Release EDDI 3.3 - Bring your cockpit to life

I'm afraid so.

{if best: Der lokale Markt hat
    {set translate to} {F("Translate Commodity")} im Angebot.
        {if secondbest: {set translate to} {F("Translate Commodity")}
        {if thirdbest: und {set translate to} {F("Translate Commodity")} sind
        |else        : ist
     ebenfalls zu einem günstigen Preis verfügbar.
... no longer works

I play in German. The variable "translate" should be passed to the function.
The function translates the goods or the pronunciation into German. This no longer works.
I only use {} everything works.
If this is no longer possible with the new Cottle version, that would be a great pity.
In some scripts, you pass variables...
I have reset my fuel check routine to default, but every time it runs it says "Dot." Below is the script

{_ Fuel Check _}
{_ Report fuel level _}

{for compartment in ship.compartments:
    {if compartment.module.basename = "FuelScoop":
        {set scoop_present to true}

{set shipsfuel to:
    Fuel {OneOf("levels", "tanks", "reserves")}
    {Occasionally(2, "are")} {Occasionally(2, "now")}

{set currentfuel to round(status.fuel_percent, 0)}
{set currentpercent to:
    at {currentfuel} percent {Occasionally(2, "capacity")}

{set title to Occasionally(3,", {F('Honorific')}")}

{set maxjump to status.fuel/ship.maxfuel}

{if state.eddi_context_last_subject = "jump" && state.eddi_context_last_action = "complete" && maxjump < 1.25:
    Warning: {shipsfuel} almost depleted.

    {if scoop_present:
        {if system.scoopable:
            {set scoop_system to system.systemname}
            {set detail to JumpDetails('total')}
            {set scoop_system to RouteDetails('scoop', detail.distance)}
            {set scoop_distance to Distance(scoop_system)}

        {if scoop_system && scoop_system != "":
            Your nearest scoopable
            {if scoop_system =
                {set scoopable_bodies to []}
                {for body in reportSystem.bodies:
                    {if body.scoopable:
                        {set scoopable_bodies to cat(scoopable_bodies, [body.shortname])}
                {if len(scoopable_bodies) > 1:
                    stars are:
                    star is:

                in the current system.
                star is in the {scoop_system} system, {round(scoop_distance, 1)} lightyears away.
            {if maxjump < 0.5:
                {Occasionally(2, "Fuel")} scooping is extremely urgent {title}.
                {Occasionally(2, "Fuel")} scooping is strongly recommended {title}.
            Danger: There are no scoopable stars within your current jump range.
            Shutdown of non-essential systems is advised!
            Emergency transponder standing by {title}.
        {if maxjump < 0.5:
            {OneOf("Refuel now", "Refuelling is extremely urgent")} {title}.
            {OneOf("Please refuel", "Refuelling is strongly recommended")} {title}.
|elif currentfuel < 25:
    {OneOf("Warning:", "Caution:", "Attention:")}
    {shipsfuel} {OneOf("below 25%", "{currentpercent}" )} {title}.
|elif currentfuel < 50:
    {shipsfuel} {OneOf("below 50%", "{currentpercent}" )} {title}.
|elif currentfuel < 75:
    {Occasionally(2, "{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.")}
|elif currentfuel < 100:
    {Occasionally(3, "{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.")}
    {ShipName()} {shipsfuel} {OneOf(currentpercent, "at maximum")} {title}.
Any ideas what's going on here?
I have reset my fuel check routine to default, but every time it runs it says "Dot." Below is the script

{_ Fuel Check _}
{_ Report fuel level _}

{for compartment in ship.compartments:
    {if compartment.module.basename = "FuelScoop":
        {set scoop_present to true}

{set shipsfuel to:
    Fuel {OneOf("levels", "tanks", "reserves")}
    {Occasionally(2, "are")} {Occasionally(2, "now")}

{set currentfuel to round(status.fuel_percent, 0)}
{set currentpercent to:
    at {currentfuel} percent {Occasionally(2, "capacity")}

{set title to Occasionally(3,", {F('Honorific')}")}

{set maxjump to status.fuel/ship.maxfuel}

{if state.eddi_context_last_subject = "jump" && state.eddi_context_last_action = "complete" && maxjump < 1.25:
    Warning: {shipsfuel} almost depleted.

    {if scoop_present:
        {if system.scoopable:
            {set scoop_system to system.systemname}
            {set detail to JumpDetails('total')}
            {set scoop_system to RouteDetails('scoop', detail.distance)}
            {set scoop_distance to Distance(scoop_system)}

        {if scoop_system && scoop_system != "":
            Your nearest scoopable
            {if scoop_system =
                {set scoopable_bodies to []}
                {for body in reportSystem.bodies:
                    {if body.scoopable:
                        {set scoopable_bodies to cat(scoopable_bodies, [body.shortname])}
                {if len(scoopable_bodies) > 1:
                    stars are:
                    star is:

                in the current system.
                star is in the {scoop_system} system, {round(scoop_distance, 1)} lightyears away.
            {if maxjump < 0.5:
                {Occasionally(2, "Fuel")} scooping is extremely urgent {title}.
                {Occasionally(2, "Fuel")} scooping is strongly recommended {title}.
            Danger: There are no scoopable stars within your current jump range.
            Shutdown of non-essential systems is advised!
            Emergency transponder standing by {title}.
        {if maxjump < 0.5:
            {OneOf("Refuel now", "Refuelling is extremely urgent")} {title}.
            {OneOf("Please refuel", "Refuelling is strongly recommended")} {title}.
|elif currentfuel < 25:
    {OneOf("Warning:", "Caution:", "Attention:")}
    {shipsfuel} {OneOf("below 25%", "{currentpercent}" )} {title}.
|elif currentfuel < 50:
    {shipsfuel} {OneOf("below 50%", "{currentpercent}" )} {title}.
|elif currentfuel < 75:
    {Occasionally(2, "{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.")}
|elif currentfuel < 100:
    {Occasionally(3, "{shipsfuel} {currentpercent} {title}.")}
    {ShipName()} {shipsfuel} {OneOf(currentpercent, "at maximum")} {title}.
Any ideas what's going on here?
my guess is that its related to the current bug posted above.
This wasn't our greatest hour, even if it was only a problem for beta users.

Ultimately it sits with me for not making it clear whether play-testing is required before submission or after.

Thus, we are going to discuss it and revise our polices one way or the other.

Beta is beta

Hopefully, we all understand that

I appreciate all who are supporting EDDI

No apology expected from my viewpoint.
Thanks SemierPDX. In software as in life, we are all human and we all make mistakes.

I very strongly believe that when you make a mistake the correct actions are to admit it, repair it, then figure out how to stop it happenning again.

Thus, you learn from the mistake.
Both in software and in life, as I said.

(IRL, the wisest people I've met have been the ones who made the most mistakes, and the most arrogant have been those who haven't had the latitude to make any.)
Last edited:
🎺 We're pleased to announce that EDDI 3.7.0-rc1 is now available via the beta update channel and 📯

This release adds a splash screen when starting EDDI in standalone mode and fixes several bugs surrounding carrier events.

Full release notes are at
Are you skipping over a v3.6 entirely then, going from v3.5.3 straight to v.3.7.0?
Are you skipping over a v3.6 entirely then, going from v3.5.3 straight to v.3.7.0?
We are.
  • Our last major revision was 3.5.
  • The 'January 2020' update was 3.6 but there were no journal additions at that time.
  • The Fleet Carrier update is 3.7 which had major additions to the Journal.
We're choosing to match the Elite Dangerous version number to imply compatibility with Elite's new features.
We are.
  • Our last major revision was 3.5.
  • The 'January 2020' update was 3.6 but there were no journal additions at that time.
  • The Fleet Carrier update is 3.7 which had major additions to the Journal.
We're choosing to match the Elite Dangerous version number to imply compatibility with Elite's new features.
Ahh, that makes sense. Good idea! :)
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