Ships From Sidewinder to Anaconda in 10 hours or less!

I am sitting at a Starbucks and have abut 6 hours to kill. So I am posting some ship builds and techniques that will help new players get on their way to the Anaconda.

Ship 1: Sidewinder Beginners Build
I have not played the new player training module and nor do I know if the new starting system has changed, but here is how I made my first 15 million.

Starting in Asellus Primus: First Equip a 1E Fuel Scoop and sell your pulse lasers. Run 4-5 data missions and as soon as you can, equip a higher rated FSD. 2B is sufficient and will only cost you about 35K in credits. Here is the beginning build with the 2B FSD.

Once you have a larger FSD, assign a fire group to your discovery scanner. Open Road to Riches!
Set starting system as Asellus Primus or what ever system you are currently in. Visit the first three systems on the list and use your discovery scanner to discover all the bodies in those systems. (you are not doing surface scans yet). For additional credits scan every system that you pass through on your way to the target systems. Each systems should take about 10 minutes. Spend an hour and you will have enough money for your next build.

Here is a video by ObsidianAnt on using the Discovery Scanner and Surface Scanner.


Sidewinder Explorers Build

Use Inara to locate a station that will have the majority of the modules. I recommend Jensen Gateway in 64 Ceti. Everything needed is here and at a 15% discount and it sells all the ships on this list along with most of the modules you will need. I make this my home on all my accounts that have not unlocked Shinrarta Dezhra.

Another ship option is the Hauler. If you dont like the Sidewinder the Hauler might be a nice change of pace for you. Plus I think it handels better, it has a better jump range and is about the same cost as the Sidewinder Explorers Build.

Ship 2: Hauler Explorer Build.

Once you have your Explorers Build, return to Road to Riches website and set your new starting point. Now instead of spending to much time discovering each body in the system, discover only the Waterworlds, Amonia Worlds and Earthlike Planets. Once they are discovered fy to those planets and use your Detailed Surface Scanner on each one.

I find that I make an average of 1.4 million credits per system. Complete about ten of the systems on the list.

Return to 64 Ceti and purchase your next ship!

Ship 3: Asp Explorer Mining Build

Now you are on the fast track to money making. I recommend mining Dual Painite hot spot in HIP 21991 1 ring A. There is a near by station where you can stock up on Limpets. Drop right into the center of this spot for a lucrative payout. Filling your 64 bins should take no more that 45 minutes. Once you have filled your bay and if possible, all 8 of your refinery bins, find the closest sell point using

Dont settle for anything less than 770,000 credits per ton.

Here is a video from DowntoEarthAstronomy on all you need to know about mining Painite.


Return to HIP 21991 and fill your cargo bay once more.

You should now have over $100,000,000 credits.

Return to 64 Ceti and purchase your next ship. The Incomparible Python.

Ship 4: Python Mining Build

Now that you have the Python the galaxy is your oyster. You can do anything with this ship. Many players that don't like the big ships stop here. But, if you like to continue on, take you new Python back to HIP 21991. Visit the station there and swap out your fuel scoop for another 5A collector limpet controller. Load up on Limpets and get back to mining.

You should be a pro at this by now. Fill your cargo bays and refinery with 200 tons. Sell your Painite for a minimum of 770,000. After this you only need another load of 25 tons, but if you'd like a little more spending money, fill you ship completely one more time.

Return to 64 Ceti and purchase your Multipurpose Anaconda.


Of course, if you want a combat version of the Anaconda, You will need another 400,000,000 in credits. But the best way to get that is to mine Painite. Here is a painite mining build of the Anaconda.

This is a fully loaded ship for added security against pirates. It will cost in the area of 212 mill.

I recommend keeping everyship on this list. All of these ships have served me well over the last two years At one point I had 10 pythons and 6 Anacondas. All set for different roles. These by far are the most versitile ships in the game, but everyonce in a while, its nice to jump into a Taxi Hauler or an Asp Exp and do material collecting.

I hope this info helps at least one new players on his or her journey through the verse.
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Hi Ser,

mind me asking you something?

I assume, I might be wrong here, that you did not initially achieve this in 10 hours, but __ weeks/month? or ___ hours played, instead?

Would you fill in the gaps? ;)

Reason I am curious about this is the following. I am not an experienced gamer, and as such I would describe myself as slowish in advancing in a game like this. However, an experienced gamer, and here too I might be wrong, would never achieve all that within 10 hours of gameplay, impossible without such a blue print!

From my own experience, when I picked up the game again, I pogressed quickly into the probably most common trap for new players. I had my eyes on a particular ship, an acquired taste I guess, when I started, and put aside every penny I made, resisting the urge to purchase others, and then one final day, I went from my cobra to...

The T-9 Heavy!

Bingo, I had plenty of fun running this brick for a few weeks, making good Cr. by taking up missions that were above my paygrade, recommended to be accepted as part of a wing, but hey, I only need 4 round trips with all my cargo to cash in the reward all by myself.

So I thought....

Until that famous day where my interdiction escape skills were no match to one of the pirates and he dragged me twice out of supercruise, and the second time ....KABOOOM...

T-9 Heavy gone, not enough rebuy.... ouch. What now? So I asked on opinions around here on the forum and found very nice and friendly advice, differnt tactics and strategies to explore, and what to do next etc.

Sorry for being a little longwinded, but there is a reason for that, the described above represents a short description of the process lasting several weeks of game play, hours of fun, exciting lessons, interesting new things learned etc. etc.

So, personally I would recommend new commanders to think twice before following such a blueprint, there are many ways possible and the journey is the fun part, big times.


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First off, Thanks for reading my post. I would be happy to respond and I respect your possition on the matter.

To clarify, I mean to say, it would be 10 hours of total game play. It is very feasible that this can be accomplished in one sitting. My forth time around I did it in two sittings. I wasn't working and wanted to see how quick I could get it done. I did it in about 8 hours. Again that was on my 4th account.

Do you know the old adage, "If I knew then what I know now"? When I first started playing this game 2 years ago. I didn't know anything. I too was in it for the new experience. I flew to the center of the galaxy and back before I unlocked my first engineer. I played at least a month before watching a single youtube video. Then I came across a video by Yamicks. It was how to get into an Anaconda in something like 18 hours. Back then we didn't have 100 mill per hour Painite mining. I was too ignorant to know about Skimmer missions or VIP passenger missions and Sothis mining wasn't all the rage yet. So I got into my first Anaconda by buying and selling Imperial Slaves and profiting about 8 million/hour. That took a while, but I got time to try out many different roles in the game and learned what portion of the game gives me the most fulfillment. SHIP BUILDING!

Therefore, soon after returning from my early center of the galaxy trip, I devoted my playing time to making money, rank and building every ship in the game. Then I went further and build 187 ships. Each played a different role, some where based in Colonia, most in the bubble, some in Pleiades sector. Each Power Play Faction has 5 Ships based at their respecting head quarters. I would find any excuse I could to build a ship. But having 8 Anacondas, 11 Pythons, 3 Corvettes, 3 Cutters, 3 type 10's, and many many more, costs lots of credits. So now my purpose shifted to making as many credits as I could as fast as I could.

Now with the Fleet Carriers coming soon, my priorities are still to make as many credits I can. I sold about 130 ships that I had rarely used in preparation for December. I also started mining a lot. It is the most advantageous method of earning credits at this point in the game which gives a huge advantage to new players who want to get bigger and better ships, quickly, so they too can purchase the upcoming fleet carriers.

Take it from someone who is still enjoying the game long after getting my first Anaconda. Get your ships as soon as you can, the 'verse ain't going anywhere (poor grammar intended). There is so much to do and see, and trust me, the big three ships do make many tasks in this game easier (ie...mining, passenger, freight). Not to take away from the smaller ships, I use them a lot too. I use the Python, Dia Exp and Asp Exp religiously. The Anaconda, Cutter, and Corvette are not the end of the game and they will make it much easier to get the long awaited Carrier and who knows, with the talk of base building and space legs, there should be plenty more for players to look forward too.

PS: I've lost several T-9's myself. Although, my mining Anaconda and Cutter can still hold their own in a fight. Just ask the Mamba pilot that interdicted me yesterday.
P..S. What's next for you? With that amount of builds under your hood, ever considered to become an engineer apprentice at Prof. Palin's?
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