i there again,
i like to request a blank localization file to edit all yet non editable tts phrases which are used as sources in EDDI.
so i can edit this to:
a localization file to edit such strings would help users like me to translate strings by their own with the extra favor of costumization.
i tried a littlebit with the mentioned german() back on page 135 but it works on test in speech responder tab but ingame not. also this is a very uncomfortable way to localize it by my own as an unskilled writer, which i surly don't want to blame anyone for
furthermore i like to know if i can do something about galnet strings. i got the german game client with german galnet posts ingame. but somehow EDDI fetches the english article. when this galnet article comes via companion app from frontiers servers and there is no way to call for the german ones i like to know if i can set up tts to force ti be read with an english windows tts voice.
i like to request a blank localization file to edit all yet non editable tts phrases which are used as sources in EDDI.
(shipname) stands ready.
(shipname) steht bereit.
a localization file to edit such strings would help users like me to translate strings by their own with the extra favor of costumization.
i tried a littlebit with the mentioned german() back on page 135 but it works on test in speech responder tab but ingame not. also this is a very uncomfortable way to localize it by my own as an unskilled writer, which i surly don't want to blame anyone for
furthermore i like to know if i can do something about galnet strings. i got the german game client with german galnet posts ingame. but somehow EDDI fetches the english article. when this galnet article comes via companion app from frontiers servers and there is no way to call for the german ones i like to know if i can set up tts to force ti be read with an english windows tts voice.