Discussion Has any one experimented with OCR tools for scraping the commodities market prices?


Tutorial & Guide Writer
Haven't managed to get 3.00 so I haven't seen if they have done anything to the commodities page.

Have they?

It seems that all menus including the commodities market now have a tainted glass background. Colors do shine through a bit. A bit like the glass in the showers - so you can't see it all. It MIGHT make things a little easier.

Note: Atm hunting for a better then E-drive FSD for my newly bought Hauler so I CAN go out there again.
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Just as an Update: http://imgur.com/a/L8hsy
Thats the accuracy I'm currently achieving. Imgur has screwed up the formatting for my console outputs <.<
But here it is properly formatted:
goods                   sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
--------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Hydrogen Fuel            101  102    -        -         13772
Mineral Oil              139  154    -        -         1001
Pesticides               356  -      -        8191      -
Clothing                 392  -      -        2698      -
Consumer Technology     7315  -      -        413       -
Dom. Appliances          733  -      -        2110      -
Algae                     60  77     -        -         1942
Animal Meat             1305  1337   -        -         7475
Coffee                  1328  1361   -        -         13
Fish                     606  634    -        -         395
Fruit and Vegetables     276  294    -        -         531
Grain                    156  172    -        -         45449
Tea                     1509  1546   -        -         59
Beer                     117  131    -        -         1297
Liquor                   735  -      -        32        -

goods                      sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-----------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Water Purifiers             375  -      -        1141      -
Agri-Medicines             1307  -      -        5597      -
Basic Medicines             471  -      -        938       -
Performance Enhancers      7315  -      -        390       -
Progenitor Cells           7315  -      -        155       -
Animal Monitors             453  -      -        53842     -
Aquaponic Systems           346  -      -        12578     -
Land Enrichment Systems    5505  -      -        10275     -
Leather                     118  123    -        -         11635
Natural Fabrics             376  393    -        -         399
Biowaste                     99  -      -        23319     -
Non-Lethal Wpns            2091  -      -        75        -
Personal Weapons           4680  -      -        243       -
Reactive Armour            2322  -      -        35        -

goods                   sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
--------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Explosives               453  -      -        4660      -
Hydrogen Fuel            101  102    -        -         7862
Pesticides               176  190    -        -         3220
Clothing                 471  -      -        2475      -
Consumer Technology     7005  7081   -        -         1403
Dom. Appliances          716  -      -        1016      -
Animal Meat             1483  -      -        175       -
Coffee                  1840  -      -        408       -
Food Cartridges          250  -      -        3625      -
Fruit and Vegetables     432  -      -        1332      -
Grain                    323  -      -        3780      -
Synthetic Meat           168  180    -        -         1371
Tea                     1747  -      -        316       -
Superconductors         7211  -      -        1928      -

goods                      sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-----------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Uraninite                   883  900    -        -         3456
Advanced Catalysers        2827  2859   -        -         1
Animal Monitors             260  277    -        -         2249
Aquaponic Systems           234  550    -        -         245
Auto-Fabricators           3821  3864   -        -         2493
Bioreducing Lichen         1081  -      -        3286      -
Computer Components         733  -      -        1786      -
H.E. Suits                  421  -      -        -         -
Land Enrichment Systems    5007  5062   -        -         1063
Resonating Separators      5985  6050   -        -         1
Robotics                   1837  1859   -        -         4584
Biowaste                     21  27     -        -         68
Scrap                        49  55     -        -         407
Non-Lethal Wpns            1867  1889   -        -         644
Personal Weapons           4857  -      -        -         -
Reactive Armour            2128  2153   -        -         77

goods                  sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Platinum              18953  -      -        147       -
Silver                 5489  -      -        6983      -
Tantalum               4564  -      -        8274      -
Uranium                3152  -      -        11302     -
Bertrandite            2580  2610   -        -         2
Coltan                 1424  1459   -        -         67
Gallite                2331  -      -        14993     -
Lepidolite              536  559    -        -         35
Rutile                  484  -      -        34209     -
Uraninite               863  908    -        -         3456
Advanced Catalysers    2827  2859   -        -         1
Animal Monitors         260  277    -        -         2249
Aquaponic Systems       234  250    -        -         246
Auto-Fabricators       3821  3864   -        -         2497

goods                   sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
--------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Hydrogen Fuel            101  102    -        -         124462
Pesticides               155  168    -        -         124121
Clothing                 462  -      -        37515     -
Consumer Technology     6153  6234   -        -         115535
Dom. Appliances          657  -      -        12014     -
Animal Meat             1633  -      -        8993      -
Coffee                  1531  -      -        2967      -
Food Cartridges          243  -      -        11974     -
Fruit and Vegetables     454  -      -        12727     -
Grain                    332  -      -        63633     -
Synthetic Meat           198  213    -        -         11760
Tea                     1821  -      -        7535      -
Superconductors         7520  -      -        61453     -

goods                      sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-----------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Gallite                    2321  -      -        327183    -
Rutile                      488  -      -        737499    -
Advanced Catalysers        2896  2936   -        -         691
Animal Monitors             259  277    -        -         50882
Aquaponic Systems           232  249    -        -         5668
Auto-Fabricators           3503  3550   -        -         129623
Bioreducing Lichen          942  969    -        -         1794
Computer Components         716  -      -        33023     -
H.E. Suits                  232  249    -        -         28203
Land Enrichment Systems    4944  5009   -        -         27500
Resonating Separators      6144  6224   -        -         354
Robotics                   1760  1785   -        -         151888
Biowaste                     23  30     -        -         989
Scrap                        29  33     -        -         29579
Non-Lethal Wpns            1503  1524   -        -         82046
Reactive Armour            1729  1753   -        -         37106

I have yet to test different Gamma Settings, and resolutions, before releasing anything. And I'm not even sure i will release this as future updates are likely to change the UI more than once.
I did this mostly to keep track of where i've been and what they had to offer.


Tutorial & Guide Writer
Just as an Update: http://imgur.com/a/L8hsy
Thats the accuracy I'm currently achieving. Imgur has screwed up the formatting for my console outputs <.<
But here it is properly formatted:
goods                   sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
--------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Hydrogen Fuel            101  102    -        -         13772
Mineral Oil              139  154    -        -         1001
Pesticides               356  -      -        8191      -
Clothing                 392  -      -        2698      -
Consumer Technology     7315  -      -        413       -
Dom. Appliances          733  -      -        2110      -
Algae                     60  77     -        -         1942
Animal Meat             1305  1337   -        -         7475
Coffee                  1328  1361   -        -         13
Fish                     606  634    -        -         395
Fruit and Vegetables     276  294    -        -         531
Grain                    156  172    -        -         45449
Tea                     1509  1546   -        -         59
Beer                     117  131    -        -         1297
Liquor                   735  -      -        32        -

goods                      sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-----------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Water Purifiers             375  -      -        1141      -
Agri-Medicines             1307  -      -        5597      -
Basic Medicines             471  -      -        938       -
Performance Enhancers      7315  -      -        390       -
Progenitor Cells           7315  -      -        155       -
Animal Monitors             453  -      -        53842     -
Aquaponic Systems           346  -      -        12578     -
Land Enrichment Systems    5505  -      -        10275     -
Leather                     118  123    -        -         11635
Natural Fabrics             376  393    -        -         399
Biowaste                     99  -      -        23319     -
Non-Lethal Wpns            2091  -      -        75        -
Personal Weapons           4680  -      -        243       -
Reactive Armour            2322  -      -        35        -

goods                   sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
--------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Explosives               453  -      -        4660      -
Hydrogen Fuel            101  102    -        -         7862
Pesticides               176  190    -        -         3220
Clothing                 471  -      -        2475      -
Consumer Technology     7005  7081   -        -         1403
Dom. Appliances          716  -      -        1016      -
Animal Meat             1483  -      -        175       -
Coffee                  1840  -      -        408       -
Food Cartridges          250  -      -        3625      -
Fruit and Vegetables     432  -      -        1332      -
Grain                    323  -      -        3780      -
Synthetic Meat           168  180    -        -         1371
Tea                     1747  -      -        316       -
Superconductors         7211  -      -        1928      -

goods                      sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-----------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Uraninite                   883  900    -        -         3456
Advanced Catalysers        2827  2859   -        -         1
Animal Monitors             260  277    -        -         2249
Aquaponic Systems           234  550    -        -         245
Auto-Fabricators           3821  3864   -        -         2493
Bioreducing Lichen         1081  -      -        3286      -
Computer Components         733  -      -        1786      -
H.E. Suits                  421  -      -        -         -
Land Enrichment Systems    5007  5062   -        -         1063
Resonating Separators      5985  6050   -        -         1
Robotics                   1837  1859   -        -         4584
Biowaste                     21  27     -        -         68
Scrap                        49  55     -        -         407
Non-Lethal Wpns            1867  1889   -        -         644
Personal Weapons           4857  -      -        -         -
Reactive Armour            2128  2153   -        -         77

goods                  sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Platinum              18953  -      -        147       -
Silver                 5489  -      -        6983      -
Tantalum               4564  -      -        8274      -
Uranium                3152  -      -        11302     -
Bertrandite            2580  2610   -        -         2
Coltan                 1424  1459   -        -         67
Gallite                2331  -      -        14993     -
Lepidolite              536  559    -        -         35
Rutile                  484  -      -        34209     -
Uraninite               863  908    -        -         3456
Advanced Catalysers    2827  2859   -        -         1
Animal Monitors         260  277    -        -         2249
Aquaponic Systems       234  250    -        -         246
Auto-Fabricators       3821  3864   -        -         2497

goods                   sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
--------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Hydrogen Fuel            101  102    -        -         124462
Pesticides               155  168    -        -         124121
Clothing                 462  -      -        37515     -
Consumer Technology     6153  6234   -        -         115535
Dom. Appliances          657  -      -        12014     -
Animal Meat             1633  -      -        8993      -
Coffee                  1531  -      -        2967      -
Food Cartridges          243  -      -        11974     -
Fruit and Vegetables     454  -      -        12727     -
Grain                    332  -      -        63633     -
Synthetic Meat           198  213    -        -         11760
Tea                     1821  -      -        7535      -
Superconductors         7520  -      -        61453     -

goods                      sell  buy    cargo    demand    supply
-----------------------  ------  -----  -------  --------  --------
Gallite                    2321  -      -        327183    -
Rutile                      488  -      -        737499    -
Advanced Catalysers        2896  2936   -        -         691
Animal Monitors             259  277    -        -         50882
Aquaponic Systems           232  249    -        -         5668
Auto-Fabricators           3503  3550   -        -         129623
Bioreducing Lichen          942  969    -        -         1794
Computer Components         716  -      -        33023     -
H.E. Suits                  232  249    -        -         28203
Land Enrichment Systems    4944  5009   -        -         27500
Resonating Separators      6144  6224   -        -         354
Robotics                   1760  1785   -        -         151888
Biowaste                     23  30     -        -         989
Scrap                        29  33     -        -         29579
Non-Lethal Wpns            1503  1524   -        -         82046
Reactive Armour            1729  1753   -        -         37106

I have yet to test different Gamma Settings, and resolutions, before releasing anything. And I'm not even sure i will release this as future updates are likely to change the UI more than once.
I did this mostly to keep track of where i've been and what they had to offer.

Don't know what the real numbers are but this looks VERY VERY promising. Please DO consider releasing it. I saw your request for an API in the BPC thread. An alternative to the BPC is trade dangerous by kfsone. Its a command line atm but some cmdrs are building a frontend for it. Its based upon manual input - as in update the trade dangerous.prices table. After that TD picks it up and its stored in the database (speed). If you have this output I'm sure someone is willing to create an importer for TD. Atm there is also a merge website for it. VERY VERY nice work.

How did you do it and what tools did you use?
Concerning pre-processing, imagemagick has a lot of tools (cmd line) to process an image.
This is better than what I have achieved. I was looking at trying a bit of preprocessing with OpenCV.

Can you give details on how you got such good accuracy?
I used OpenCV for everything. From pre processing, over finding contours of letters and numbers, up to matching everything with custom trained models fed into K-Nearest.
I tried with tesseract and other OCR Engines, but most of them needed specific pre processing anyway, and since I'm not only doing this to enhance my gameplay experience, but also to learn something, doing it "from sratch" with OpenCV was a no brainer.
For letters, the recognition is quite fuzzy. Medicine may turn out as Meoicine or Mediaine and so on. But since we know all the goods i just use difflib to match the ocr with the expected results. For numbers I implemented a small set of sanity checks (like sell<buy). I'm trying to implement more checks based on average differences for prices from average etc..

Overall the script works quite nicely. I have just finished the code to get notified of a new screenshot, check if its a market shot, and if it is: process and delete it.
The next thing will be to check how everything behaves with different gamma and resolution settings. But atm I'm quite busy, so that will have to wait.

If progress continues I may be releasing it(or wait till gamma and see what FD comes up with), because even with an error rate of ~2-5% (and with implemented filters these errors will be in the least significant numbers) it's a huge improvement over pen&paper
I use OCR all the time

I use two clever devices that sit between my ears and slightly above and to the left and right of my nose

I then use a clever interface between my seat and my computer that transfers all the data into an Access Database

Once there it transfers into excel and develops a trading route

I then use the interface between my stick and computer and the optical devices noted earlier to automatically purchase the best items noted by excel

Works really well - is quite a cheap and easy solution and have used it ever since trading was introduced

Occasionaly the seat computer interface plays up and i go chasing dead ends for a while but I am ironing out those bugs
It's all spreadsheets.

The font is easy to read, it should be trivial to OCR with even ancient/free OCR tools.

But this isn't the issue.

The issue is: someone will memory scan this data regardless of FD's wishes. If the game even becomes 10% of the success they hope for, people will NOT tolerate having to use paper and pencil in 2015. It was fine in 1984 because there was no choice. 30 years later, there are choices.
This is the same issue every MMO has. Scanning memory to get what the players want, rather than what the developers want, has been happening since 1997. It's not going to stop, and nothing FD can do will permanently stop it. Asking people to stop will not stop them. Rotating encryption will not stop them.

Unless you require a borg implant to read market data, it will be scraped, pulled, scanned, read, and turned into a database so people can make money as fast as they want.

While I would never presume to know as much as the mighty FD regarding game design, when every aspect of your game are blatant time sinks, I have observed, over the past 30 years, it creates undesired emergent behavior in your paying customers.
For example, if, hypothetically, the most you can make on any trade is 100 credits per ton, and you need 400 million credits to obtain your desired ship & loadout, it becomes trivial to determine how much cargo & time you need to buy & sell to obtain that ship.

Given the rather alarming numbers produced by such an exercise, it shouldn't be surprising that some players prefer the most efficient use of their time to reach their goals. Given a target audience of over 1000 players, the clever big-brained mammals sitting in the chairs are going to put those big brains to use, either alone or together. Sorry, that's just the way it is.
I believe FD can encourage or discourage player goals *slightly*, but once your audience learns that ALL computer games are spreadsheets with fancy GUI's, well, sometimes some of them just want to read the spreadsheet. :eek:

And of course, the last thing; if/when offline mode is added, many of these issues will be moot, because people will simply get what they want offline, and skip online altogether, even if that means having to run the entire game in a VM to get what they want.
Yeah, Player want many things, that would ruin a Game when they get it. The MMORPG Genre is the best proof of that, the Genre is ruined because the Devs gives the Players what they want and when not than they cheat... and the Result? This Players cries after some less Weeks how boring the Game is...

Too much Players didn't want to play, they want only be entertained and the Computer should play for them.

And thats the Reason why I don't have any anticipation for the free Online Mode. When I play online, than only with Friends from them I know they want to play a Game as it should be played and not as they want it should be played even when it is against the Game.

But beside that, the Players are right... why should a SpaceSim don't have Ship Computers that could save Data? The Prices did change from time to time, so the older your Data on your Ship are, that more incorrect are they. So I see no big Problem to save this Data at your own Ship. To buy and sell Goods you still need to dock.
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What is the issue with people not understanding what the thread is about? Why spend several minutes wasting yours and others time with a pointless diatribe that has nothing to do with the issue at hand? Good to know you use pencil/paper, excel spreadsheet, whatever.

Now I have spent several minutes responding.

- - - - - Additional Content Posted / Auto Merge - - - - -

I used OpenCV for everything. From pre processing, over finding contours of letters and numbers, up to matching everything with custom trained models fed into K-Nearest.
I tried with tesseract and other OCR Engines, but most of them needed specific pre processing anyway, and since I'm not only doing this to enhance my gameplay experience, but also to learn something, doing it "from sratch" with OpenCV was a no brainer.
For letters, the recognition is quite fuzzy. Medicine may turn out as Meoicine or Mediaine and so on. But since we know all the goods i just use difflib to match the ocr with the expected results. For numbers I implemented a small set of sanity checks (like sell<buy). I'm trying to implement more checks based on average differences for prices from average etc..

Overall the script works quite nicely. I have just finished the code to get notified of a new screenshot, check if its a market shot, and if it is: process and delete it.
The next thing will be to check how everything behaves with different gamma and resolution settings. But atm I'm quite busy, so that will have to wait.

If progress continues I may be releasing it(or wait till gamma and see what FD comes up with), because even with an error rate of ~2-5% (and with implemented filters these errors will be in the least significant numbers) it's a huge improvement over pen&paper

It would be gratefully received if you would release it as is.


Tutorial & Guide Writer
Does anyone know if all station names are unique?

They are NOT. Did sent Michael Brookes a couple of question for the crowd source project.

Hello Mr Brookes,

The SB3 list you gave was analysed by the group and bugs were discovered. Like you wrote yourself in the crowd source thread system names should be uniqe. Two more things stand out, should this be ticketed or not? Reason for asking, the support team seems to be flooded. And it would bebad if during the triage stage tickets were lost.

Station/platform names should they be uniqe as well?
There are atm at least two systems discovered which DO have an economy but are not on the SB3 list.
Iirc ticketed. Wredguia systems have been deleted in GM,inputting their names results in a match but points to a different new system (names renamed somehow). Must all similar things be ticketed.
Should in principle every little thing which does not seem right be ticketed?

With kind regards,
Jan Bessels
Respone of Michael brookes
Michael Brookes said:
You should only ticket system duplicates if they are actually two or more systems in game with the same name - the list isn't evidence of this as it's just a rough dump from a spreadsheet.

Station and platform names don't need to be unique.

Errors in the list itself shouldn't be ticketed.

This is by design - they are generated systems which now have name overrides - usually bacuase of sector designations - but the old name is still stored internally.

Bugs in the game should be ticketed.




Tutorial & Guide Writer
A commander, in another thread, stated he has a (near) working OCR solution. He was reluctant to release it because he was not sure it would violate the new FD data access policy. To clear this up I send a PM to Michael Brookes. I asked for permission to share his response and this was granted.
Hello Mr Brookes,

I have created the "Has any one experimented with OCR tools for scraping the commodities" thread. Basically a commander takes a screenshot, which is automatically read by an OCR tool which then creates a text file with commodities market prices. This can be used for for example trading tool purposes. For example feeding the text to Trade Dangerous program or Slopeys the BPC. Both are based upon manually inputting of data. Lets make this totally absolutely 100% clear. The end goal will be an EDDN - Elite Dangerous Data Network. Basically Andreas EMDN but filled with data obtained from OCR-ing. NOT by scraping the ED program/protocols. Also when OCR-ing is successful it will most likely be extended to retrieve more information.

When FD's data access policy changed you wrote: "We're no longer allowing tools which scrape the data directly from the game or through its communications. We will be considering an external API for future development, but for now these tools are not permitted."

A commander stated he has a (near) working OCR solution. He is reluctant to release it because he's not sure it would violate the new FD data access policy. There are two possibilities.

  1. OCR does violate FD's new data access policy.
  2. OCR does NOT violate FD's new data access policy.
I hope you can give me a response back which states which of the two is true. That way I can communicate it back to the author and the tread in which the question was raised.

With kind regards,
Jan Bessels aka Wolverine2710 aka cmdr Wolverine

His response:
Michael Brookes said:
As long as the method doesn't alter or access the exe or the game resources then it is fine. So OCR isn't an issue for us, although trying to read the frame buffer directly could be.


I HAVE also updated the OP.
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