Fun with fines

OK, maybe I'm being stupid but I'm having a lot of paying off the smallest fine and it's getting on my nerves.

So, here's what's happening - I'm doing a little bounty hunting in the Subra system. I've just beefed up my vulture with engineered pulse lasers so I've accepted 4 different missions to kill Subra pirates. It's going fine for an hour or so, I'm allied with the federation so I've got half a dozen NPC federal navy ships to help out against anything bigger than a Federal Dropship (my combat skills ain't amazing). I'm happily chewing my way through the 50 or so pirates I have to kill one of the local RES. I notice nearby that the federal navy ships are firing on a Viper Mk3 so I figure he's gotta be wanted. I target the ship, and start flying over, he's a little way off and taking a lot of damage so I'm anxious to get some shots in before he's destroyed in order to claim whatever bounty and chalk up another kill. But, in my haste, I fire my lasers just a fraction of a second before my scan is completed. So then, the scan finishes, the ship, of course, IS wanted but I've now picked up a 200cr fine. This instantly turns all the Fed ships in the vicinity hostile and I have to make a swift exit as there's at least a couple of Anaconda's there now gunning for me. I survived so not the end of the world but I still have this stupid fine and I cannot figure out where the f*ck I have to go to get rid of it!

So two questions 1) WHERE OH WHERE CAN I PAY OFF THIS STUPID FINE?! Every dock that has representation from the faction I've wronged is locked out so I can't pay it there. Apparently, I can go to "Interstellar Faction Controlled" systems to pay it (so again, maybe just being stupid but that means the game characters Edmund Mahon/Felicia Winsters etc right?) so I head to Woloniugo as that's the closest system with a faction, I visited all the stations there, still no option to pay the fine. Is this a bug? If not can someone please help? I love this game so much but sometimes the lack of direction can just be a little frustrating.

and 2) Why, if the ship IS wanted, am I getting a fine just because I haven't finished scanning? Surely, wanted is wanted and I shouldn't be being punished for getting a couple of shots off quickly?

2.5) If I'm allied with the local authority surely there should be a little leeway before they all turn on you? I mean 200cr is pretty much nothing. I've spent more on fuel for one jump than that and now I can't complete the missions I have over it. I mean if you're neutral or below then yeah, come at me bro, but we're mates right? You're not gonna turn me into space dust over a measly 200cr are you?

Anyway, I've had my whine now. Any help would me much appreciated.

tl;dr - I need help finding somewhere to pay off a small fine. k thx bye.
Its interstellar factors, they are available at moste low security and anarchy stations/systems. Use the filter in the map.
Once you are docked go to contacts and then interstellar factors, you must be flyig the ship you did the crimes in.

The rules of bounty hunting are that you must have confirmed wanted status on the enemy ship before you attack. Its the law. Doing other wise is an offence in its self and you get a bounty. No shoot first and ask questions later.

The 200cr bounty making the whole res hostile i do think feels a little crazy. But much like players.. a bounty is a bounty. That fact that all the npcs decide you are top priority does feel a bit odd i do agree.. heres hoping for an update.
It has been this way forever buy the way.

The station will kill you for a parking ticket... life is cheap in the galaxy.
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Dunno but that doesn't sound like a fine and more like a bounty. I got my first fine in 3.0 today when I had one of those moments where I forgett asking docking permission and I could (after getting docking permission) dock there and then pay the fine. neither the station nor the cops did shoot me.
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