General Idea for those of us who really enjoy combat to make money

I think that a really cool system that could be implemented into the game would be the ability to hire mercenaries to protect you while you run trade routes in return for a agreed upon payment from trader. Basically the trader can decide how much of their profits they would be willing to give to a mercenary in percentage form and can post it as a contract. The mercenary can then see said contract either at a station or via some other channel and can then contact the trader to see if they qualify for the job. From there it would be as you would expect with the mercenary being in a wing with them and dropping out of super cruise if the trader gets interdicted to be able to protect their ship. I know it might not be necessary depending on the trader but I think it could be a neat way to balance the money making situation in this game as passenger transport and trade dominate that area of the game and are excessively boring for some of us.
Fdev spread the wealth. There are several ways now to reliably make 75-200M an hour, sometimes even more, if you know what you are doing, or wing up with someone that does.
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