Community Event / Creation Fill The Glass - A Time Trial Race (12 - 22 August 3307)

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Fill The Glass!

It’s possible that the folks of HIP 110248 have been partying too hard or the news of an upcoming party has travelled and the residents are trying to prepare. The bar keeper has been looking worried for weeks… The cries of “we’re going to need to stock up” can be heard far and wide throughout the system and now he’s looking for your help to leave no glass unfilled.
He needs; Lavian Brandy, Eranin Pearl Whiskey, Harma Silver Sea Rum and Indi Bourbon. A ton of each should be fine… he hopes!

There are two race classes you can enter, Small Unlimited (where you can fly any small ship you want, engineered as much as you want, docking computer and supercruise assist allowed), or Regulation Hauler which must be done in an un-engineered Hauler outfitted as shown in the following build: Regulation Hauler Build

You are welcome to complete this in either Odyssey or Horizons, and on whatever platform you prefer.

The race starts at 00:00 on Thursday 12th August 3307 and runs until 23:59 on Sunday 22nd August 3307.


The Race Outline

You will need to purchase one ton of:
Lavian Brandy (Lave Station, Lave)
Eranin Pearl Whiskey (Azeban City, Eranin)
Harma Silver Sea Rum (Gabriel Enterprise, Harma)
Indi Bourbon (Mansfield Orbiter, Epsilon Indi)
You will then need to deliver your cargo to Glass Landing, HIP 110248 and sell it there.
You can start at any station, including any of the ones mentioned in this post and you can purchase the commodities in any order.
Important to note - the use of jumponium is prohibited on either class.


Race Evidence - a link to a folder (ie imgur) containing the following screenshots or a continuous video of your run with the same information must be provided:
• Outfitting showing the core and optional internal modules (specifically for regulation class - so we can make sure you've followed the build)
• The ship on the pad docked at your starting station of choice with your time clearly visible.
• Each commodities market purchase page before purchasing the commodity
• The sell commodities purchase page at Glass Landing before and after selling the commodities, with the time visible - the after selling screenshot will be your end time.

Your start time and end time will be taken from the screenshots above - your start time is before you purchase any commodities.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have here or join our discord where we have a dedicated channel that you can access to discuss the race.

Good luck and Cheers!



Regulation Hauler Final.png

Unlimited Class final.png
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Fill The Glass!

It’s possible that the folks of HIP 110248 have been partying too hard or the news of an upcoming party has travelled and the residents are trying to prepare. The bar keeper has been looking worried for weeks… The cries of “we’re going to need to stock up” can be heard far and wide throughout the system and now he’s looking for your help to leave no glass unfilled.
He needs; Lavian Brandy, Eranin Pearl Whiskey, Harma Silver Sea Rum and Indi Bourbon. A ton of each should be fine… he hopes!

There are two race classes you can enter, Small Unlimited (where you can fly any small ship you want, engineered as much as you want, docking computer and supercruise assist allowed), or Regulation Hauler which must be done in an un-engineered Hauler outfitted as shown in the following build: Regulation Hauler Build

You are welcome to complete this in either Odyssey or Horizons, and on whatever platform you prefer.

The race starts at 00:00 on Thursday 12th August 3307 and runs until 23:59 on Sunday 22nd August 3307.

The Race Outline

You will need to purchase one ton of:
Lavian Brandy (Lave Station, Lave)
Eranin Pearl Whiskey (Azeban City, Eranin)
Harma Silver Sea Rum (Gabriel Enterprise, Harma)
Indi Bourbon (Mansfield Orbiter, Epsilon Indi)
You will then need to deliver your cargo to Glass Landing, HIP 110248 and sell it there.
You can start at any station, including any of the ones mentioned in this post and you can purchase the commodities in any order.

Race Evidence - a link to a folder (ie imgur) containing the following screenshots or a continuous video of your run with the same information must be provided:
• Outfitting showing the core and optional internal modules
• The ship on the pad docked at your starting station of choice
• Each commodities market purchase page before purchasing the commodity
• The sell commodities purchase page at Glass Landing before and after selling the commodities.

To submit your time for the race please use the following Google form: (form available from August 12 3307)

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have here or join our discord where we have a dedicated channel that you can access to discuss the race.

Good luck and Cheers!

Scoreboard - TBA
No Centauri Mega Gin? 😔
Just noticed that the min/current/max jump ranges reported in outfitting don't seem to match the ones from the coriolis build, but I double checked the modules and they seem to match. Should not be an issue, but I'm reporting just to be safe.

Just noticed that the min/current/max jump ranges reported in outfitting don't seem to match the ones from the coriolis build, but I double checked the modules and they seem to match. Should not be an issue, but I'm reporting just to be safe.

I've just checked my build and it's the same as yours! Must be a coriolis issue...
The Flying Under Influence, retired to an exploration/bubble bus ship after rising to the height of winning the Real Men Race In Lederhosen or are you really as good as you think you are? race, is coming out of retirement and I'm coming for that trophy.

(Flying Under Influence is the small one)
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