Franchise Mode Maintenance - 14 November 9.30AM UTC

Uhm, there was an ingame popup? I did not receive any, I was putting 10 gold animals up on the trading market and the server shut down out of nowhere..
Isn't it possible to anounce the maintance of the server ingame like many other games with online features? Like a pop up that said that the servers will be shut down in xxx minutes. I don't check this forum and Twitter all the time where it was anounced. That would be nice.
An announcement for maintenance this time?

They're learning.

Next learning step is to make the announcement before the maintenance starts.

Little steps. Little steps. :)

Well technically it was announced before... and at least we know it's not just some new server issue. I had an in game pop up saying the server was shut down for maintenance, but a 5 minutes beforehand pop up would be nice to let us the time to clean up what we are doing.
If anyone has a pic of the in-game pop-up it would be neat to share - then people know what to look out for :)

Here y'go

Like a pop up that said that the servers will be shut down in xxx minutes.
I second this!
I don't check this forum and Twitter all the time where it was anounced.
There is no announcement on their Twitter or Facebook and the announcement here was made 2 minutes before shut down (y)

Here y'go

Yeah, but the servers were down at this point already - a message like "server maintenance in 5 minutes" would be nice
Guess it's time to start my Christmas Zoo in sandbox! :D

I agree with everyone here, a pop up in the game's menu would be nice and the best way to avoid all the confusion.
There's more than 1 page, since you can change the page, but it doesn't show how many pages there are anymore. And the lag is often awful, multiple clicking to get a response from the UI
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