Infinity Battlescape

The mining colony screenshot is *the* most beautiful thing I think I've *ever* seen in a possible space game. The lighting looks absolutely amazing.
New bunch with experimental clouds .... they are just awesome looking.
I hope they sort em out, they add so much to the look of the scene.
Wait is over !!

6 days 15 hours and counting

I was one of the INovae forum members that was selected to test the "new player experience" of their Battlescape prototype. I'm still under NDA but I can repeat some things that the developers have already said elsewhere.

It's a really nice game even in its early builds, the flight model is fully newtonian in space (as opposed to ED's semi newtonian model) which I feel works really well. The flight model changes gradually as you enter deeper into an atmosphere and becomes more like Elite's "bank and turn" flight once near the surface of a planet.

The game is not on the same scale as Elite Dangerous, it's only a single star system and it is a "match" based model as opposed to a fully persistent MMO. Battles are supposed to last for days however with some sort of semi-persistence.

You'll find out a lot more about this in a week when they launch their Kickstarter campaign. It's a beautiful looking game as you can see from the screens posted by the honourable DirkLarien elsewhere in this topic.
Great news this, I like the countdown, simply because my memory is so bad. Will be there first day of the KS. Really wish them all the luck they can get with this game. Looks incredible.
Great Scott new vid


and someone found this :)
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The Race is on! Procedural generation


Just for those who are interested in this topic, it seam that there is a race going on :)


And our very own ED, I really like this time of age right now.


It is really amazing to see what can be done, I noticed that the lava was more realistic in the first video, compared to what we see ATM in ED. I do expect that this will change when FD get the modelling right, as we haven't see any new footage from the DEVS including volcano activities.
Well its nice to see they have progressed over the last 10 years, the guys at I-Novae have the experience to pull this off pretty fast, but thats what you get for doing 10 years of the same thing, heh..
Yeah, the planets in ED don't look great, plus the scale is weird, maybe getting down onto these and driving around might help. The planets in Infinity Battlescape look much better, far more realistic and to scale. The planets in Space Engineers that are coming this year, look more to scale than either of these games.
However, none of these games are finished, so we'll have to wait and see. For me the scale in ED is odd, not totally believable, but getting buildings and vehicles down on to planets could help cure that feeling, give us something of the scale/comparison.
Anyway looking forward to them all, its space ,what can you say.
Wish they could go for the big thing, which was Infinity: Quest for the Earth. *sigh*

Anyway, I wish them good luck and success with KS. I'll pledge although I am not really interested in Battlescape - it's gonna be my symbolic, small "thanks" to Flavien for showing me what PG can do 5+ years ago, and for fueling my imagination :)
It does look amazing, but I really can't wait to hear what type of gameplay they intend to make. Its the gameplay that will matter in the end, and its something that will make or break the project.
Yeah, the planets in ED don't look great, plus the scale is weird, maybe getting down onto these and driving around might help. The planets in Infinity Battlescape look much better, far more realistic and to scale.

Please have a look at what FD are working on:

It does look amazing, but I really can't wait to hear what type of gameplay they intend to make. Its the gameplay that will matter in the end, and its something that will make or break the project.

yeah its like i said before, we know they can build an engine, we don't know if they can make a game. Two different things.
The Battlescape video really looks like how I imagined an Asp would look like doing a planetary landing in Elite IV. :)
Please have a look at what FD are working on:

Yeah, its the video I was referring too. Not very convincing to me. But as said, its the whole scale issue in ED, be much better when we have vehicles and more importantly people walking around in the game. Also atmosphere makes a big difference when viewing planets. One with an atmosphere going down to the surface can make the planet seem much larger in scale when compared to one without an atmosphere.
I play around in the Space Engineers github dev version. The planets look way larger than either of the games, although IB planets do come across as very large. ED's just don't look that way.
But like I said, it's down to comparisons, put a vehicle at the bottom of that 30km high mountain and someone in a space suit on foot, then draw back in third person for a look and it may all fall into place, just one of those things. I know they're doing that and I'm hopeful it changes my view on the ED scale, we'll see in Horizons.

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Actually no... but we will find out soon enough. :)
5 days and counting

Yep.. and I'm counting them. ;)
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