Elite Dangerous | Trailblazers coming 26th February

There's just one thing.
First detection, first step, these things are instantaneous. What happens if the architect drinks? Or goes to work in a place where there's no electricity?
So he's gonna abandon the game for years ...

His system, his choice. Plenty of systems in the bubble with only a single outpost, if the architect decides that's all he wants in that system and his vision is complete who are others to come in and destroy that!
His system, his choice. Plenty of systems in the bubble with only a single outpost, if the architect decides that's all he wants in that system and his vision is complete who are others to come in and destroy that!
What does that have to do with what he sees? I don't know all the mechanics, but let's say he starts the beacon and then just quits playing Elite due to circumstances beyond his control.
What does that have to do with what he sees? I don't know all the mechanics, but let's say he starts the beacon and then just quits playing Elite due to circumstances beyond his control.

The beacon expires after a week, I thought everyone knew that, well everyone who watched the videos should know that, I was assuming you were discussing if he constructed the first Star Port then just stopped, the beacon expires, it expires, it doesn't last forever, it's like the holy hand grenade, 5, 4, 2...no no 3, 1?....and umm, boom?
The beacon expires after a week, I thought everyone knew that, well everyone who watched the videos should know that, I was assuming you were discussing if he constructed the first Star Port then just stopped, the beacon expires, it expires, it doesn't last forever, it's like the holy hand grenade, 5, 4, 2...no no 3, 1?....and umm, boom?
No. I'm talking about if a person is appointed as the architect of this system and they quit playing, what happens to the system?
And will be back in the game in 1 year ...
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a person is appointed as the architect of this system and they quit playing, what happens to the system?

what systems will be in place for a colonized system if the architect goes inactive for a period of time?

well nothing really ... once you've created a system as a system architect that system will act like any other system within the game so if that system architect just works and places one starport down that's what the system is. If they progress from that, great. But either way it's just going to act like any other system.

From the Q&A last year, at:
Source: https://youtu.be/JfF6aDCOuhE?t=389

If the absent architect returns, they'll just pick up where they left off, I guess. There's no upkeep and the architect role is permanent I believe.
If the absent architect returns, they'll just pick up where they left off, I guess. There's no upkeep and the architect role is permanent I believe.
As I understand it, this system will just continue to exist as uninhabited and no life can be made in it.
this system will just continue to exist as uninhabited and no life can be made in it.

Oh, if you meant what happens if the architect player quits playing before building the first starport, then no, they lose the claim and the system becomes available again for other players to colonise. This was explicitly stated by Frontier many times.

I think this must be what you mean, because after a first starport is built the system is no longer uninhabited, obviously.
Oh, if you meant what happens if the architect player quits playing before building the first starport, then no, they lose the claim and the system becomes available again for other players to colonise. This was explicitly stated by Frontier many times.
This. What's the timeout gonna be?
What kind of things would I be looking for in a system to colonize?

Entirely up to you but i guess some of the more common features would be:

1) A small single star system with planets close together of a good variety to reduce travel times

2) Alternately, someone might want a huge system to get the max possible stations/settlements in it, presumably increasing the population, wealth, security, etc.

3) An earthlike or maybe many? Perhaps some terraformables, for a possible future where FD add terraforming to the game.

4) Planets with pristine rings of varying types to help with the economy or having a mining focused system.

5) Possibility to put the first station close to the main star.

6) Good variety of landable planets - maybe with nice features, geologicals, etc. Odyssey planets for placing settlements with nice sunsets.
Colonization is a significant feature set which brings a lot of potential.
It's unclear to me how/ if coupled with PP2 and factoring in BGS, the game features and game play loops evolve.

For FDev to acknowledge the need for existing bug fixing (have they already kind-of??) would, I believe be a huge message for the community.


P.S. and as for the comments on planets ... yes please FDEV .... maybe not now of course, but announce plans on that DLC and I'll be raiding my penny bank!
I saw on the video that the initial systems will need to be within a certain radius of the bubble. My questions are: exactly where do they define the center of the bubble and how far out are we allowed to colonize a system?
I saw on the video that the initial systems will need to be within a certain radius of the bubble. My questions are: exactly where do they define the center of the bubble and how far out are we allowed to colonize a system?

That's not correct, it has to be within 10ly of a system in the bubble, the bubble is not a perfect sphere so the center doesn't factor in, any system in the bubble or on the edge anywhere is a valid starting point as long as you can find a valid system for colonisation within 10ly. So you can only colonise a system a maximum of 10ly further away from the bubbles edge, so not very far really.
Such as? What other thing becomes available immediately after the thursday maintenance break, and once someone has gotten it nobody else can?

This is not some kind of tug-of-war like with the background simulation, where the results of an entire week of activity are tallied up during the maintenance break. This is a one-off thing: The player who got there gets to keep it, and nobody else has any chance. For that particular system, it's over: Someone else got it, you lost it, and there's nothing you can do about it. If you couldn't play the game on that particular day at that particular time, sucks being you. You missed it, now it's someone else's.

What other feature in ED is like that?
Community Goals? Titan Destruction?
I had a Question for Frontier, if I may...?
How much will the cost be to purchase a system and will we have the ability to one-time name our system of choice given the name is avaliable??
Community Goals? Titan Destruction?
Which community goal required you to be in the game at an exact day at an exact time so that you could get what you wanted before someone else snatched it from you, and if the latter were to happen, you lost it forever, so sucks being you? If there has been such a community goal in the past, I'm not aware of it.

I find this idea particularly ludicrous given that the current community goal was extended precisely so that everybody can participate, which is the exact opposite of what I asked.

As for the titan destruction animation, it was not something you gained, something you got for yourself, something that benefited you in some way in the game, or put your name somewhere, or gave you some assets. It was just that, animation.

Seriously, how hard it is to actually read and understand what I'm asking?
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