As it says on the tin: recently, the game just randomly crashes. Sometimes when I'm about to enter a new system, sometimes in the middle of an instance. It's annoying to say the least. It's not a disconnect of anything like a Mauve Adder - the entire process crashes and I get a "send error report" splash screen.
As I'm writing this I'm waiting for my client to find the servers again, all the login panels are greyed out. But my internet connection is fine, as you can see by my posting this thread.
Crashes like these used to happen very rarely. Like maybe once a week or something. Now since my recent return (2 or 3 days ago) I sometimes had 3 crashes in a single session. Since I've been absent for about half a year, I have no idea which update shot the game.
Any advice?
As I'm writing this I'm waiting for my client to find the servers again, all the login panels are greyed out. But my internet connection is fine, as you can see by my posting this thread.
Crashes like these used to happen very rarely. Like maybe once a week or something. Now since my recent return (2 or 3 days ago) I sometimes had 3 crashes in a single session. Since I've been absent for about half a year, I have no idea which update shot the game.
Any advice?