Increase trade dividends to 10-15%

Two things really, I really want to get more people into open and I am not a big fan of mining. Now I am totally fine with lending my security services to some plucky opal digger for a voucher in profit but 5%? That's asking a lot of me for little pay out. If you figure I escort a miner that hauls in 100 void opals my payout at 5% is 8 mil there about. Not really worth anyone's time there, but for 15% I will give you peace of mind and even help liberate your precious opals from the holds off perfidious claim jumpers we run into while you are mining.

Long into short, trade dividends aren't large enough to give incentives for random winging up and would be a perfect way to hire escorts/pirating support from other players.
And that's with Void Opals, which are pure profit on the sale price.

Escort a trader at, say, 2000 credits profit per tonne, and even for a full unshielded T-9 you're looking at maybe 80,000 credits wing dividend.

Even raising it to 15% dividend doesn't really help there.
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