I'm Confused, I thought we were getting fleet carriers, not a trading post

There's probably gonna be a joint effort to station carriers at key points in the galaxy.
Acting as small hubs for explorers and miners.

Pre-release explorers were expecting that long-range exploration would require group logistics and planning to counteract maintenance problems, share route data for mapped regions, and so on, and getting to the other side of the galaxy would be a major endeavour, not a 6 hour dash for a buckyballer.

That never happened, of course, but it sounds like getting a carrier out that far might well require that sort of collective effort - or an exceedingly persistent individual. Maybe give an actual purpose to an expedition beyond "I hear this planet has pretty canyons".

The benefits of having a network of remote repair/resupply even if it doesn't come with cartographics is pretty huge - less need to optimise exploration ships for jump range, more ability to pack on some armour and shields and carry other heavy equipment - means that future exploration content could require something other than a stripped-down hull. (And if exploration communities continue to act as communities, you won't even need your own carrier to get those benefits) That should take some doing - people complain enough that there's "nothing to do" in Elite...
but also about the cooldown time which is unknown as yet. If it is what I fear will be, only one jump per daily tick, than a 'travel' of 50,000 Ly will take 100 days.
Exactly what I'm worried about, plus add in the time it takes to fuel the carrier, if 1 tank full only does one jump then I think this will be the grind to break the camel's back.
Well, on the other hand we'll know how it goes: It will be further developed if enough people interact with it. So making sure the least amount of players get to try carriers is ticking off a box for the shareholders and run with minimised cost.
I'd assume that some guys a Frontier have been looking into NMS quite hard lately.

To be honest I wish they had.
The Capital Freighters in NMS are sheer fun with a ton of customization options and their own fleet of support frigates you can send out on missions.
You can frickin change the whole interior of a freighter and install all that you want in it, from vanity stuff like furniture etc. to refiners, growing your own crops or installing your specialists there with their respective terminals, and more.
The more I learn about the FCs in ED the less impressed I become.
FD said there would be different types of carriers. Assuming that is still true, then i think we can hope that only trade fleet carriers will be more like trade centers and exploration fleet carriers will not be like that.
Hope there's different cheaper types, we've all waited years for new content and hope this isn't just some niche update only for a few players/groups to control or i might consider not buying any fdev products in the future.
To be honest I wish they had.
The Capital Freighters in NMS are sheer fun with a ton of customization options and their own fleet of support frigates you can send out on missions.
You can frickin change the whole interior of a freighter and install all that you want in it, from vanity stuff like furniture etc. to refiners, growing your own crops or installing your specialists there with their respective terminals, and more.
The more I learn about the FCs in ED the less impressed I become.

Fortunately, this whole Fleet Carrier thing is optional, but what you are describing is going a bit far down the management road than I would prefer in Elite.
Just set the trading prices to outrageous values and you'll get no trade, or opt to buy and sell absolutely nothing.

Hopefully you can vacuum up gas giants to nothing, thereby actually changing the galaxy forever as various planets get mined into oblivion..!
As the title says, I'm confused. I was expecting more info about carrying a fleet.

But the core of the announcement seems to focus on trade, debt and upkeep.
"manage your carrier's finances by setting tariffs and adjusting the buying and selling prices for commodities traded in it's market "

I was intending to get 10's of thousands of light years away from humans, this suggests it may not be possible due to the need to grind upkeep via markets?

Could FD confirm that I don't have to trade to own a carrier?
I don't know, I don't care.... It's too expensive. I won't sink hours of my precious free time in mindless and repetitive game mechanics and lose all the fan just for that. I put all my hopes in the New Era being about atmospheric planets and legs. In the last 1 year I've seen enough garbage from FDEV and this 5 Billions Credits thing is just the cerry on the top.
The success of Fleet Carriers is going to be measured by what new game play they can bring to the table. Being a trading post is hopefully only one small part!
What's wrong with having a market on the FC?

If FD sets it up with the Mkt owning player having the ability to sell what ever they want at what ever price they want so that a true player based economy can exist - nothing is wrong with having a market on an FC.

I suspect the market is FD throwing a bone to players who wanted to be able to build their own stations but can't. With a market an FC could essentially be a mobile station.
"Market" implies buyers and sellers. I just wonder who these buyers and sellers would be. I have trouble seeing NPCs doing it for that would require additional eco sim improvement. And I don't see enough players at a given time at given location rushing in to use the market. And once maybe a couple of spots are identified where you can skim players to trade, there will be a dozen other carriers trying the same thing.

there is a way it could work and that's rewarding both the buyers and sellers by actually adding even greater tariffs to the Station trading. Incentivize looking for FC's during hot trading runs or community events.

Lets say the buy/sell extremes on NPC stations has a capped range and on FC that range is wide in both directions. Instead of miners wasting time flying all the way back to the bubble to unload, they unload it into an FC. Bulk traders pickup from the FC because its' a better deal than going to the station. FC owner gets a small cut of this and a large portion of the supply line works outside of the less than optimal "NPC" margins.

When I set in for a trading/grinding session, I optimize runs, then get into a groove. If someone can make an extra 5% unloading, and another person can pick up their own 5% picking up and the player FC can take 1-2% off of that all more optimal than going to the station - they will.

There are even people who might prefer FC's if the docking is faster.

Part of my ~9bn in assets (earned before 2018) was trying to set records for credits/hour over a given amount of time. I think I used Inara, I'd reset and start a session then make my runs, be it combat or trading or whatever - I'd find a loop and try and break records, almost like a time trial.

If there is cr/hr optimization to be had - min/maxers will chase it.
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