Extra States (Inara)

Inara States.PNG

What are the extra states about on Inara? Cold war, trade war, revolution, technological leap, historic event and colonisation - where are they coming from? They're not in the game.
Hopes and wishes.

More seriously, they appeared when the other new states got included, but ostensibly they got left on the cutting room floor. They're available in whatever api calls them, but aren't actually implemented.

There's other things like that in the game too that aren't just bgs states... different cargoes etc.
Also, if i had to speculate:
- Cold war - honestly... not sure. Could be social vs social ethos conflict state
  • trade war - corporate vs corporate conflict
  • revolution - social vs authoritarian ethos conflict
  • historic event - maybe like public holiday, but not?
  • Colonisation - we wish....
  • technological leap - positive state which temporarily increases the tech level of the faction and any of their assets.
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