ANNOUNCEMENT Game Balancing Pt.2

Bruce G

Greetings Commanders,

Last week we posted this announcement about our plans for game balancing. Make sure to give it a read for information on the changes that were implemented last week and an overview of our plans.

A lot has happened in the short amount of time since then. We've collected and analysed your feedback and are happy to confirm that Anti-Xeno combat and Powerplay (the most frequent topics in your replies) will be part of our long term plans as well as many other aspects of Elite Dangerous that were mentioned. On Monday we rolled out the Mining and Trade changes described in the post and made some adjustments which we'll continue to examine and tweak as necessary. For now, they seem to have had the expected impact but your continued feedback is welcome.

This past week we've been discussing and preparing the combat changes described in our previous post. The following changes can be expected later today alongside a GalNet article:

Bounties from NPCs will see significant increases from approximately four times as much for the highest paying ones to ten times as much for the lower paying ones. Please note that the number of credits shown immediately in your HUD when you destroy a criminal ship won't display the newly increased amounts. This will need to wait until we're certain of the final numbers. Accurate bounty figures can be found in the Transactions tab in your left panel.

Solo Combat Missions
We're also increasing the payouts for Massacre and Assassination missions. Several economic factors affect the pay offered, but we expect these to grant around twice as many credits as before. For now, we've opted not to change Wing Massacre Missions following reports of consistently high payouts from these but we remain open to feedback.

For both Bounties and Solo Combat Missions, the changes will be carefully examined throughout the following days and weeks to review their effects and allows time for feedback.

Next Steps
Next, we'd like to carry out plans to improve the pay from other elements of Combat, including Combat Bonds and Anti-Xeno combat. More information on these can be expected soon in a post similar to this one. The changes are likely to happen before the end of this year and are likely to be the final ones before 2021 where we'll continue by moving onto other areas of gameplay.

Thanks as always for your support and feedback!

We are back boys! 4 years and Bounty Hunting will be again viable income method as it should be, after all this is Elite DANGEROUS!

Greetings Commanders,

Last week we posted this announcement about our plans for game balancing. Make sure to give it a read for information on the changes that were implemented last week and an overview of our plans.

A lot has happened in the short amount of time since then. We've collected and analysed your feedback and are happy to confirm that Anti-Xeno combat and Powerplay (the most frequent topics in your replies) will be part of our long term plans as well as many other aspects of Elite Dangerous that were mentioned. On Monday we rolled out the Mining and Trade changes described in the post and made some adjustments which we'll continue to examine and tweak as necessary. For now, they seem to have had the expected impact but your continued feedback is welcome.

This past week we've been discussing and preparing the combat changes described in our previous post. The following changes can be expected later today alongside a GalNet article:

Bounties from NPCs will see significant increases from approximately four times as much for the highest paying ones to ten times as much for the lower paying ones. Please note that the number of credits shown immediately in your HUD when you destroy a criminal ship won't display the newly increased amounts. This will need to wait until we're certain of the final numbers. Accurate bounty figures can be found in the Transactions tab in your left panel.

Solo Combat Missions
We're also increasing the payouts for Massacre and Assassination missions. Several economic factors affect the pay offered, but we expect these to grant around twice as many credits as before. For now, we've opted not to change Wing Massacre Missions following reports of consistently high payouts from these but we remain open to feedback.

For both Bounties and Solo Combat Missions, the changes will be carefully examined throughout the following days and weeks to review their effects and allows time for feedback.

Next Steps
Next, we'd like to carry out plans to improve the pay from other elements of Combat, including Combat Bonds and Anti-Xeno combat. More information on these can be expected soon in a post similar to this one. The changes are likely to happen before the end of this year and are likely to be the final ones before 2021 where we'll continue by moving onto other areas of gameplay.

Thanks as always for your support and feedback!


I was about to conk out for BED, when I saw this. Maybe I can have a chance to slip in a word.

President Hudson still owes me a medal.

In all seriousness, I can't wait to try out combat. That's the last thing on my list before Triple Elite.
Combat pay being higher is welcome, at least from the perspective of being closer to other activities in terms of reward.

We've collected and analysed your feedback and are happy to confirm that Anti-Xeno combat and Powerplay (the most frequent topics in your replies) will be part of our long term plans

Oh dear... sorry Rubbernuke. 2050 confirmed for powerplay update :D
Alright, sounds good. I am not entirely certain wing missions didn't deserve a look, since the highest payouts are not THAT common and the numbers required for those payouts are also much higher.

What I am wondering the most about are missions, though. I realize this is going to be something to be adjusted at a later date, so we'll see. Combat and combat-related missions are closely intertwined, after all. Combining the changes to bounties and, hopefully, future changes to missions we might finally see value of leveling up minor faction reputations and engaging in a true mercenary work truly lucrative. Let's hope so.

I wish piracy has been made an official thing, though. But without any way to arrest disabled ships that's just not viable right now.
Greetings Commanders,

Last week we posted this announcement about our plans for game balancing. Make sure to give it a read for information on the changes that were implemented last week and an overview of our plans.

A lot has happened in the short amount of time since then. We've collected and analysed your feedback and are happy to confirm that Anti-Xeno combat and Powerplay (the most frequent topics in your replies) will be part of our long term plans as well as many other aspects of Elite Dangerous that were mentioned. On Monday we rolled out the Mining and Trade changes described in the post and made some adjustments which we'll continue to examine and tweak as necessary. For now, they seem to have had the expected impact but your continued feedback is welcome.

This past week we've been discussing and preparing the combat changes described in our previous post. The following changes can be expected later today alongside a GalNet article:

Bounties from NPCs will see significant increases from approximately four times as much for the highest paying ones to ten times as much for the lower paying ones. Please note that the number of credits shown immediately in your HUD when you destroy a criminal ship won't display the newly increased amounts. This will need to wait until we're certain of the final numbers. Accurate bounty figures can be found in the Transactions tab in your left panel.

Solo Combat Missions
We're also increasing the payouts for Massacre and Assassination missions. Several economic factors affect the pay offered, but we expect these to grant around twice as many credits as before. For now, we've opted not to change Wing Massacre Missions following reports of consistently high payouts from these but we remain open to feedback.

For both Bounties and Solo Combat Missions, the changes will be carefully examined throughout the following days and weeks to review their effects and allows time for feedback.

Next Steps
Next, we'd like to carry out plans to improve the pay from other elements of Combat, including Combat Bonds and Anti-Xeno combat. More information on these can be expected soon in a post similar to this one. The changes are likely to happen before the end of this year and are likely to be the final ones before 2021 where we'll continue by moving onto other areas of gameplay.

Thanks as always for your support and feedback!


Can you please keep in mind the Powerplay weekly bonus increase with the 'Next Steps' part too, since Powerplay is about combat and conflict?

I.e. change Rank 5 50 million to something like 200 million?
We've collected and analysed your feedback and are happy to confirm that Anti-Xeno combat and Powerplay (the most frequent topics in your replies) will be part of our long term plans as well as many other aspects of Elite Dangerous that were mentioned.

I think PowerPlay has been mentioned as being part of your long term plans for at least three years by now, so I'll remain sceptical until I see something far more concrete.
Alright, sounds good. I am not entirely certain wing missions didn't deserve a look, since the highest payouts are not THAT common and the numbers required for those payouts are also much higher.

I've taken loads of wing massacre missions for low numbers of ships. But an advantage of the wing missions is that they have a much longer execution time. That's a big help to a lone commander who doesn't have a lot of time to hunt each day.
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