Give us more community, reward us for time put in

You don't belong. What you do makes no impact. The more you put in, the less you get out. I don't have time to find the un-findable. And in finding it, I know it's going to have very little impact on the game at large.
If a boss is unplayable, it does not get played unless the dev team make it more playable. There is simply not enough minutes in the day. If you stretch a game too much, it gets thin, and then it snaps.
That so called community in elite only exists because of streamers and streaming. We get our sense of belonging from that because there is no other way to get it in elite.
Take away twitch and youtube gaming and the elite community you will find will collapse. Frontier do not bring us the community, the streamers do, and therein lies the problem, they should not.
Trying to find the un-findable, not fun. We don't have the time. It may as well not exist at all.
Giving us new ships that make old ones redundant is not the way. Improving specialist ships is the way to go. No other ship should be better than a purpose built one.
9000 hours and this is what I have to say: I'm looking for a better community experience game and I don't care if it does not look good. I'll play a sprite game if it's more entertaining. Looking good does not cut the mustard, for very long.
Instances in elite are micro games. Doing them, or not, has no impact on the game at all. You soon get bored doing them.
Quarter four will give you a bell curve: what goes up, will come back down.
You don't belong. What you do makes no impact. The more you put in, the less you get out. I don't have time to find the un-findable. And in finding it, I know it's going to have very little impact on the game at large.
If a boss is unplayable, it does not get played unless the dev team make it more playable. There is simply not enough minutes in the day. If you stretch a game too much, it gets thin, and then it snaps.
That so called community in elite only exists because of streamers and streaming. We get our sense of belonging from that because there is no other way to get it in elite.
Take away twitch and youtube gaming and the elite community you will find will collapse. Frontier do not bring us the community, the streamers do, and therein lies the problem, they should not.
Trying to find the un-findable, not fun. We don't have the time. It may as well not exist at all.
Giving us new ships that make old ones redundant is not the way. Improving specialist ships is the way to go. No other ship should be better than a purpose built one.
9000 hours and this is what I have to say: I'm looking for a better community experience game and I don't care if it does not look good. I'll play a sprite game if it's more entertaining. Looking good does not cut the mustard, for very long.
Instances in elite are micro games. Doing them, or not, has no impact on the game at all. You soon get bored doing them.
Quarter four will give you a bell curve: what goes up, will come back down.

Elite was always pushed as one pilot in an uncaring universe, as an individual you should't have any affect. The fact you find no reward in it is because maybe you were expecting a different game.
I'm looking for a better community experience game and I don't care if it does not look good.

well, there's eve online, possibly the most community oriented game there is. it aged well and it actually looks good. be prepared to pay a subscription for a second job, though.
1. Dark text on ED forums dark background is unreadable. Don't post in the non default colour
2. You found no reward, but played 9000 hours?!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's extreme. Border lining on unhealthy....that's a avg of over 6hrs A DAY, every day, since release!
3. To most people ED is a game, and the community is secondary.
Its odd as I have never watched a ED stream, watch the odd youtuber and play the game to get away from people.

I do agree tho my actions in game should be worth abit more than they are now, but I guess thats why I dabble in the BGS at least then I can see somthing moving from time to time.
I don't watch the streamers, rarely see what's happening on YT. I found a community in a PMF of like minded people and we have a blast playing with the BGS. No, taking control of a system doesn't add to our bank accounts, but the ability to manipulate the states of factions gives us some control over the missions offered and that keeps us wealthy enough to share with new pilots.
Community is what you create, don't expect FDev to do it all for you.
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