Explainer because people seem to miss few things about Zac announcement

* Reason why it was done so was to free up development time;

Nope. I hope you said this statement emotionally, because otherwise you don't understand how frontier operate. Given how zero presence until the last moment marketing frontier operate, announcing a feature on anything less than certain is unlikely.

The only thing is they had trouble doing it:

- The original time estimated to complete the work was not met due to technical issues.
- The original time was met, but the results were reviewed as not meeting the intention, and the decision was made to add more work to what was done to XXX.

Frontier announcing a feature without a complete project plan describing how it will be done is complete fantasy.

EDIT: If they did, we'd be buying jpgs of digital swimsuit model legs and bobbleheads of volumetric cloud simulations in tiny acrylic cubes.
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Agreed, but looking on the plus side, 3.3 may turn out to be more popular than CQC or multicrew. Maybe.

Which wasn't much, past the very short term. (Unless that's your point...? lol)


Yep, I hope this doesn't dissuade FDev from giving details of upcoming updates. If anything I'd like them to improve communications more.

The problem there stems from that mismanagement idea I keep bandying about. I imagine it's quite difficult to sort oneself out and be ready to openly talk with customers about things whilst lacking one's own confidence with what's occuring internally.

A lack of clear and in-touch direction would definitely create such a situation, no?

I agree, of course, I want to hear more - but more than that I want to be heard more. For instance, regarding my problems with the multicrew XP splitting, I've tried every avenue I can think of short of tugging on the Support team's sleeve asking them to relay the message directly themselves, and there's been *no word* from any avenue for what's getting closer and closer to a full year. No "I see, we'll think about this for a bit and get back to you", no explanation, no rationalization, not even a pitiful "we're sorry you feel this way" - nothing.

And I think you can readily agree with the observation that I am none too silent about my displeasure. I know I'm not alone, either; nearly everyone I've talked to and mentioned that particular topic to was (usually after being taken by surprise) displeased as well, and those that were not were simply indifferent on the matter.

So how is it that Fdev has nothing to say on it?

I reckon it's because they *can't* say anything. When the leadership doesn't really know what they're up to and dysfunction occurs as a result, that's often the only natural conclusion one can arrive at - that it's best to say nothing at all and just try to get by doing what you can with what little is available to you. Particularly if they can make life miserable for you, not that I know whether that's the case here.

Only way that I see such a situation/relationship like this changing, is by making a change in that leadership.
Nothing minus anything is still nothing.

They can either communicate early like they did with Beyond and face a mob of angry players when plans change. Or they can face a mob of angry players because they don't communicate early enough. Both cases have the same outcome but the latter requires less effort...
fleet carriers were in my opinion the only interesting new addition in the entire beyond year. Not having those is essentially for me like saying they're not really going to do any major update to ED this year. I understand you're a super fanboy OP, but you sound like a kid trying to justify his deadbeat dad.
They can either communicate early like they did with Beyond and face a mob of angry players when plans change. Or they can face a mob of angry players because they don't communicate early enough. Both cases have the same outcome but the latter requires less effort...

This reminds me of the Powerplay and CGC updates. Alas FD became more tight lipped after these updates. We go to the end of 2.x, without any idea of the future.

To be honest, Focussed Feedback reminds me of DDF, some good feedback to shape a feature, but sets unrealistic level of sxpectation anda brtittleness in customer base to accept refactoring when projects hit snags. I would do away with them, and work with some player groups that understand the feature under NDA. Less powerful feedback but you do not feed the mob.

My gut feeling is a technical hitch or more likely, as there was no Focussed feedback on carriers, the feedback for Squadrons put a blocker on Carriers if scope was expanded.

I frankly don't care anymore what FD bring in or leave out in their updates. Afterall, it's a game, a great game - could be better!

What's the point of rage posting when things are left out or delayed, when updates are announced. These are what's being added, deal with it.

I'm not into pewpew, as most of you guys know by now, so generally around 90% of introduced updates aren't for me anyway. I'm still not bothered!

Iv been playing since day 1, Iv got 51wk 5days & change on my game clock.

When I purchased my last paint job a couple of days ago I totted up how much Iv paid FD to date. It comes to around £100. That's over nearly 4 years, what excellent value for money that is. Difficult to beat that in today's gaming industry, where punters can be paying monthly subs.

I know that others paid a lot more in LEP's & kickstarters, but that's the gamble of 'buying in' to a work in progress. I decided to pay as I went. Maybe in two years time I may have paid more for content than LEP holders, only time will tell.

FD's communication isn't at it's best, but I can understand why they rarely communicate anymore, with all the insulting posts that follow a genuine informative announcement.
I just can't understand why some people have internet & instantly become a-holes for everyone to see.

Give Zac a break guys, he's passing on something we rarely get from FD.....some information on the state of play.
Hopefully, they dind't cut ice-planets and fleet carriers for more pew-pew.

I'm sick of it.

I'm waiting the whole year to go exploring after Q4 drops. Meh.

But I'm willing to accept this for atmospheric planets and space-legs in 2019, FD
What's the point of rage posting when things are left out or delayed, when updates are announced. These are what's being added, deal with it.
I certainly agree there's no need for the abusive posts, but most posts are the feedback that Frontier implores us to give.
Has anybody thought about the possibility that FD could be much much more relaxed in regards to their decisions and what features they prioritize when?

I am convinced that this forum isn't representive for the whole player base at all, in fact only a fraction of players are commenting here their pros and cons on FDEVs development decisions.

FD isn't sharing (I am so curious but I understand why they don't) but they must have a good view on how many players are engaging themselves in the specific activities the game is offering.

A development strategy must be based on the general vision for the game on the one hand and focussing on what the game statistics tell them on what the players actually engage themselves in on the other hand. This information is then only enriched by the comments and sometimes dialogue you have from/with the players who are vocal on places like this forum. And not to forget the business needs to make it profitable.

My guess is that FDs is doing all that and that they are pretty successful with their now 4-yr. old game.
I certainly agree there's no need for the abusive posts, but most posts are the feedback that Frontier implores us to give.

Not sure that doubting how many people working with game, calling them lazy, incompetent, encouraging firing them is feedback. That's emotional venting.

Let's be honest, most of us have nothing constructive to add to situation - because we lack information at this point, and FD has promised to deliver this information in next upcoming weeks.
Has anybody thought about the possibility that FD could be much much more relaxed in regards to their decisions and what features they prioritize when?

I am convinced that this forum isn't representive for the whole player base at all, in fact only a fraction of players are commenting here their pros and cons on FDEVs development decisions.

FD isn't sharing (I am so curious but I understand why they don't) but they must have a good view on how many players are engaging themselves in the specific activities the game is offering.

A development strategy must be based on the general vision for the game on the one hand and focussing on what the game statistics tell them on what the players actually engage themselves in on the other hand. This information is then only enriched by the comments and sometimes dialogue you have from/with the players who are vocal on places like this forum. And not to forget the business needs to make it profitable.

My guess is that FDs is doing all that and that they are pretty successful with their now 4-yr. old game.

Problem is FD recognize how much they rely on feedback. A lot. And false information spreading on YouTube and other places is last thing they would want. While majority of ED players are most likely laid back and relaxed and don't care about this drama, they also most likely aren't big pitchers for new players.

Also it was obvious last year that FD is very confident about what they are doing for Q4. Fact they had to change these plans means hard decisions were made. Whatever some people might think of them, they wanted to explain why, without giving any spoilery bits. Maybe Zac should have waited till Q4 reveals are like few days away, who knows. What's done, done. But overall, FD cares about community, despite what people might think.
My gut feeling is a technical hitch or more likely, as there was no Focussed feedback on carriers, the feedback for Squadrons put a blocker on Carriers if scope was expanded.

Yea that's the impression I got, they figured the carriers wouldn't make the cut so ditched them and have now moved on.

I mean in theory the carriers were 2-3 months tops from release so you would think the majority of the work had been done on them so why ditch them at the last second.
Yes but they didn't do this.

They cancelled as yet unannounced future and Premium content. And replaced it with further in the future unannounced future and Premium content.

This does not qualify as comunicating anything.
You somehow completely forgot about Frontier Expo 2017 and Ice Planets / Fleet Carriers.
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