How I can still Wing Mine

Ok, My running experimentation notes can be found here -->>>

Here is what I have found that works the most consistently.
Have SCL Turrets.
Prospect the rock with which ever ship finds it.
Lock the Limpet with both (ALL??) ships in the wing. (This seems to be the key. If it isn't done then the other ship(s) need to stay at least 4km from the limpet. If they don't there seem to be two random possibilities. Either immediate detonation, OR No Graph. Either way it makes mining hard.)
Place the SC's with the ship that placed the prospector.
Watch the graph as normal and enjoy.

I expect the next update to screw this up.
This is very interesting (and totally unknown to me, Solo player, single account). From your report you linked above I've seen that you use dual accounts for your testing. Just a side note: If you can do that, why can't Frontier do the same with inhouse testing? Should work with a LAN as well, no internet community required for 'bug-testing'. So there's no excuse for long known(?) bugs like these.
Because FDEV doesn't actually care about anything except PVP.
I had similar problems mining when I first tried it about a year ago. Solution then was to use FIXED SCL's.
This solution is more complex but it works for me..
I have a friend that has dementia that visits and he sits in the chair next to me and flys the second account. I posted somewhere how I do that.
I really wish FDEV would sort out the problems with multi-crew because eventually he may not be able to actually fly a ship but he would be able to sit in the second seat.
Ok,. Cracked enough rocks to have about 80 tons of LTD's.
Besides using turrets, the 4km separation from the prospector is clearly the key. BUT, once the first SCL has been placed, the wing mate can close in and get ready to collect.

On one occasion, I still had a premature detonation. So I used a prospector from the other ship and it was then able to place SC's and get the graph.
What comes to Multi-crew... FDEV should check on Warframe and how they did it - it works better than anything FDEV has done for Multicrew so far, and DE did that in a smithreen of time involved.
What comes to Multi-crew... FDEV should check on Warframe and how they did it - it works better than anything FDEV has done for Multicrew so far, and DE did that in a smithreen of time involved.
So far I have not attempted multi-crew mining. Guess since I have the Turreted SCL's I need to give it a go. update Not going to try this right away since the only turreted weapon I have is the SCL..
I did multi-crew planetary exploration before the detailed surface scanning tools were made available. The crew member could do visual surface inspection while the pilot did the glide and watched the scanner. My crew member saw a volcanic off to the side out of scanner range once.
Last edited:
  • Fixed the issue that could lead to the detonation graph not appearing if deep core mining with a wing.
  • Fixed a disconnection ("Magenta Krait") that could occur whilst mining.
  • Fixed a deep core mining issue in multicrew where different crew members would see different detonation levels in the HUD.
  • Fixed Subsurface Displacement Missiles in multicrew.
  • Fix for a bug which made Seismic Charges instantly detonate in multicrew/wings.

Ok. As soon as I do the update I will be able to make a report on this since I am out mining and my SCL is Turreted.
RE: Exploding on contact and the graph.
I am now 3 for 3 busting snowballs with both ships up close to it. Was able to do it with either ship. No premature explosions and the graph worked.

Tried multi-crew but the only turreted mining tool I have is the SCL and I suspect it will never be usable by the Crew member (or I could not figure out how to actually use the SCL as crew) since even though the pilot lost control of it, the gunner crew member could not target a fissure in the Nav Panel and could not see them on the snowball. May play with this again later.

Next up will be the ultimate test. Can both ships place SCL's and will both graphs accurately reflect the placement? Both will have to prospect it even though ideally both ship should see the fissures in the Nav panel if only one of them has prospected.

Next up will be the ultimate test. Can both ships place SCL's and will both graphs accurately reflect the placement? Both will have to prospect it even though ideally both ship should see the fissures in the Nav panel if only one of them has prospected.

WOW!! Here is how ships in a wing can both place SC's and only one needs to prospect.
I really did not expect this to work but I think it stands to reason that it should since, as I understand it, before the prospectors told the fissure strength, people were mining by just shooting SCLs at the visible fissures.

One ship prospects and then targets a fissure.
The other ship(s) in the wing can see the target and place an SC and that ship will get a graph.
The other ship can then place a SC and it will get a graph and both graphs will reflect the total placed charges.
Only the ship that prospected can disable or do early detonation.
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