ANNOUNCEMENT Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Announcement

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being disapointed about lack of VR support is one thing. but draging it for over 70 pages or more, in a thread about an announcement of an entire new expansion coming out, is another thing entirely.

We anderstand your frustrations VR users, but please do realise that there is way more important things to discuss here aswell. like what sort of content are we getting? it's a little bit selfish of you guys, to keep hammering about this for 70 pages, yelling about how you're only given 1 rather than 2 options with wich to experience the game. while the massive majority of the rest of us only have 1 to begin with.

imagine being served a meal in a restaurant, and you're yelling about lack of forks, and only spoons are given, while not knowing what the meal actually is to begin with. NO FORK NO BUY, before even opening the lid on the meal itself, is what you all guys sound like in this thread. maybe let's unpack the meal first? see what it has to offer? then we look at what we gonna eat it with later. just a thought.
Why brute force it when less than 5% of your player base do NOT play in VR?
Back this up please. Steam statistics have a few % users with VR. A typical VR user is significantly more likely to have Elite than a non-VR user, meaning the number is more likely 10-20%.
well in terms of the arguments being presented it is. You have the Filthymick types side of "people are being babies" because a long supproted feature they like and use every day is being removed, a feature that many people invested in because oof this game alone. As if voicing your opinion on a product you've purchased and invested a lot of time into is the action of a child. It's not childish Mick, it's a customerbase voicing concerns over a product.

Then you have the people who don't care about VR because they dont use it or understand what it is. Well, It's easy to dismiss sometihng that has no bearing on you personally.

That has nothing to do with my lack of experience with VR.
It is only about a personal choice you and others have made and your jumping to a variety of conclusions very early in the piece.
We anderstand your frustrations VR users, but please do realise that there is way more important things to discuss here aswell.
Clearly you are not understanding. There is not any issues that are more important to us and if there was really an overwhelming need in the rest of the playerbase to discuss other things, that would also be discussed here. The way it stands, the VR player base is clearly more frustrated with this than the rest of the player base has need for discussing the features.
There were those who had questioned Frontier's committment to VR, but I must admit I thought they were being a bit paranoid.

Not the first time I've been wrong.
I would still wait to see if it is supported down the line before calling it quits. I play on ps4 and would love it VR. But i wouldnt all out quit if i lost that opportunity. I actually love this game for what it is. Losing my 65" 4k uhd tv and having to play on an old school zenith tv wouldnt stop me from loving it. I agree that its a shame people are not going to use VR with the new update. I just think there are better ways to handle it than mob mentality
Back this up please. Steam statistics have a few % users with VR. A typical VR user is significantly more likely to have Elite than a non-VR user, meaning the number is more likely 10-20%.
Ironically, I have VR, but play Elite on console because it's where most of my friends are. But I still want to see VR support in ED continue, because it's fantastic.

Hell, I got the game after playing it on a friend's Vive with an x52. Because who wouldn't, after that experience?

Deleted member 251664

But how do you know when the planned announcement was? It could have been penned for a day later, or a week.

People asked questions and got answers, very quickly. Thats more than a lot of features get in the game.

c'mon rubber, you are used to FD. That tiny useless bit of information they were hard pressed to spit out might look as a poem to someone who is surviving powerplay info starvation like you and me.

We cannot trust fd to know IF vr support will be provided. You know their jargon. I hope they will give insights as soon as possible in the dev diaries to come.
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I haven't actually seen it mentioned in the reveal but space legs/elite feet/Odyssey really needs to include walking around your ship. I wouldn't expect the whole thing due to a lot of the interior being filled by modules but I really hope we get more than just our cockpits/bridges.

Absolutely. I'd love to see something like the below (fan-created, NOT official!)

being disapointed about lack of VR support is one thing. but draging it for over 70 pages or more, in a thread about an announcement of an entire new expansion coming out, is another thing entirely.

We anderstand your frustrations VR users, but please do realise that there is way more important things to discuss here aswell. like what sort of content are we getting? it's a little bit selfish of you guys, to keep hammering about this for 70 pages, yelling about how you're only given 1 rather than 2 options with wich to experience the game. while the massive majority of the rest of us only have 1 to begin with.

imagine being served a meal in a restaurant, and you're yelling about lack of forks, and only spoons are given, while not knowing what the meal actually is to begin with. NO FORK NO BUY, before even opening the lid on the meal itself, is what you all guys sound like in this thread. maybe let's unpack the meal first? see what it has to offer? then we look at what we gonna eat it with later. just a thought.
Your first post in the discussion is about VR.
I just don’t get what you expect us do!?!

IS being vocal about your displeasure at a decision that will literally prevent you from playing the game you are so emotionally and financially invested in throwing a “temper tantrum“? I really don’t understand what ”behaviour” you are expecting from the people here who play exclusively in VR?

Are we supposed to “man up?”, or “take it on the chin?”

say, “’s ok, we‘ll just switch to 2D.” .??

You seem to think we should just accept playing in flat screen and stop “over reacting”.

In the scope of things going on in the world right now, (also also moving house and jobs currently) this decision isn’t even on my top 50 list! Hell the decicion to stop moving forwards with VR support (that’s precisely what this is) isn’t even surprising. Its been coming for a long time!

But EDVR is MY escape from “the world right now”... and has been for many years. During that time, Frontier have had my loyal support since day 1.

Do they “owe me?” - of course not! But am I then expected to just let them move ahead without even trying to raise an objection? Let them know that I’m gutted?

Yet when I do I’m “a baby”? Or “entitled”? Are you actually being serious or is everybody in here 13?

OF COURSE I am entitled ... we are ALL in here talking about a (add expletive) video game, whilst half the world burns! Nobody in here should be throwing that word around and insulting others for “whining” about a decision being made about a computer game! The hypocrisy is truly staggering!

The only people acting childishly are the people calling other people entitled for being genuinely upset that a beloved distraction from the worlds ACTUAL problems is no longer going to be taking the direction they’d hoped it would.

What on Earth is this forum for, if not to use as a place to discuss this? This cultish nonsense about “taking sides“ is bordering on delusional! “Blaze your own trail” - but not really!

in all likelihood Frontier won’t change their mind about reprioritising VR anyway, because they are likely too far down the pancake line in terms of mechanics. Those objecting to the objections about not simply waiting for VR at a later day, fail to take into account our lack of desire for an ”add on“ VR feature and that we were clearly hoping for something a tad more special. Frontier were literally VR pioneers once upon a time and a VR hack is beneath them, though not unfortunately surprising - it would be such a waste of potential!

Truth be told, even an add on now seems like a pipe dream. This is not a life and death situation, but I’ve got too much time invested in this project to just go find something else at this point because there isn’t anything else quite like it. Everybody here knows that ED is more than a start to finish video game - its a place to go adventure. Doesn’t work for me on flatscreen and I’m not the only one. My bad luck right!

You take a step back and realise the name calling only serves to illustrate further how entitled this whole place is! It has lost all sense of decency and perspective. The lack of any semblance of intelligent or compassionate dialogue, sums things up pretty well really!
Something is off there. VR has been a part of ED since 2013 in alpha.

No idea, didn't play the alpha, but I did buy the commercial release in jan 2015 when it was only released in December 2014, and there was no VR support, there wasn't even commercially available VR hardware, all that was availble was the Occulus Rift DK2 "developers" kit that cost over £600.

OCR support was patched into the comercial release sometime during 2015, but i can assure you there was no general release for it at launch or Q1 2015, that i know of. But i didnt have any hardware then so it might have been avaiable as a back door developer hack.

TBH it was still a bit of a developer hack to get it to work well in 2016 when i bought my 2nd hand OCR DK2 set off ebay. Any the change from Windows 7 to 8.1 and 10 was big issues with getting ED VR working too.

It certainly wasn't a "menu" option -plug and play in 2014/early 2015 like it is now.
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