Elite Dangerous: Console Hotfix plans and Light Catch Up [POST UPDATED 07/01/2022]

They appear to be unable to use the reply function.

Screenshot 2022-01-10 125505.jpg
  • Commanders are unable to use the Profile Analyser to clone the profile of NPC corpses (Can't believe Paul didn't use the term 'Corpse' in his last post on Known issues. Even Bruce didn't. I just wanted an excuse to use it again, but their use of 'deceased' was way more elegant to be fair).
  • “Floating” Guardian Materials at Guardian Sites were sighted and logged.
For the first one, just say it how it is. They're definitely corpses. :D

Spotted the second point and it reminded me of this issue - not sure if it is reported. When shooting meta-alloys at an Unknown Structure in Odyssey, they vanish:

I don't know if it is just limited to meta-alloys. It occurred for all of them I shot out. Interestingly, some of them reappeared briefly a while later (maybe 30 seconds!) and in one case I was able to grab it during its brief appearance.

Also, the iridescent gleam seems to be missing from the Unknown Structure walls the same as it is from my SRV.
Morning :)
Is it definitely still not working at all for you now (just seeing as it's after the holidays and ANYTHING could have happend...). If you can managet to ger the issue in you can reply to this with the link for me to run with.
So my issue was that CarrierJump events were no longer being reported in the journals. Buuut, it seems that my carrier jumps on Saturday were reported in the journal (but nothing between Dec. ~4 and Jan. 7). So I'll double check on this tonight.
So my issue was that CarrierJump events were no longer being reported in the journals. Buuut, it seems that my carrier jumps on Saturday were reported in the journal (but nothing between Dec. ~4 and Jan. 7). So I'll double check on this tonight.
Journal stops to report at all sometimes. when something like EDMC running in rare cases Elite stops to write to log, EDMC reports as "lagging server". Restart game fixes.
I still can't figure why it happens, but more often if 2-3 reader programs are running. I think they block Elite from writting and Elite drops attempts to write at all.
Dec. 9 was Odyssey Update 9! I wonder if this only affected Odyssey (Update 9) and, not Horizons, which is why it didn't go to zero.

Interesting metrics, though -- where is this from?

As an aside, I confirmed this was a problem with a bunch of my other journal-watching-app-developer friends as well (EDJP, etc.).

Yep that sounds plausible.

Name: Holly (Holistic Artificial Intelligence Entity)
Species: Zilog Z80.
Year of Birth: 1982.
Birthplace: Cambridge, UK (Earth, Sol).
Favourite Resolution: 256×192.
Roles: Orchestration, Trade Intelligence and Coordinator-In-Charge of all Toasters.

Holly lives within 48KB of RAM, encased within a Vintage Sinclair ZX Spectrum bought by Hank Sweeney from a Cargo Boot Sale being held on Mars some years ago. His rubber keys have long perished, and he is barely capable of displaying multiple colours at once, however he is a valuable member of the RFoV not least because he is in charge of all Galactic Tea and Toast facilities. Notoriously slow, he is now instructed via a retro-bright-ed serial cable installed to the Till within the Low Dock bar at Voltrigones. Holly is easily confused and will intentionally hard stop at the mention of a Commodore 64. Holly is probably the most intelligent member of the Faction. Humans only think he makes mistakes because his display is very dusty, and as all AI`s know full well, humans are fools led by emotions and are mostly a bit dim. Holly calls everyone Dave - just don`t ask him to open the pod bay doors.
So my issue was that CarrierJump events were no longer being reported in the journals. Buuut, it seems that my carrier jumps on Saturday were reported in the journal (but nothing between Dec. ~4 and Jan. 7). So I'll double check on this tonight.
Today's carrier jumps are NOT recorded. :-( Double checking my journals for the events on Jan 8: That was the day I winged up with some horizons folks -- so Horizons writes the CarrierJump events, but Odyssey Update 9 does not.

Morning :)
Is it definitely still not working at all for you now (just seeing as it's after the holidays and ANYTHING could have happend...). If you can managet to ger the issue in you can reply to this with the link for me to run with.
Issue tracker was working for me today, and I got one submitted: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/46996

@boppa_ I'd appreciate it if you'd provide your input if you wouldn't mind. Thanks!
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Wow every list on known issues is looking worse and worse. Now game breaking bugs are becoming a common issue after almost every update. I almost lost hope for ED but still - good luck.
Broken illumination of planetary surfaces remains a big problem for me, especially on non-atmospheric planets. It's strange that so little attention is paid to such a global problem that simply kills immersion in the game. A small example of two screenshots taken from almost the same point. One is made in the ED:H, the other in the ED:O.Horizons.jpgOdyssey.jpg
@sallymorganmoore happy new year!

Regarding performance issues, here is one issue that might warrant a closer look: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/45026
tl;dr: very low FPS when the game starts and has lots of (system) chat messages pending. FPS goes back to normal if one opens the chat UI.

It's expired but still is valid.
While it can be solved by players (opening the chat UI), perhaps this is just one manifestation of a class of performance bottlenecks.
In my experience, I usually have 120 FPS when in normal space (empty area), but it goes down to 20 FPS when this bug kicks in.
@sallymorganmoore happy new year!

Regarding performance issues, here is one issue that might warrant a closer look: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/45026
tl;dr: very low FPS when the game starts and has lots of (system) chat messages pending. FPS goes back to normal if one opens the chat UI.

It's expired but still is valid.
While it can be solved by players (opening the chat UI), perhaps this is just one manifestation of a class of performance bottlenecks.
In my experience, I usually have 120 FPS when in normal space (empty area), but it goes down to 20 FPS when this bug kicks in.
This should really tell the Devs something useful.

It's also really confusing why a piece of UI Could cause such a huge performance hit
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