Frontier have anointed chosen ones again...

I have a motovlogging channel (Moto Mengy) and creating videos for YouTube is more work than it looks from a viewers perspective. The content creators who make Elite stuff put a lot of work into making the kinds of vids which help to keep the community updated and informed.

I don't think many people realize just HOW much work it is.

The other thing to realise is that even in the game the amount of work is huge keeping groups, Powers, Reddits, Discords going. I ran a Reddit for a Power for two years, wrote little stories for it and Galnet and it sucks up time. Its what partly drives me with my Powerplay update quest- FD pretty much abandoned the feature and left those who ran these power groups high and dry which makes me angry. FD want the recognition and players, but often they seem oblivious to the groups inside it.

Before I went mad each day I'd be pouring over spreadsheets, planning Powerplay and BGS raids, being a diplomat with gobby BGS groups. Some nights I'd barely play :(
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It certainly would have been a very British Mad Max. A fight over the biscuits, and the TV remote.

Hahaha! I can imagine them having a mixture of accents, corkney, and very English, with the crazy guy being a Geordie.

No offence to Geordies, it'd just suit the apocalypse according to Lord Dave.
I just hope Frontier publish a list of the "influencers" they are working with, so I know who to avoid in future.

Not all the "influencers" are 100% up-front about being paid shills. 🤷‍♀️

I spent the weekend hauling manure in the back of an old C-max - not strictly E : D but it reminded me of doing missions involving biowaste and my old hauler.
If you think it'll help sell a few more copies of Odyssey I'm happy to fire up the old JVC camcorder and video myself chatting about it when I go next - obviously I'll expect a crackajack pencil or similar contribution in return.
The trouble is, we already have that film and its called Threads. Straight faced nuclear apocalypse to the face...
Great film; I remember being spooked by it as an 11 year old, I managed to get hold of a copy and made my wife watch it (I don't think it was screened in Australia, where she's from). With that and Deliverance, I am banned from suggesting certain films late at night.
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