have more keepers in large habitats, and more power over how they are run

I created in my Sandbox zoo a massive caldera for African animals of the savannah, spent a solid 5+ hours on it, finally had it ready and put the animals in. I felt such a large habitat with 6 feeders and multiple food enrichments would need about 6 keepers to keep clean and fed, and low and behold, only one keeper was doing everything, I looked up how to try and get more in the habitat. Everyone says the best you can get is 2, one to clean and 1 to feed, and it didn't matter cos the animals kept starving. So I suggest they allow more keepers to enter a habitat so it can enable the massive habitats with a large number of species to work now understandably for smaller habitats, this may cause an issue where multiple keepers will waste time in a smaller one or one with few animals, this I feel could be easily solved by coding it that multiple keepers will only enter habitats with a certain number of animals since the issue isn't species but the number of animals in a habitat. It feels like its such an easy fix and would make massive habitats with a huge amount of species viable.
For big habitats, I'll often put 2 on feeding and 2 on cleaning. Sometimes even 3 on cleaning.

While the feeding keeper usually only allows one in at a time, I assign 2 so that the animals still get fed when the first feeder goes on break.

But for the cleaners, I've seen more than 1 in the habitat at once, if it is indeed dirty.

Would be great if even more could enter, as you recommend!
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