HELP! Stranded outside bubble

I am in my python 850+ LY outside the bubble. I took a break from the game parked on a carrier that is now very far from the bubble with no way to get back. Please help.
Do carriers have facilities for outfitting? Maybe he could purchase a fuel scoop from the carrier. Or is that function if it exists, restricted to the carrier owner?
Do carriers have facilities for outfitting? Maybe he could purchase a fuel scoop from the carrier. Or is that function if it exists, restricted to the carrier owner?
Not looked at that, I'm sure selling fuel scoops is a thing, but let the Commander hitch a ride anyway?
'Now bring me fuel, or I will hunt you down!'
OP, set off your self-destruct. You will get back to the last station you were docked at.

Or, return to the carrier and buy a big fuel scoop, if the carrier has modules for sale.
850LY isn't too bad. Using EDDB or Inara see if there is a station close to you and fly there
if you have the fuel. Then you'll have more options as in purchasing a fuel scoop if needed.

It would be hit-n-miss finding a carrier that sells a fuel scoop as they need to add outfitting
to the carrier then stock fuel scoops. However many carriers offer refueling. One could
possibly jump from carrier to carrier refueling until they arrive at a station or get back to
the bubble without using a fuel scoop. It would be challenging...and maybe fun!
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