Guests preferring distant viewpoint to nice underwater gallery

In the attached screenshot you should be able to see a cafe area that I've constructed that is set back from an underwater viewing area for my hippos. The small plaza with the benches is intended as somewhere for them to rest and eat (food/drink in the building itself) which they do, so far so good. However other guests insist on standing at the edge of the small plaza to look at the hippos instead of using the lowered viewing gallery to the left.

Before the building was created the guests flocked to the gallery, if I delete the paths to the building they continue to do so. So I don't believe it's anything to do with dead-ends for example, the guests are selecting to look at the animals from a distant vantage point rather than the nice underwater gallery I've painstakingly built for them - you just can't get the customers these days! I've moved the building twice to the right so that the plaza is now about 10 metres (in game terms) from the habitat and they still insist on standing there despite the fact they presumably can barely see anything!

It's not a huge problem but it's slightly spoilt the whole plan I had for this building, I guess I could block the eyeline from the seating area with trees or a wall or something but that sort of negates the whole point of the cafe building, it was meant as a resting place in the middle of the zoo with views all around, not a habitat viewing platform. Any other ideas to prevent guests standing there? Do guests just prefer to avoid stairs because they're lazy? Or do we know if the devs are planning any guest management tools like suggested viewpoints, guest 'barriers', that sort of thing?


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You already have the right understanding of guest flow. One thing to add: visitors are designed to visit a species for just one time. And I guess that most of visitors just enter the café to visit the shops or to sit on benches. If you want to concentrate guests on the viewing platform you might try to limit the view at the hippos everywhere else e.g. in the north of the lake. I.e. high barriers. Worked for me every time. However, in the end it's a matter of the overall design you wanna achieve.
Bizarrely I've tried moving the cafe even further to the right, so now it's 20m from the habitat and they STILL prefer to stand on the plaza rather than walking down to the underwater bit! There has to be some bias for guests preferring line of sight that is above the 'level' of the habitat, because they can now barely see into the hippos yet they insist on going there, I'm wondering how far I'd have to move the platform before they give up.
There are some glass pieces in construction that count as opaque even if they are transparent. You can use those as a trick until those pieces are fixed, and who knows, by then maybe underwater viewing galleries might get some love.
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