Final DLC meta-wishlist

Hi everyone from the community! :)
It seems, we are close to the final DLC for the game and I hope many of us will like it.

But, in this wishlist let Frontier know what new animals, building pieces or free update we want for the Final DLC!

1. You should be add animals, building pieces and free update features, which you would like to see for the final DLC.
2. There's no limit to either, so you can add as many animals/building pieces/free update features as you want.
3. In any case, you should be add exhibit/WE animals for the animals, which you wish for the final DLC.

  • 12 habitat animals
  • in the roaster let there be animals from every continent
  • at least some habitat birds or primates
  • at least one domestic animal
  • for exhibit animals, WE birds or regular exhibit animals are allowed
  • my ideal roaster:
  1. Secretary bird
  2. South American coati
  3. White stork
  4. Walrus
  5. Blackbuck
  6. Goodfellow's tree kangaroo
  7. Flemish giant rabbit
  8. Geoffroy's spider monkey
  9. Ocelot
  10. Greater rhea
  11. American black bear
  12. Great white pelican
  13. Macaw species as WE animals

Building pieces:
  • playground for children
  • hotel for guests

Free update:
  • plantpedia
  • interspecies interaction
  • egg laying
  • playground mechanics
  • the herbivores live well off the habitat grass they eat
  • flying as animal behavior
  • zookeepers can be able to diving in water

RankAnimalSpecies/Breed breakdownVotes
1CoatiSouth American - 10; White-nosed - 2; any speceis - 214
Tree kangarooGoodfellow's - 11; Matschie's - 1; any species - 214
2MacawScarlet - 3; Yellow and blue - 3; Military - 1; Hyacinth - 1; any species - 513
Secretary bird13
3CraneGrey crowned - 10; Sarus - 111
MaraPatagonian - 10; any species - 111
4BearAmerican black - 9; European brown - 110
PelicanGreat white - 9; any species - 110
Musk ox10
5RheaGreater - 8; any species - 19
Howler monkeyBlack - 4; Columbian red - 1; any species - 49
7Spider monkeyGeoffroy's - 4; Black-headed - 1; any species - 27
EchidnaShort-beaked - 6; any species - 17
8Domestic duckIndian runner - 1; Call - 1; any breed - 35
Mandarin duck5
Mantled guereza5
9Squirrel monkeyBolivian - 1; Guianan - 1; any species - 24
Golden lion tamarin4
Honey badger4
10RabbitFlemish giant - 2; any breed - 13
Rockhopper penguinSouthern - 2; Northern - 13
Alpine marmot3
Roseate spoonbill3
Sea otter3
Victoria crowned pigeon3
Masai giraffe3
Bush dog3
King cobra3
12StorkWhite - 1; Marabou - 12
MacaqueLion-tailed - 1; Sulawesi crested - 12
DeerPère David's - 1; White-tailed - 12
Grey langurHanuman - 1; any species - 12
Nile crocodile2
Occelated turkey2
American flamingo2
Scarlet ibis2
Western capercaillie2
Black-footed ferret2
Ethiopian wolf2
Reeve's muntjac2
Olive baboon2
Panther chameleon2
Green anaconda2
Madagascar day gecko2
13Turtle dove1
Giant salamander1
Fur seal1
Sumatran tiger1
Domestic pigeon1
Jambu fruit dove1
Mourning dove1
Sumatran rhinoceros1
Golden pheasant1
Giant eland1
Southern elephant seal1
Ankole-Watushi cattle1
Andean mountain cat1
Eurasian otter1
Rainbow lorikeet1
North American porcupine1
Rock hyrax1
Helmeted guineafowl1
Greater chevrotain1
White-faced saki1
Mammoth bronze turkey1
Black-tailed jackrabbit1
Lord Howe Island stick insect1
Golden jackal1
European hare1
Virginia opossum1
European hedgehog1
Pine marten1
Green sea turtle1
West Indian manatee1
Sugar glider1
Verraux's sifaka1
Wild yak1
White-tailed deer1
Abyssinian ground hornbill1
Greater kudu1

RankBuilding pieceVotes
1Osteology building3
2Other educational panels where guest can interact or take photos2
Underwater tunnel2
Wooden plank2
3Backstage pieces for easy building of animal holding pens and staff areas1
Camel rides attraction1
Beehives and beekeeping exhibit1
Museum unfertilized eggs1
Wooden plank roof1
Modular totem pole1
Tile walls/floors1
Bird watching1
Yurt/steppe set1
Mesh wall and roof pieces1
Horizontal wood wall set1
Faux stone wall set, flexi-color1
A theme based on the architecture of the Pacific Northwest tribes1

RankFree update featuresBreakdownVotes
1More plantsEuropean taiga - 1; Oceanian - 1; any continent/region - 57
3Animal remasterTimber wolf - 1; Okapi - 1; Bongo - 1; Snow leopard - 1; Lion - 15
4Interspecies interaction3
5Playground mechanics2
New animal feeders2
New enrichment items2
Variation in exhibit boxes sizes and null walls and ceiling option for them and option to get the pieces inside as individual placeable items2
Enabling multiple habitat gates2
Areas where visitors can feed animals2
The herbivores live well on the habitat grass they eat2
Melanistic Maned wolf2
Better herd mechanics2
The ability to use all terrain paints in all biomes2
Selective foliage brush2
6Egg laying1
Flying as animal behavior1
Zookeepers can be able to diving in water1
African wild dog variants1
Melanistic Greater flamingo1
Stone Sheep1
New information posters1
Statues or busts of famous naturalists/biologists1
Informative poster of plants1
The Thememaker's Toolkit1
Timber wolf remaster1
Round exhibit & walkthrough1
All exhibits to have customisable borders1
Boxless exhibit1
Egg incubators1
Show zookeeper kitchen for guests to watch1
Noise filter wall for the electic and hydo stuff1
Scenario editor1
Some animals can carry their young on their back1
Mushroom species1
Have guest look both ways on rides instead of forced looking one way1
Water fountains1
Fix guided tours to be manageable1
Fix how guests view habitats when they are in the worst section or looking far away into a different habitat1
Guests don’t rush to the petting zoo causing high traffic and stress1
Drinking fountains1
Photo booth1

Animals already in-gameVotes
Hamadryas baboon7
Spectacled bear5
Coquerel's sifaka2
Pallas' cat1
African spurred tortoise1
Kirk's dik-dik1
Last edited:
  1. Grey-crowned Crane
  2. Mandarin Duck (does it count as domestic?)
  3. Black Howler Monkey
  4. Blackbuck
  5. Masai Giraffe
  6. Sumatran Tiger
  7. American Flamingo
  8. Patagonian Mara
  9. Greater Rhea
  10. Short-beaked Echidna
  11. Musk Ox
  12. Perentie
  13. Victoria Crowned Pigeon + Jambu Fruit Dove + Mourning Dove + Domestic Pigeon (WE)
  • More Plants
  • African Wild Dog variants (OR Melanistic Maned Wolf), Melanistic Greater Flamingo, Stone Sheep
This is fun, even though the roster is certainly well decided at this point!
If this is meant to reflect what we personally want for a final DLC then i don't think we should be forced to pick at least one bird, monkey, domestic etc. Not everyone cares about the same type of animals ( i don't want any more domestics for insteance and some people might not like or care for birds or primates). So my list doesn't include any domesticated animal.

1. South american coati
2. Patagonian mara
3. Greater rhea
4. Black howler monkey
5. Scarlet ibis or Roseatte spoonbill
6. Palla's cat
7. Golden pheasant
8. Blackbuck
9. Musk ox
20. Great White pelican
11. Grey crowned crane or Secretary bird.
12. Mandarin duck

WTE birds: Hummingbirds
Ex: Green anaconda

  • backstage pieces for easy building of animal holding pens and staff áreas
  • playing grounds
  • horizontal Wooden planks / logs pieces cabin set

Free update:
  • variation in exhibit boxes sizes and null walls and ceiling option for them and option to get the pieces inside as individual placeable ítems
  • playground mechanics
  • better herding mechanics so animals do stick together in groups. Interspecies interactions.
1. Ethiopian Wolf (EN)
2. Musk Ox (LC)
3. Spectacled Bear (VU)
4. Ocellated Turkey (NT)
5. Banteng (EN)
6. Matchie's Tree Kangaroo (EN)
7. Black-footed Ferret (EN)
8. Giant Eland (VU)
9. Southern Elephant Seal (LC)
10. Ankole - Watusi Cattle
11. Andean Mountain Cat (EN)
12. Macaws species as WE animals

Building pieces:
  • Camel rides attraction
  • Beehives and beekeeping exhibit
  • Osteology building


  • Museum unfertilized eggs

Free update:
  • Add new information posters
giraffe (1).jpg

  • Areas where visitors can feed certain animals
  • Statues or busts of famous naturalists or biologists (that they have made us aware that it is very important to preserve and care for wildlife)
Jane Goodall 1.jpg

  • Informative poster of plants, trees

  • New animal feeders
Comedero 2.jpg
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I couldn't care less about domestic animals, so I'm purposefully excluding them from my list.
  • North American Elk
  • Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
  • Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
  • Secretary Bird
  • Walrus
  • White-Nosed Coati
  • Southern Rockhopper Penguin
  • Columbian Red Howler
  • Gerenuk
  • Mandarin Duck
  • Hamadryas Baboon
  • Sea Otter
  • Five hummingbird species for Walkthrough Exhibits
Building pieces:
  • Native American building theme, with horizontal plank walls, wooden plank roofs, modular totem poles, etc.
Free update:
  • The ability to use all terrain paints in all biomes
  • A selective foliage brush (they might save this for PZ2 though, since PC2 has it)
  • The Thememaker's Toolkit from Planet Coaster
Birds of prey. Eagles, Owls, Kites, Hawks. With Educator or Keeper led bird-of-prey-demonstrations..... And a bird-box scenery piece to place on trees and posts which includes tiny birds like Blue Ti7s or Canaries fluttering in and out of it.
Hi everyone from the community! :)
It seems, we are close to the final DLC for the game and I hope many of us will like it.

But, in this wishlist let Frontier know what new animals, building pieces or free update you want for the Final DLC!

  • 12 habitat animals
  • in the roaster let there be animals from every continent
  • at least some habitat birds or primates
  • at least one domestic animal
  • for exhibit animals, WE birds
  • my ideal roaster:
  1. Secretary bird
  2. South American coati
  3. Hamadryas baboon
  4. Walrus
  5. Blackbuck
  6. Goodfellow's tree kangaroo
  7. Flemish giant rabbit
  8. Geoffroy's spider monkey
  9. Ocelot
  10. Greater rhea
  11. American black bear
  12. Nile crocodile
  13. Macaw species as WE animals

Building pieces:
  • playground for children
  • hotel for guests

Free update:
  • the herbivores live well off the grass they eat
  • flying as animal behavior
  • zookeeper diving in water
Those restrictions sort of nullify the point of a meta wish list
1. Spider Monkey
2. Mantled Guereza
3. Gelada
4. Hanuman Langur
5. Greater Rhea
6. Grey Crowned Crane
7. Secretary Bird
8. Roseate Spoonbill
9. Victoria Crowned Pigeon
10. Sarus Crane
11. Patagonian Mara
12. South American Coati
13. Panther Chameleon
(in no order of personal wants and not even all just my own wants)
1. White Nosed Coati Mundi
2. Spectacled Bear
3. Patagonian Mara
4. Black Howler Monkey
5. Greater Rhea
6. Secretary Bird
7. Mandarin Duck
8. Muskox
9. American Black Bear
10. Eurasian Otter
11. Blackbuck
12. Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo

WTE: Macaws (I mean, if it has to be birds and are the only Exhibit birds we get, it pretty much has to be Macaws IMO)
Following all the rules here:
1. South American coati
2. American black bear
3. Mantled guereza
4. Hamadryas baboon
5. Guianan squirrel monkey
6. Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo
7. Patagonian mara
8. Greater rhea
9. Secretary bird
10. Great white pelican
11. Grey crowned crane
12. Call duck (domestic)

WTE: Rainbow lorikeet
  • My choices for free updates:
  • Foliage brush (selecting continent and biome)
  • Expanded terrain paints (however objects to make the effect would suffice)
  • Timber wolf remaster
  • Play parks
  • Round exhibits and walkthroughs
  • Similarly, all exhibits to have customisable borders (chain mesh, concrete, nowt, etc)
For building pieces:
  • More European taiga vegetation
  • More Oceania vegetation
For animals:
  • Bush dog
  • Gelada
  • Golden lion tamarin
  • Great white pelican
  • Kirk’s dik-dik
  • Markhor
  • Muskox
  • North American porcupine
  • Pallas’ cat
  • Rock hyrax
  • Short-beaked echidna
  • Western capercaillie
  • Tuatara
  1. Great White Pelican
  2. Hamadryas Baboon
  3. South American Coati
  4. Mantled Guereza
  5. Mandarin Duck
  6. Grey Crowned Crane
  7. Helmeted Guineafowl
  8. Greater Chevrotain
  9. Patagonian Mara
  10. Squirrel Monkey
  11. White-Faced Saki
  12. Sulawesi Crested Macaque
Objects: Fossils/skeletons/taxidermies, tile walls/floors
Foliage: Traveller's tree, bird-of-paradise, other tropical plants

Free update: Playgrounds, enabling multiple habitat gates, boxless exhibits.
I just hope for a new canid colormorph(s) such as melanistic maned wolf...
More flexicolor! maybe smaller pieces/primitive shapes of a few various materials so that we could make more custom statues and stuff. Plaster, bronze, and painted wood. I'd hope for the plaster and wood to be flexicolor.
1. South-American coati
2. Bushdog
3. Reeves's muntjac
4. Honey badger
5. Mammoth bronze turkey
6. Alpine marmot
7. Coquerel's sifaka
8. Goodfellow tree kangaroo
9. Shoebill stork
10. Grey-crowned crane
11. Great White pelican
12. Black-tailed jackrabbit
13. WE bird: Madagascar day gecko

Building pieces:
Underwater tunnel
Bird watching like tower or huts
Yurt and steppe set
Other educational panels where guest can interact or take photos

Free update:
Egg incubators and incubations
Show zookeeper kitchen for guests to watch
Noise filter wall for the electic and hydo stuff
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