Patch Notes Update Elite: Dangerous Update 1.05 Change Log

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Michael Brookes

Game Director
Hi everyone,

update 1.05 is incoming. The servers will be closed at 11am GMT to apply the update and will be down for up to 30 minutes. Here is the change log for this update:

- Fixed crash when launching limpets
- Fixed some system meta data mismatches between client and server
- Memory use improvements and fixes on server
- Fix assert when someone manages to select 'declare bankruptcy' button before UI receives proper data from the game
- Optimise mission template list selection
- When switching servers do not disconnect during the transfer
- Added telemetry for when a player dies to help identify cause of death when players explode near stations
- Added further telemetry to trace failed resource loading
- Fix large quantity missions using "light cargo" text
- Fix salavage coms lines
- Correct reputation on abandon branch of pirate missions
- Fix incorrect destination for massacre branch money collection
- Fix salvage mission branching
- Change order of mission contracts in massacre missions
- Change data that is displayed to players in massacre missions

Server Updates:

- Fixed some issues that stopped some Commanders logging into the Companion App
- Stopped wars and civil wars in star systems with only 1 minor faction in that state
- Added ship discount to Founders World
- Various reliability and performance improvements

Edit - A hot fix has been applied for a server memory leak.


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