Elite Sports Stunt Videos: Earn a Paint Job and Win a Stream Feature!

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
Greetings Commanders!

We're looking for the most daring pilots, drivers and stunt people to submit video entries for our next Elite Sports livestream! Successful submissions will be shown on our stream and will be rated by our esteemed panel of judges from the community team! All submissions which meet the requirements will receive a Pulse Blue SRV Paint Job even if they are not featured on the stream!


What sort of stunt can I perform?
Anything! Whether you're flying your ship or a fighter, driving your SRV, or performing some high-octane parkour, we'd love to see it!

How do I submit my stunt?
Please send a YouTube link of your stunt and your in-game Commander name in the body text to community@frontier.co.uk with the subject 'Elite Sports Stunt 2021'.

Video Requirements:

  • 16:9 aspect ratio with minimum 1080p quality
  • 10-30 seconds long
  • Must feature a stunt performed in an SRV/ship/on-foot or any combination of the three
  • Must only feature in-game footage
  • Must not feature any copyrighted audio
  • Must not feature voiceover or added text
  • Must be submitted by 30th September 2021

If you have any questions feel free to ask them below!

Fly safe, Commanders!

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Good luck to the participants because I don't participate anymore, two years sending to #stellarscreenshots and they never picked a single one screenshot I submitted.
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Good luck to the participants because I don't participate anymore, two years sending to #stellarscreenshots and they never picked a single one screenshot I submitted.
Shame you don't want to participate anymore, CMDR CyberTX. I've viewed some of your screenshots. I really like them and appreciate your taking the time to create them and share them with us. Stellarscreenshots is surely one of my favorite parts of the forum, a way for me to share in the countless adventures our fellow CMDRs have been on. And the screenshots posted there are all beautiful works of art and that surely includes your screenshots. o7 CMDR!
@Zac Cocken one question on the 10-15 seconds time limit thing. That's really tight (e.g. I have videos showcasing somersaulting an SRV over a planetary port but even sped up they're around a minute long).

a) how strict is that limit? (what's you real maximum length)
b) can we submit sped up videos?

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
@Zac Cocken if two commanders worked together in a stunt video, would they both get the SRV Paint job prize?

Hey Felix,

We'll happily award the paintjob to any of the Commanders in the video we deemed to have participated in the stunt, if you include their names in the submission email.

We wouldn't give out a paintjob to a Commander who happened to be present or was just watching the stunt take place, though!

Zac Cocken

Junior Product Manager
@Zac Cocken one question on the 10-15 seconds time limit thing. That's really tight (e.g. I have videos showcasing somersaulting an SRV over a planetary port but even sped up they're around a minute long).

a) how strict is that limit? (what's you real maximum length)
b) can we submit sped up videos?

Hey Alec,

a) We're going to extend the time limit to 30 seconds based on your feedback.
b) We won't be accepting sped up videos!
Good luck to the participants because I don't participate anymore, two years sending to #stellarscreenshots and they never picked a single one screenshot I submitted.

I like how you act like just because you submitted something they HAVE to use it.

Maybe sense your screen shot was never used, everyone that was used was better than yours.
Hell, I have posted some screen shots that were never used, I just moved on.
Quick question Zac - this Luminous Blue SRV paint job, is it the same as the Pulse Blue SRV paint job currently in the store?
All submissions which meet the requirements will receive a Pulse Blue SRV Paint Job even if they are not featured on the stream!
@Zac Cocken - I play on both PS4 and now Xbox Series S but I would prefer to get the SRV paint job on Series S. How will that work? I sent the submission from the email I use to play my Xbox Series S version. Is that enough to ensure I will get it on Series S rather than PS4?
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