Fleet carrier wait time is ridiculous.

I like having the fleet carrier out in the black with me but i can out jump it with my ASP explorer. Most of the time i beat it there only to find that i also have a cool down timer on it. Then i have to switch to my Cutter, load it with tritium and transfer it to the very carrier that was hauling it in the first place. For 10 mil a week the lazy bums that i pay to maintain the ship should be carrying it from the hold to the fuel tanks. If their unions cant get a handle on this we need to fire the whole lot and hire independent contractors.
Carriers interfacing needs work. It makes no sense we can not manage Tritium directly, without having to carry around a cargo ship just to transfer from carrier to carrier.

The inability to type in the amount required is super annoying as well. I don't care about console players being able or not able to type in numbers, I play on PC, I have a keyboard and having to hold a button for minutes until it slowly scrolls to the amount I need is really stupid.

"Transfer all" buttons are completely useless, because at minimum carriers always have Tritium in addition to whatever other commodity(-ies) we are carrying. So we can't just "transfer all". It needs to work by category.

Carrier jump takes too long. There should be an ability to put the carrier in to some kind of a travel mode (activating this mode could take 20 minutes, but it shouldn't end after a jump. The carrier should be deployed for operations manually by the owner), where it wouldn't accept landings, but would be able to jump immediately. All too often I am sitting and waiting for 20 minutes alt-tabbed, until the carrier jumps. This is not good gameplay.
Carrier jump takes too long. There should be an ability to put the carrier in to some kind of a travel mode (activating this mode could take 20 minutes, but it shouldn't end after a jump. The carrier should be deployed for operations manually by the owner), where it wouldn't accept landings, but would be able to jump immediately. All too often I am sitting and waiting for 20 minutes alt-tabbed, until the carrier jumps. This is not good gameplay.
there is a "way around" this, set the jump about 10 minutes before you need it, there is a risk you lose track of time and find your carrier has jumped without you, but it is "faster" then docking and then setting the jump, Rightmost panel > home tab > carrier management
there is a "way around" this, set the jump about 10 minutes before you need it, there is a risk you lose track of time and find your carrier has jumped without you, but it is "faster" then docking and then setting the jump, Rightmost panel > home tab > carrier management
My ASP Explorer has a 68ly jump and my Anaconda has over 70ly. I easily out jump my carrier every time. The only problem with this is my carrier runs out of fuel. SO i have to land at my carrier and switch to my Cutter which holds 792 tons of cargo. Hold the button to move Tritium to my Cutter then go to carrier services to donate it, then switch back to my exploration ship. Between the wait times for it to jump and HAVING to land on it, switch ships and refuel is really ridiculous. With 400 billion stars out there to be explored, would it hurt anyone to streamline this idiotic ballet?
At least you can set up your next jump, and then get on with the refuelling before the services are locked down. And since you travel faster than it, then just jump it as far as you can travel in 20 minutes, then you can overlap the travelling somewhat.

I agree it's not ideal, though.
I am doing exploration with a ship that doesn't have a long jump range (because I have a carrier that does, isn't that what we are supposed to use these things for...?). I can't catch up to it, so I sit and wait. Alt-tabbed.
I am doing the same, I am currently in a Type 6 with about 17ly jump range.

I jump ahead for a while, scanning and DSSing and collecting mats and other goodies in USSs, whatever, and then when I get around 450 ly away, when I arrive at the next system I FSS it and then initiate the carrier jump (often to the body I reckon I'll end up at, if there are a few I want to DSS). While that counts down, I finish scanning, etc, as above and then by the time that's all done, it's usually only a few minutes to go until the carrier arrives. Fly over to it's arrival point (it appears in the system list a few minutes before it arrives), and then there's hardly any wait before it's there and I dock.
That's one way to do it, I will keep it in mind. Unfortunately, I am participating in the Raxxla Potato Hunt project now and then and so I explore confined areas and move on to the next one, so I can't really get ahead of my ship (unless the next quadrant is right there), especially when doing something else in between, such as mining (that requires a slow ship not designed for long travel at all).

It feels that the carrier should work differently.
Going out on an exploration trip isn't so bad. But you do have to land on the carrier to transfer fuel from the hold to the tank. No matter where you go, you must land on the carrier to transfer fuel. No matter how much you have in the hold. Even with a large jump range ship, you are still tethered to it. especially when trying to get back to the bubble like i am doing right now. No matter what i'm doing, i still find myself waiting on my carrier to jump or flying to it to refuel then waiting for it to jump again.
Going out on an exploration trip isn't so bad. But you do have to land on the carrier to transfer fuel from the hold to the tank. No matter where you go, you must land on the carrier to transfer fuel. No matter how much you have in the hold.
Yeah, this could be better.

Even with a large jump range ship, you are still tethered to it.
For me, that's the point. I want it to be there.

I want to regularly:
  • empty my hold of any collected stuff,
  • sell my scan data,
  • refuel and repair, so that I don't have to take a fuel scoop if the slot is better used with something else in,
  • tailor my loadout in other ways as required (for example, moving from an area with a high number of USSs to one with a low number means I can dispense with some cargo space and instead put an SRV in)
  • stop to mine if I find a decent place, so need to switch ships.

So yeah, carrier, tag along!
I explore confined areas and move on to the next one, so I can't really get ahead of my ship
I started out with the mentality of "I will travel 500 ly (well, almost) before I jump the carrier", but as I have gone on, I have found that in practice the point at which I jump the carrier is not really dependent on distance (other than the 500 ly maximum). A few days ago I came across a ringed giant with Tritium hotspots, so there was a good point to jump the carrier to me. That was only 170 or so ly on.

Now I feel it doesn't matter whether I've travelled 100 ly or 500 ly, I don't save any fuel by jumping more or less frequently, and the extra 100k credits per jump is more than made up for by scan data each time, let alone whatever I mine or collect, so that's irrelevant. The process is still the same, overlap my time with carrier jump time where possible, and make it work for me, to be convenient for me when I need it.
15 minutes is OK. In Beta it was a lot longer. Why? Because we don't know who the heck is on our FC and gives then 10 minutes to leave before the lockdown. Maybe Frontier could work on this as the carrier owner seeing who has docked and communicate with them in the future. We'll see...

Meanwhile I still want the see the bridge of my carrier and look out a window. No Man's Sky does this walking around a carrier in lo rez! Work on it.
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What I read it is less about giving people a chance to undock (because if you are offline, you won't be able to undock in time anyhow), and more to allow the fleet carriers to be synchronised between all modes and all platforms (PC, XBox, PS4).
Carriers interfacing needs work. It makes no sense we can not manage Tritium directly, without having to carry around a cargo ship just to transfer from carrier to carrier.

The inability to type in the amount required is super annoying as well. I don't care about console players being able or not able to type in numbers, I play on PC, I have a keyboard and having to hold a button for minutes until it slowly scrolls to the amount I need is really stupid.

"Transfer all" buttons are completely useless, because at minimum carriers always have Tritium in addition to whatever other commodity(-ies) we are carrying. So we can't just "transfer all". It needs to work by category.

Carrier jump takes too long. There should be an ability to put the carrier in to some kind of a travel mode (activating this mode could take 20 minutes, but it shouldn't end after a jump. The carrier should be deployed for operations manually by the owner), where it wouldn't accept landings, but would be able to jump immediately. All too often I am sitting and waiting for 20 minutes alt-tabbed, until the carrier jumps. This is not good gameplay.

fun thing is you can type amount when depositing or withdrawing money from fc. its just this silly developer who dont want us to transfer it with ease they did it with intention this way !!! and now after patch they killed the game completly >.>
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