[DSSA] The Aphelion Expedition

Hi! I'm interested in joining this expedition, I have a commander (PS4) based in Colonia and I see you have a support vessel leaving, when does that head out as I can't see it on the list? I only have a small fleet on this commander but I have a decent scouting DBX and Mining Clipper I can bring.
Hi! I'm interested in joining this expedition, I have a commander (PS4) based in Colonia and I see you have a support vessel leaving, when does that head out as I can't see it on the list? I only have a small fleet on this commander but I have a decent scouting DBX and Mining Clipper I can bring.

The expedition is already well underway, having began last week. The fleet is beyond the galactic core now. Your only hope is to fly out in your own ship and catch up to one of the Carriers.

You can keep tabs on where they are using this sheet:

This has been an immensely enjoyable journey through the galaxy. Thanks for setting the sites along it. :)
Do you have a timetable for when the convoy will reach Beagle?
The Aphelion Expedition has now successfully concluded, with the deployment of 8 DSSA Carriers.

This was a 9-day journey across the galaxy. Initially 11 Carriers set out; eight DSSA Carriers, along with three support vessels.

Carriers that took part:
  • DSSA Sleeper Service
  • DSSA Distant Worlds
  • DSSA Stellar Oasis
  • DSSA Callisto
  • DSSA Tartarus
  • DSSA King's Pass
  • DSSA Sésame
  • DSSA Aristarchos
  • Colonia Carrier 'Challenger' (Support Vessel)
  • Mercy of Angel (Support Vessel)
  • Zero Dawn (Support Vessel)
The DSSA Distant Worlds, Zero Dawn, and Mercy of Angel travelled to Beagle Point and became three of the first Carriers to cross the galaxy from the bubble to reach the far side (June 18th 3306), covering over 73,000 LYs in the process. This took a monumental effort to achieve, with two mining operations required along the way - one at the Explorer's Anchorage, where almost 50,000 tons of Tritium were mined to fuel all the Carriers, and another mining op at Luna's Shadow were around 5,000 tons were mined to fuel the Distant Worlds, Zero Dawn and Tartarus for their final push into the Abyss.

A massive thanks to all those who came along and took part! (y)

The video condenses the long trek into a short 3-minute montage of some of the sites we saw along the way.

DSSA Distant Worlds final journey stats:

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I found out about the DSSA the day it departed, so in a last minute rush my PS4 alt jumped aboard. It's on the Flagship at beagle point ATM. I noticed, at sag A actually, but still now that in the codex, that my commanders Max distance from start is showing as 25kly (from my colonia days). At sag A I did jump out a system then back to no effect i think. It MAY have worked but I didnt really check the numbers at the time. At Beagle my jump range is too low to try this again.

Is anyone else seeing this?

Note: I donated 6 Tritium as its all my lowly adder could carry. I like to think it was enough fuel to light the hanger bay I was using for an hour or two :)
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The jumps should fix it, but yeah, that's hard when you don't have enough range. Do you have synthesis materials? Could try that. Or maybe one of the other carriers in the area might be kind enough to rescue you. :)

As for showing 25k, that's a bit further than Colonia actually. If it's closer to 26k, then hopping out at Sgr A* wouldn't have made much difference. Colonia is about 22k from the bubble, and Sgr A* is around 25.8. So I'm guessing you had been to Sgr A* before, or had gone past Colonia previously, in order to see no difference this time.
Do you have synthesis materials? Could try that.

Thanks, that didn't cross my mind, which is stupid as Im sitting here on my PC account that did beagle and beyound the hard way before carriers. I have everything but Vandium and Yttrium. I'll see if any carriers are selling mining equipment or even if I have a FSD mod pinned.

EDIT : No mineing equip on the DSSA but as there are no rings its moot. No pinned BP either. I'll open A ticket if it comes to that. Does anyone know if THE DSSA or another carrier is moving to a lovation with a system 17ly away?
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Hi, just wondering if DSSA Distant Worlds and Zero Dawn are staying at Beagle Point? I just landed for a pint! I was hoping to add some cargo and a PWA but turns out outfitting is a bit light. Exploring it is, then!
Hi, just wondering if DSSA Distant Worlds and Zero Dawn are staying at Beagle Point? I just landed for a pint! I was hoping to add some cargo and a PWA but turns out outfitting is a bit light. Exploring it is, then!

Distant Worlds will be visiting Semotus Beacon over the weekend, and returning to Beagle on Sunday evening. It'll then remain there indefinitely.

Zero Dawn will be staying at Beagle for around a week, then will be heading to Colonia.
For a second I thought 'you're confusing your expeditions Erimus' and then I remembered it was the name of a carrier as well now...

Haha sorry for the confusion :D. Speaking of the DW expeditions, the Aphelion event in a round about way finally wrapped up DW2 as we originally intended to take the 'Distant Worlds Carrier' with us on that expedition. So better late than never!

If DW3 happens it'll to have its own Carrier too, which coincidentally is called the DSEV Distant Worlds (Deep Space Expeditionary Vessel). ;)
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Tatarus the Galloping Ghost is a wee bit tired after 9 months of beans and rice. I hope to see your happy decks within the next 72 hours. My powerplant could do with a little duct tape here, some gorilla glue there. Cheers Commander, I'll make sure to line up the bar with whatever you and the crew are drinking.
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