General / Off-Topic Humanity’s infinitesimally tiny influence on the universe, or why we haven’t met any

Humanity’s infinitesimally tiny influence on the universe, or why we haven’t met any aliens yet

the blue dot represents the bubble of humanity’s influence in the Milky Way. The bubble is roughly 200 light years across, representing the farthest distance that our earliest radio transmissions will have reached. While broadcast radio as we know it is generally considered to have begun with Tesla and Marconi’s experiments at the end of the 1800s, humans have been toying around with electricity — and thus pumping electromagnetic radiation into the atmosphere — for at least 200 years.


the most focused would be radar beams from weather and airports, regular pulse, limited frequencies, this is what anyone would find. those started at ww2. aimed horizontally, so the pulses are daily.


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