Hyponia mystery. How can we do it?

Hello, Commanders!

I rarely write on the forums. But now, I think that should do it. I'm a member of the Eol Prou Group, you could hear about us when we participated in the Colonia Expansion Initiative. And... a little... won. But it does not matter.

One of the main goals for us is to explore distant region Hyponia. This is a closed region at a distance of 14 000 light years from the Colonia, and 32 000 from Sol. The first thing we did after CG, it sent some of our ships to the borders of the region. Yes, now we try to examine more carefully the border of Hyponia. What are we hoping to find? Don't know yet. This region is closed for some reason. In addition, it seems to me that the location of the region is very suspicious. Here near the Colonia, only a few hours to reach it. So, we'll stay here for a long time and try to find something.

What do you think about this?

PS. We have already published something about it... :)

Eol Prou Group is glad to announce its plans for a massive exploring of one of distant and little-known regions of our galaxy, called Hyponia.

“We have been preparing for this step for a long time. Now, when our organization succeeded in obtaining our own technological and research capacities in Colonia, these plans can be fulfilled”

As stated in Eol Prou Group, the organization is intended to send to the nearest borders of the region the main part of its exploration fleet for a regular dislocation in close proximity to Hyponia.

“For this day, it is one of the least explored region of our galaxy. Moreover, the pilots, who eventually tried to reach this region earlier, had encountered a problem of FSD-error while trying to jump into these systems. It's not just strange, it’s impossible in our times and needs further study!”

Noticing the rumors and events recently happened in Formidine Rift region, more frequent messages of encountering with active ships of some alien civilization, and also more and more obvious signs of some other civilization activity, traveling in such distant parts of the space can turn up to be very dangerous and reckless.

“For members of our initiative it’s not a first distant exploring mission experience. Besides, all of our pilots pass an extensive training for such flights and a complete refitting of their personal ships under the supervision of specialists. This applies not only to exploration fleet, but also to combat units”

What is hidden in the fog of mystery of Hyponia region? We don’t know. Perhaps someone deliberately hides from us something that humanity doesn't need to know, either an alien race or generation of the man himself. Anyway, nobody will be happy for explorers flying in this place. But maybe, this mystery worth it to be discovered.


January 24th 3303

A few days ago the first ships of Eol Prou Group had finally reached Hyponia region. Can not say that it was long or difficult journey, because of new technologies it was possible to charge FSDs from the jets of the Neutron Stars or White Dwarfs situated on the course, which is pretty dangerous, but it allowed to shorten the way from Colonia to just a few hours.

Hyponia is an incredible place. No, really. Its way more interesting here than in the Formidine Rift. I’ve spent there a lot of month, in this grim void, so far from here... I’ve heard rumors, that there were found some strange, abandoned settlements. Creepy rumors.

But Hyponia… there's so much light in here, so many stars. It's amazing and wonderful. Some says that, among these vast number of stars there is something, something that is hidden inside, where no one is allowed to enter.

We’ve spent here a few days now, exploring the border regions. Me, CMDR Arhat and CMDR DocRaise. Even made a small "picnic" on the surface of one of local rocks which we had called A Misty Albion because of its very dense haze, covering the surface of the dark side of the planet.

The only thing we couldn’t do is to cross the border of Hyponia. Any attempt to make a jump at least for a light year is causing an FSD-error. We can’t figure it out what is it, a software bug or an intentional blocking.

The other mystery was awaiting for us on the planetary surfaces - we’ve found wrecks. Ship wrecks and probes of human origin. Very old, but still pretty identifiable. Somebody was here before us, and they were not alone. We’ve made already a few of such findings, one even contained some old rescue capsules. Unfortunately, there was nobody to save.

Apparently our leadership have sent us so far for some reason. There is definitely something over here. It’s just need to be found. And we must stay here and wait for the arrival of the rest of our fleet. Maybe we will learn more with their help.

CMDR AiryKai

Transmission end.

And our topic in exploration section.

PPS. Sorry for my english, if something is wrong. :)

Deleted member 38366

If it's closed a.k.a. Permit-Locked, then you'll find absolutely nothing. Official "Future Content(tm)" areas, so nothing to see there until further notice (i.e. after any Client Update).

But for what it's worth, you can spread 1st Discovery Tags on the area all around it.
If Frontier plays really nice, you'll get a Decal and maybe some occasional Salomé-type roleplaying company alongside. An honorable mention in a Newsletter maybe, if you produce suitable PR Video footage.

When you discover that a large Permit-locked area becomes accessible - that's when you move in to investigate.
Otherwise, you're basically visiting a large Entertainment park outside of opening hours. You can try to get inside, but will find all entrances locked ;)
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Once upon a time, when we explored the Rift, together with CoR, we were told: "You won't find anything".

Well... Found something... :)

Deleted member 38366

Once upon a time, when we explored the Rift, together with CoR, we were told: "You won't find anything".

Well... Found something... :)

Yes, after it was placed there at some point xD
Remember hundreds of CMDRs passed the Rift back & forth long before you did. They thought the same, not realizing they were just too early.

As I said... everything at the right time.

Arguably, those had fun too I reckon, so that isn't to tell one should not just try it.
So by all means, anyone should take their best shot and enjoy the trip.
"Just do it" IMHO always has been the best approach to Exploration :)
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