ED: Odyssey roadmap released (Xbox release delayed until autumn 2021)

Not Sony's or MS's fault, especially in the middle of a pandemic.
I suppose they could have waited XX amount of time to stockpile tens of millions of consoles so everyone could have one whenever they wanted....cant see the problem with that.....I mean they tend to cost as much to make as it is to sell on release so it would only be an outlay of around 5 billion right?
Seems to be how businesses operate nowadays, big promises and loud announcements, then a lack of delivery, witness Sonys and Microsoft’s recent console rollout shambles.
The lack of respect for customers is astounding.

It's only a shambles if you didn't get a console. I did, on launch day, no shambles here.
I suppose they could have waited XX amount of time to stockpile tens of millions of consoles so everyone could have one whenever they wanted....cant see the problem with that.....I mean they tend to cost as much to make as it is to sell on release so it would only be an outlay of around 5 billion right?

Or even MORE to make than sell, they are making a loss per console. In respect of the Series X, I believe the APU alone costs ~400 to produce.
I wouldn't go that far. Under the difficult global circumstances a delay is understandable, even inevitable. Elite is trying to do what it's taken Star Citizen hundreds of millions of pounds and 9 years to get wrong.
What's difficult is such a long delay between PC and console release. Being 're-prioritised' like that does feel like being kicked when you're down.

I think I see ObsidianAnt's point that the pandemic is being used as an excuse for deeper issues. Could it be that we all found out about Odyssey far far earlier than we should have with the "unfortunate" leak? Next-gen consoles and PCs are far more similar than when consoles used to run on Cell or PowerPC. Release Next-gen and PC together and then back port if you can to Gen 8. But nope, not even any confirmation from FDev that they are even looking at Next-gen. CDPR take two.
Disappointed in the delay, but what can be done?

One of the few things out of oddsey i was looking forward to was the "Neil Armstrong" moments anywhere significant but that part of it has been greatly reduced by the delay and the "first footings" on any planet will be in a far off system where no one else will care to visit only possibly pass through.

But it is what it is.😔
I've just remembered - MS Flight Simulator will be out on Xbox before Odyssey, and it will be available on Game Pass on release day.

The Sky is Calling for this Commander.

This ten times over.

Whatever reason Fdev has for postponing Odyssey on console for so long, be it Covid or otherwise, I can't change anything about it.
What I can do is choose to play other games and Fs2020 is much higher on my anticipation list then Odyssey will ever be.
If only MS could restock the normal selling points of the Series X, I'm ready to buy one but they're still unavailable and I'm not gonna fork out a thousand euros to some stupid scalper.

I wonder how much ED I will still play once I get Fs2020, Odyssey's postponement might be understandable but I'm afraid that when Fs2020 is released on Xbox before Odyssey Fdev lost another dedicated player.

I'm not angry about the delay, disappointed and gutted though.
Fdev surely is showing their priorities the last couple years and I don't like it.
This ten times over.

Whatever reason Fdev has for postponing Odyssey on console for so long, be it Covid or otherwise, I can't change anything about it.
What I can do is choose to play other games and Fs2020 is much higher on my anticipation list then Odyssey will ever be.
If only MS could restock the normal selling points of the Series X, I'm ready to buy one but they're still unavailable and I'm not gonna fork out a thousand euros to some stupid scalper.

I wonder how much ED I will still play once I get Fs2020, Odyssey's postponement might be understandable but I'm afraid that when Fs2020 is released on Xbox before Odyssey Fdev lost another dedicated player.

I'm not angry about the delay, disappointed and gutted though.
Fdev surely is showing their priorities the last couple years and I don't like it.

I have already played MS FS (Standard edition though) on PC through Microsoft Store and it´s Xbox Game Pass, and well I can only say it might have some nice city views, but most cities / towns are just randomly filled with buildings that look nothing like in real life, obviously using some type of maps either from above Earth or how city has planned their areas now and in the future (my home street had a multiple stored block building, even though whole street is just regular one family houses with their own yard, and no plans to have anything big build here, though it might have been in city plans at distant past..

Then there is the thing you should actually know how to fly an airplane, it is not an arcade, one false move because you wanna take better look at the city view and you go down.
Though autopilot/copilot might help a bit on that, looking from outside the airplane, but you have no control of the flight path over the city (or even height to spot stuff).

So I cancelled my MS store Xbos Game Pass for PC pretty fast, but I wish you enjoy it at least more time than few hours I did (I really wonder how people can say ED has no content, while in MS you just fly around).
yes I think I see you’re point, we’ve got ours so what’s the problem with MS enabling scalpers to earn a crust?
And people have the nerve to say that society is becoming self centred.

How are MS enabling scalpers? And how is it Sony and MS's fault that, as you'd expect with any popular product, demand outstrips demand.... not their shambles, blame the resellers. On September 22nd, I woke up at 07.45, was on the MS site at 07:58, had my Series X in my basket at 08:01 and had checked out and confirmation email by 08:08. Really wasn't difficult.
I'm an explorer, so not an issue for me.
I'm out near Beagle, and if they stayed on schedule, I was going to cash in my carto data and head back towards the bubble. Now I can continue my current journey.
Im old, so choosing to be miserable, complaining thru "open letters" does nothing for me. I'm just going to continue enjoying the game. The update will get here, when it gets here.
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