentary Series "Deep Space Surveys" by yours truly

Very nice video! Actually too nice, as I am currently shooting footage from a very similar trip! :)

I first went over Coal Sack and from there straight up. I just today reached the highest point I could get (1360ly or so upwards), enjoying very similar views to what you showed on the video! Too bad you beat me to this Galactic Roof video, now I'll have to think of something else to do as well...

Aw I'm sorry man! You could still post it, but make the story that you were chasing me or something.

We should coordinate in future

before I watch the video, what is this galactic roof???

The top, highest star I could reach!
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I enjoyed watching your vids they are very well constructed and the pop up factoids make them even more interesting. You do a lot of research it would seem when putting these together. Cool stuff.
I enjoyed watching your vids they are very well constructed and the pop up factoids make them even more interesting. You do a lot of research it would seem when putting these together. Cool stuff.

Thanks buddy, I'm glad you like them and the factoids. I do a little bit of research, some educated guess work and I try to keep to things that sound amazing.

Quick question for anyone interested in helping me improve the videos:

Regarding the whole "man on a mission" personal story side of the videos, is it something I should drop? I love that part of Isinona's videos, and some of the stuff that happens on my trips (like the canopy breaking, the pirate attacks, the unexpected carbon star etc) I think make for a good tale, but I haven't had any feedback about that part of them. Maybe it just doesn't fit these types of videos?

Any comments about this would help a lot.
This sounds right up my alley. I'll be watching this tonight while exploring.
Thanks for sharing.
CMDR SVENNO current address [4087, -60, 64779] dreaming about visiting the large Magellanic cloud.
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This is genuinely moving. Fantastic work, sir. I've been preparing to go exploring for some time now, and my ship is nearly ready. This is all the inspiration I needed to work for the last couple of components I need.

Thank you.
Aw thanks, so glad. Good luck with it. I've got a video on outfitting an Asp, if you need a few tips about things you might not have thought of :D

See you in the black?
Yeah, I also quite enjoy that "man on a mission" story element. Keep it up!

Agreed. Without knowing where you are going or what you are doing, it would lose some impact. Not that random meandering videos are bad, they are not, its just a different experience. I think they are great just the way they are - honestly a big reason is the RIFT :), but certainly the RIFT needs the story that drives the adventure. All that may change when and if I get my own OR, but for now I am relying on a select few for my RIFT catharsis :).
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Agreed. Without knowing where you are going or what you are doing, it would lose some impact. Not that random meandering videos are bad, they are not, its just a different experience. I think they are great just the way they are - honestly a big reason is the RIFT :), but certainly the RIFT needs the story that drives the adventure. All that may change when and if I get my own OR, but for now I am relying on a select few for my RIFT catharsis :).

I am sincerely honoured. I've never performed catharsis before. Thanks for the kind words buddy. I hope you do get your own OR. It will be the ultimate panacea to all your ills
Don't take this the wrong way but I totally fell asleep watching your latest video. It was late, I slept like a baby and had grand dreams about adventures where no man has gone before :)
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