I would love to see NPC interaction with my FC services

Out at the moment topping up my Tritium supply in a refinery area and there are loads of NPC ships around my FC.
Max count I saw was 15 of them.

It was awesome to see, but I really wish you would see some NPC activity on the FC services such as buying / selling commodities, ships etc.
Even it was just say 5% of the NPC's (rng goodness) interacted, it would make the FC feel more alive.

Even just a little RNG to liven it up a little would be great and would not break the mechanics / money of the game (lol, not that it could get worse atm)

Suppose this has probably been asked 100 times already, so sorry, but it would be nice.
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I don't think they want it to be a space station shopkeeper tycoon
.. They have said in the past they don't want the game to become a spreadsheet simulation game even though looking up info in 3rd party tools is technically essential .. But if people enjoy it why not?.
Landing on my FC all the time with zero tariffs I was hoping the NPCs were
refueling. Alas no increase in profits so they just seem to be C++ eye candy.
NPCs land on my carrier all the time. They never buy anything, just use the toilets then go on their way.
I'd like to see NPC interaction. Right now NPC's are basically cardboard cut-outs, they have no point other than aesthetics. I think actual Non Player Characters (with the emphasis on character) would go a long way to making the elite galaxy feel more alive.
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