Elite: Dangerous is seriously underrated


Who's with me commanders o7



Source: https://youtu.be/-Et5Ivi_yIg

Source: https://youtu.be/Vz3nhCykZNw


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjTF-RCGU2s

Source: https://youtu.be/fRCnCnjesCI

Source: https://youtu.be/KbaLJTGHkj8

Source: https://youtu.be/ac4KAzt5zew

The Stellar Forge predicted the discovery of Trappist-1.

Jynessa Loraeyn, r/EliteDangerous - 2 years ago.

I was playing in standard beta. And yet when I play now, I still have moments of shock at some of the things happening around me in game.

The 1:1 scale galaxy we have right now still stuns me when I think about it. The sheer quantity of data in the galaxy map, the actually functioning orbits and planet rotations that you can observe in real time, the glorious daunting beauty of it all... and when I realised the starfield I saw in each system was correct... that each star I saw was in the right place around me and I could even select them and single them out using my ship's navigation computer... that I could sit at a station and watch the planets and moons dance around their sun... sit in a planetary port and watch that sun rise and set... that achievement alone deserves to be commemorated.

But on top of that there's a flight model that is absolutely to die for. The sheer visceral joy of flying your ship, a ship that handles like it has weight, that puts enough realism on the back burner to give an experience that feels like some insane cross between World War 2 dogfighting, Star Wars space combat and a strategy game where every few seconds you are called on to make some desperate life-and-death decision that is nuanced by timing, judgement and experience. Use chaff... now. Hit silent running... now. Keep the engine capacitor up, but bleed enough into the weapon capacitor to fire everything when the target comes into view. Frontier learned 20 years ago about the limits of realism when it came to fun combat gameplay... an advantage of painful experience that they drew lessons from.

Those knife-fights in the void and through planetary rings just got more and more ridiculously fun the more I played. I started reading about fighter tactics in the age of dogfighting. I tried using evasive manoeuvres described in them, and they worked. I discovered lead, pure and lag pursuits and found out they actually helped me keep my nose on targets in the game. Until one day I found myself trying to out-turn an enemy while we were drifting through the rings of a planet, saw him doing the same and realised we were executing a rolling scissors manoeuvre against each other, both with shields down, with pretty much instant death for the first person whose roll intersected with an asteroid.

I still remember the pure pounding joy of that moment. I felt like my heart was going to explode.

The appearance of this game is simply astonishing. Frontier seem to have started with the philosophy that they want above all else to make you feel like you are sitting in the cockpit of a ship. Have you seen the texturing in the ship cockpits? Or on the ship exterior? I can see where the paint has dried unevenly on the metal when a star's light reflects off it. It's absurd. And the look of everything else is absurdly beautiful. There's a reason it's become a running joke that half the posts on the front page are of players who just want to share an incredible screenshot they've taken.

And as for the sound... well.

Frankly, the sound design in this game... I don't think I can say anything that does it justice.

If I say that it's literally the most immersive, most beautifully detailed and realised sound design I have ever heard in any game (maybe anywhere, music, movie, anything), then that just seems flat compared to how I feel about it.

Think about this. Every single ship has its own look. Every single ship has its own flight model. It handles differently. It flies differently. It handles power differently.

But the sound... every single ship sounds different. And I don't mean just an engine noise. The noise each ship makes is unique based on which controls you are applying at any time. Pitch, yaw, roll, accelerate, declerate, vertical thrust, horizontal thrust... even the boost. And they're not just one sound. They vary in how they change as you move from full thrust to none. And then on top of that there are 'sweeteners', sounds unique to each ship.

In this game, you can close your eyes and know what flight control you're applying by just listening. You can know what ship you're flying just by listening.

It still completely blows me away.

And then... you listen to planets. Stations. Different parts of each station. The background radiation of the galaxy rumbles. The sound of the discovery scanner echoing into the void. The scan of a planet or sun making a shimmery sound as it nears completion. The little clicks of your scope as it picks up and loses contacts. The varying pitch of a multicannon as it spins up. The juddering spin-down of your frame shift drive as you finish a jump. The sharp snap when a distant ship jumps away.

It's so beautiful.

Their attention to these details even extended to the SRV.

It still seems almost insane what we got with the Scarab. By all rights, they should have made some simple thing for driving around planets.

Instead we got this... piece of utter perfection. It looks glorious - fragile, bug-like, its wheels on legs to give high ground clearance. The more I drove it, the more I realised that an entire driving model had been built for it, rewarding skill, varying your throttle, controlling skids. And the detail inside that little bubble of a cockpit. On the wheels. The lights. And the sounds. Oh god the sounds.

The biting of tires into dust or ice... you can listen and know which. That little electric drive whirring and straining its little heart out to do what you want it to. The sound when you roll is like a fibreglass boat hull being thrown across the ground. The creak and strains with every shift of weight.

And then the tracks.

I was on an ice world, with the sun low and behind me. I was driving too fast, lost control and skidded around. A cloud of white ice dust flew up around me, but what captivated me was here and there a couple of tiny ice flakes flew up in 0.1G and drifted down right in front of the cockpit. And when the cloud cleared, I looked back along my tracks and the sun glistened on the raised parts of them, while all around me ice glittered or glowed blue within from the shadows.

I am still absolutely staggered by the level of detail they put into the SRV. It's better than any driving game I know. And it really should have just been a small side project. I've found that if one spinning tire hits the ground after jumping, it spins you exactly like it should. I've found you can twist your tires back and forth to climb slopes you can't in a straight line.

But here's the thing...

Unlike any other driving game, I can take that perfect little buggy to any of millions of worlds, and drive on each. I can pick any spot on those worlds and land on it and drive where I like.

That is insane.

And getting to the point... that's why I agree. That's why I loved it when Sandro said in the streams that they have nothing to show yet about any further SRV's.

I'm half-convinced that one of the reasons 2.1 took so long was perfecting the Scarab.

And if that's what they do when they want to make a ground vehicle... I want them to take all the time they need when they do it again. I don't want them to rush. I want them to do the amazing, absurd thing they did when they were just designing the tiny little ground vehicle you drop out of your ship onto planets.

I will wait. Whatever imperfections there are in the game (like releasing Engineers without module storage, for example), for me they're massively outweighed by what they've already done.

To me, they've proved they can do what doesn't just seem impossible, but beyond comprehension. They said way back that they wanted to take their time and do it properly. And I can see it. It's like watching a canvas of some colossal painting being slowly filled in with the most detailed brushwork imaginable, and as you step back, you take in the vision that is their aim and your heart just jumps. They've earned my trust with what they've given me so far many times over.

In the meantime, I'll just keep playing the most perfect recreation of the original Elite game there is. I'll keep flying. And I'll be looking forward to watching each part of that canvas being filled in.



Source: https://youtu.be/22DAO4dl74w
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I can't watch all these videos, but responding to the title, I agree. ED is a buggy, half-baked mess, but it's the best buggy half-baked mess in this genre, and I've found nothing that comes close to replacing it. It truly is a remarkable game.
It is the best buggy half baked mess in its genre.
FD needs to care about QA and releasing patches that dont break core game functionality. Other games the age and complexity of elite manage to turn out patches and add features at a greater rate than elite does, also have less bugs and devs that stay in touch.
After seeing the way FD has handled this game, i will never buy another FD product.
I actually think that Elite Dangerous is heavily Overrated.

Dont get me wrong there.
Its nice that the Ship in this Game can effectively go wherever it wants.

But if everything is the same with little to nothing to do where you go.
Then the whole Deal is Off.

Elite Dangerous tries to be a Gigantic Sandbox.
But the Box is the Size of Public Swimming Pool. While the Sand in it is barely enough to Fill a Bathtube...

Thats what they got by having the whole thing Random Generated.
A Random Generated World can be Endless in Size. But as anything Generated by it is Limited by the Parameters you Input into the Random Generator. You will end up with an Endless World that is more or less the same wherever you go.

Thats why using a World Generator is only useful when you use it to Create a Base for the World and then Fill that World with Handcrafted Elements that make each part of it Unique.
But in ED this is Impossible. The Generated World is just too Large for anyone to even Dream about Filling it with Handcrafted Elements and making each part Unique. Even Dreaming about just making 1% of the World Unique by Handcrafting Content for it would be entirely Insane.

For Elite Dangerous the only way to be an Interesting Game is to Abandon the World and instead Focus on Ships and Empire Building.
Player Owned Stations, Fleets and Clans, Proper Wars about Territory instead of Generic Conflict Zones, Fleshed out Planets including Planetary Settlements and Proper World Design, Larger Ships that are more than Oversized Fighters, Proper Crew Mechanics, Ship Interior and Space Legs, Proper Ground Vehicles, Proper and more Diverse Weapon Systems which are not Defaulted to 1 out of 3 Systems.

Instead of Focusing on the World. Where even 20 Years of Work will remain a Droplet in the oversized Bucket. They should Try and Improve the Detailed Systems of the Game to Give Players something to do in this Sandbox.
This Oversized but Empty World is the First Time in History that a Game actually has a World where it could Allow Players and Clans to Own entire Star Systems and Stations in a Multiplayer Game. Without having to Worry that the Game World will be Spammed to Death by Player Owned Structures due to there being too many Player Structures in a too Small World.

But FD isnt doing any of this.
FD instead is absolutely Determined to Focus on their Giant Dead World Instead. And keep adding Fractions of Droplets to the Bucket hoping that one day they might reach a Droplet Big enough make a difference.

And thats why this Game is Overrated.
Everyone tries to Sell this Game by mentioning its Gigantic World.
While Leisurely Ignoring that this World is basicly just a Gigantic Piece of Copypasted RNG Solar Systems which ultimately all look roughly the same after a month or two playing this Game.
And thats why this Game is Overrated.
Everyone tries to Sell this Game by mentioning its Gigantic World.
While Leisurely Ignoring that this World is basicly just a Gigantic Piece of Copypasted RNG Solar Systems which ultimately all look roughly the same after a month or two playing this Game.
And yet, here you are on the game's dedicated forum, talking about the game and I'm going to guess the 'hours played' is still ticking up? ;)
And yet, here you are on the game's dedicated forum, talking about the game and I'm going to guess the 'hours played' is still ticking up? ;)
Got about 20 minutes in yesterday checking the bindings on the replacement throttle that thrustmaster sent me. Spent about 4 hours in il2 bos. IL2 bos works and is bug free, the last gaming dollars i spent i spent with them and the next gaming dollars i spend i will spend with them, very likely.
Got about 20 minutes in yesterday checking the bindings on the replacement throttle that thrustmaster sent me. Spent about 4 hours in il2 bos. IL2 bos works and is bug free, the last gaming dollars i spent i spent with them and the next gaming dollars i spend i will spend with them, very likely.
So I must ask, why come to these forums to shovel **** on the game if you're not playing it and not enjoying it?
If I don't like a game or grow tired of it, i don't continue to visit it's forums and degrade a positive thread created by someone who's clearly still enjoying the game.

And no game is ever 'bug free', ever. Looking at IL2 I can say they are substantially different games so is not of comparison.
And yet, here you are on the game's dedicated forum, talking about the game and I'm going to guess the 'hours played' is still ticking up? ;)

Honestly Said it barely Does anymore.
Nor has Elite Dangerous really Reached the amount of Hours that a Game like this should have Reached.
My ED has 400 Hours in it. Which it had for like 2 Years now. Only going up a few Hours further every 2 or 3 Months.

Dont get me Wrong. I still somehow Cling to the Hope. That one Day FD will Realize just what kind of Opportunity they have under their Fingers.
And Starts to get their Rears Strapped into Working Gears to Finally make something of it.
So I always now and then Check Back in the Forums and the Game to See if something has Changed.
And if they for a Change pay some Attention to the Game Systems instead of the World.
For example by finally giving some Mechanics to Mining Asteroids. And actually doing something to Create Interesting Gameplay in the World instead of trying to improve on the World itself which makes barely any Difference.
I will Tick the Game Up a few Hours again.
But since 90% of their Efforts is still Focused on the World and not on adding any Gameplay to it. The Hours soon stop Ticking again.

Unless Star Citizen against all Odds decides to stop smoking up its area and instead gets to work on actually Realizing a Game.
Elite Dangerous Remains the Biggest Hope for a Proper Space Sim.

But being the Biggest Hope due to Lack of Competition is not really a Complement now is it ?
I actually think that Elite Dangerous is heavily Overrated.

Dont get me wrong there.
Its nice that the Ship in this Game can effectively go wherever it wants.

But if everything is the same with little to nothing to do where you go.
Then the whole Deal is Off.

Elite Dangerous tries to be a Gigantic Sandbox.
But the Box is the Size of Public Swimming Pool. While the Sand in it is barely enough to Fill a Bathtube...

Thats what they got by having the whole thing Random Generated.
A Random Generated World can be Endless in Size. But as anything Generated by it is Limited by the Parameters you Input into the Random Generator. You will end up with an Endless World that is more or less the same wherever you go.

Thats why using a World Generator is only useful when you use it to Create a Base for the World and then Fill that World with Handcrafted Elements that make each part of it Unique.
But in ED this is Impossible. The Generated World is just too Large for anyone to even Dream about Filling it with Handcrafted Elements and making each part Unique. Even Dreaming about just making 1% of the World Unique by Handcrafting Content for it would be entirely Insane.

For Elite Dangerous the only way to be an Interesting Game is to Abandon the World and instead Focus on Ships and Empire Building.
Player Owned Stations, Fleets and Clans, Proper Wars about Territory instead of Generic Conflict Zones, Fleshed out Planets including Planetary Settlements and Proper World Design, Larger Ships that are more than Oversized Fighters, Proper Crew Mechanics, Ship Interior and Space Legs, Proper Ground Vehicles, Proper and more Diverse Weapon Systems which are not Defaulted to 1 out of 3 Systems.

Instead of Focusing on the World. Where even 20 Years of Work will remain a Droplet in the oversized Bucket. They should Try and Improve the Detailed Systems of the Game to Give Players something to do in this Sandbox.
This Oversized but Empty World is the First Time in History that a Game actually has a World where it could Allow Players and Clans to Own entire Star Systems and Stations in a Multiplayer Game. Without having to Worry that the Game World will be Spammed to Death by Player Owned Structures due to there being too many Player Structures in a too Small World.

But FD isnt doing any of this.
FD instead is absolutely Determined to Focus on their Giant Dead World Instead. And keep adding Fractions of Droplets to the Bucket hoping that one day they might reach a Droplet Big enough make a difference.

And thats why this Game is Overrated.
Everyone tries to Sell this Game by mentioning its Gigantic World.
While Leisurely Ignoring that this World is basicly just a Gigantic Piece of Copypasted RNG Solar Systems which ultimately all look roughly the same after a month or two playing this Game.
Im sorry but I have to say, who are you? why are you here? you obviously don't like the game or play it.. an empty sandbox are you actually saying those words.. its not random at all, I can go to the same places over and over again, the map is real, its big and theres a billion things going on all at once like a real universe.. you just do not know what elite is..
Honestly Said it barely Does anymore.
Nor has Elite Dangerous really Reached the amount of Hours that a Game like this should have Reached.
My ED has 400 Hours in it. Which it had for like 2 Years now. Only going up a few Hours further every 2 or 3 Months.

Dont get me Wrong. I still somehow Cling to the Hope. That one Day FD will Realize just what kind of Opportunity they have under their Fingers.
And Starts to get their Rears Strapped into Working Gears to Finally make something of it.
So I always now and then Check Back in the Forums and the Game to See if something has Changed.
And if they for a Change pay some Attention to the Game Systems instead of the World.
For example by finally giving some Mechanics to Mining Asteroids. And actually doing something to Create Interesting Gameplay in the World instead of trying to improve on the World itself which makes barely any Difference.
I will Tick the Game Up a few Hours again.
But since 90% of their Efforts is still Focused on the World and not on adding any Gameplay to it. The Hours soon stop Ticking again.

Unless Star Citizen against all Odds decides to stop smoking up its area and instead gets to work on actually Realizing a Game.
Elite Dangerous Remains the Biggest Hope for a Proper Space Sim.

But being the Biggest Hope due to Lack of Competition is not really a Complement now is it ?

Is there a secret message hidden in the random capitalized words? It's the Formidine Rift all over again!
its not random at all, I can go to the same places over and over again, the map is real, its big and theres a billion things going on all at once like a real universe..
This is one of the things I like about Elite. I can pick some random "backwater" system to make my home, I can support and even change the political and economic state of that system, and over time I'll experience real, deterministic astronomical events, whether it simple things like planetary outposts coming out of the shadows into the light, or more pronounced things like cool planetary alignments, eclipses, etc. And on rare occasion, I might see a CMDR pass through "my" system, and that thrills me way more than seeing 20 CMDRs at ShinDez.

Yep, I love this game! I just hate the bugs and wish Frontier would finish cooking all the half-baked aspects.
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