General / Off-Topic GET WELL SOON!

The thing is.... Getting this onto an Elite perspective... The elephant in the room... This effects Frontier staff too.

There is therefore a high chance the next release will be delayed because of it.
I blame Pluto for the virus. It swore revenge after being kicked out of the planetary club by earth scientists. Heck, it wasn't even included in that cartoon! And it probably didn't fail to notice that there is no pluto bobblehead in the ARX store! Revenge, I say! From the edge of the solar system.
I suggest you to watch Rick & Morty. There is an episode where Pluto condition is clearly settled! :ROFLMAO:
The thing is.... Getting this onto an Elite perspective... The elephant in the room... This effects Frontier staff too.

There is therefore a high chance the next release will be delayed because of it.
Probably yes, but this would be a good reason. Definitely better than an open community letter.
I'm peeved, my wife is high functioning autistic with selective mutism, I have pretty severe Social Anxiety, my wife's father has no spleen and is 76 so VERY much at risk. I am trying to get delivery slots but EVEYTHING is booked up no slots available. I think it's time the Govt says, sick/disabled/elderly ONLY get home deliveries.
I understand your point and I think something could be done by the authorities. The main problem is that this is a complete new situation for most countries and I can understand that people is not prepared for this. Hopefully in 1/2 weeks everyone will be more used to this and will start to calm down.
The thing is.... Getting this onto an Elite perspective... The elephant in the room... This effects Frontier staff too.

There is therefore a high chance the next release will be delayed because of it.

And frankly who cares if it is. There are considerably more serious things to worry about here than an update to a computer game.

Also rice update lol - the guy in my local shop came up with the goods today. That's probably the best advice I could give anybody right now - forget supermarkets until they get a proper handle on restricting supplies and shop local for essentials. Not only will you have a chance of actually buying something, it will help small businesses who are going to be hit hardest since they ca't soak up short term cashflow problems in the same way as the large chains and you'll be mingling with far fewer people.
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In the news today it said Sainsbury and Asda had started imposing limits on the number of items customers could buy to 3 a piece of any food item, cleaning supply or sanitary item. Also as of the 23rd Sainsburys online shopping will be giving priority on deliveries to the disabled and those over 70.

I run a relatively busy petrol station and am responsible for procuring stock for the shop, even the wholesalers like bookers & bestway are struggling to cope with the demands of the panic buyers although the staff at my local bookers have been doing their best to hold onto certain items to get them into the hands of retailers rather than other small business owners who are using their bookers membership to stockpile goods unnecessarily.
What the supermarkets are doing is a good idea in principle obviously.

However I'm pretty sure that if you stood in Sainsbury's car park tomorrow, you'd see plenty of people coming out, sitting in their cars for 10 minutes and then going back for round 2. Because, well because they're scumbags basically.

Oh i have no doubt about that happening, there's already profiteering starting on amazon and the likes
What if by "get well" all those other planets are hoping the virus cures earth of humanity?!

(I don't actually view humanity that way!)

I believe in population control, i am of the camp that humanity is now way out of ballance with the natural order on this planet.
The natural enviroment is under extreme stress due to our numbers and activity.

Either we expand out into space or we manage our numbers down here on Earth until we do.
Our mission is to drive positive, large-scale action through fostering choices that help achieve a sustainable human population and regenerate our environment.
I'm peeved, my wife is high functioning autistic with selective mutism, I have pretty severe Social Anxiety, my wife's father has no spleen and is 76 so VERY much at risk. I am trying to get delivery slots but EVEYTHING is booked up no slots available. I think it's time the Govt says, sick/disabled/elderly ONLY get home deliveries.
I just read that sainsbury's are prioritising deliveries to the disabled and elderly. Asda round here dont have any slots til April!
I believe in population control, i am of the camp that humanity is now way out of ballance with the natural order on this planet.
The natural enviroment is under extreme stress due to our numbers and activity.

Either we expand out into space or we manage our numbers down here on Earth until we do.

Going on 30 years ago I had this one old nutty teacher that would preach of the impending doom of runaway human population, and I can't say I've ever disagreed. We have actually been killing each other at a historically low rate since the advent of nuclear warfare, then of course advances in medicine, crop production, and global trade. If we don't thin our numbers ourselves through warfare or some other means, I've no doubt a cap on humanity will be found when mother nature (for lack of a better term) sets the limit itself, be it through disease, famine, natural disaster, or whatever else.

It's a tale as old as biology, and for all of our awareness and ingenuity, I don't think we can escape it. Still though, I don't view us as an unwelcome infestation of this planet (not saying you do either) in need of a cure, and my value of personal liberty makes the concept of human directed population control a very hard pill to swallow.
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