Habitat Gate Troubles and More

It's my first time playing the game and I've run into a glitch of some kind. I created a keeper gate for my habitat but it says the zookeepers can't access it. There's nothing in the way, and a staff path leads right up to it. I can't assign any zookeepers to the workzone as well, the game stating there are no staff rooms around. I put in two, but it didn't solve anything. The last but not least, the long grass brush isn't working for me.

I'm running Windows 10 on a pretty powerful gaming computer. Any advice on how to fix these issues would be greatly appreciated!
It's my first time playing the game and I've run into a glitch of some kind. I created a keeper gate for my habitat but it says the zookeepers can't access it. There's nothing in the way, and a staff path leads right up to it. I can't assign any zookeepers to the workzone as well, the game stating there are no staff rooms around. I put in two, but it didn't solve anything. The last but not least, the long grass brush isn't working for me.

We can try and figure it out. When creating a workzone you need to select everything to be in that workzone including staff rooms, habitat gates and keepers huts. If you add in buildings afterwards you need to go back and add those buildings into the workzone they are for.

When you say you can't assign keepers to workzone do you mean you're getting errors about the staff rooms, or is the drop down menu missing in workzones?

IIRC all maps start as nothing but long grass, if you're trying to use long grass brush over long grass it won't work. Or did you paint something else first and are trying to bring it back to long grass?

I get that with the gates also or the path refuses to join them

For that one you need to make sure you have both flatten terrain and tunneling turned off or you'll usually get an obstructed error (unless the terrain is 100% flat). The standard map that loads in Franchise or Challenge might look 100% flat, but they're not.
I have never assigned a keeper hut yet to a work zone i just ignore that bit and they go use th nearest available one , maybe try deleting the path from the gate and then replacing it
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