Fleet Carriers- Limited Automated Jumping

I have a T9 with 784T capacity that I use for hauling. Chances are that if you have a carrier, a T9 probably isn't going to set you back much.
It wasn't the cost of the ship I was talking about.
What I meant is, you have to transfer Tritium from your Carrier storage onto your ship and then donate the Tritium from your ship to your depot.

I was disappointed when I found this out and that you can't just transfer it directly.
Did you do the same generic "No thanks" there too?

I don't really care about other threads about it to be honest. This is my suggestion to the game and I don't seem to be the only one who welcomes an update to it.

1) Often*. I am quite entitled to say no thanks to someone's suggestion. There is no moral imperative that forces me to justify my position or enter into debate with the person making that suggestion.

2) Yes - many people don't care about whether other people have made a similar suggestion or the arguments and objections that have been raised there, they just want to spout their amazing insight and bask in the adulation that their intellect induces in the masses.

(* Occasionally I have detailed my objection to any form of auto-pilot, absurd increases in jumps, open-only anything, etc - depends on whether I am bored enough to do the typing.)
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