Newcomer / Intro Instance What is the definition?

As I get deeper into the game this comes up more and more.
Is it an area?
A separate 'dimension' on the server within an area? Like Open/Solo/Etc, same location and time, only some are excluded from showing up/ or you dont show in their area?
A variance in time due to lag? say 5 sec before/after the gen pop?

How will this effect Carriers? As in "only 1 carrier will be allowed in each instance"
An instance is the virtual gamespace one or more players occupies. I could be in my own instance, you could be in your own instance. I could be in yours or you could be in mine.
This will be a non technical answer, someone will be along to correct me soon :)

An instance is basically "somewhere a cmdr is", the better question is"when do I change instance?".

You will change instance when jumping to a new system, entering or exiting supercruise, dropping into uss, changing mode between solo, open etc, and in other situations. When this happens you can drop into an instance with or without other players - so if you are in open and jump into a system with other players you will share a single instance, but if you jump in solo you will be ... unsurprisingly ... alone.

What this means for carriers being only one per instance could mean that there is one per uss (if they appear as uss). Or if they place carriers in normal space, near a planet for instance, then it could be one per system - though to me that seems unlikely as systems are "quite large".
think connections, like lobbys, or rooms, or even same server. All in the same instance can see each other , just like being in the same server in another game, or same room or same lobby.
Dr Seuss

I've been having some kind of phantom input happening on the twist yaw. I'll be not touching the stick, and my ship will suddenly yaw to the left a little every few minutes

I have experienced this , very annoying.
Miraculously it was all gone when i added another Point Defence.
I experienced it with more than one ship, and it almost make me break my joystick.
I think it is a "symmetrical balancing" issue, as it happend to me every time when i had a Point Defence on the Left or only on the right side.

oops wrong thread, sorry

supposed to go here:
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An instance is where you are each time you logon or change state or jump with your frame shift drive. It's basically where you are. What's around you and what happens can be different each time you're there.

In each instance, some things are fixed, like you, planets, stations and some other things; and some things aren't, like USSs, NPCs, crashed satellites, material drops, etc.
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Here's a Wikipedia article that explains it fairly well using the concept of a Dungeon. In the case of Elite Dangerous a Dungeon can be a Star System (in supercruise), a (Surface) Station , a Signal Source or a Point of Interest and probably a few I forgot.
If I am in one point in space and Bob is in another, say 500KM away, we are both in out own instance.
If Joe joins me in mine, can he then fly off into Bobs or would he have to use supercruise as a doorway to get there?
If I am in one point in space and Bob is in another, say 500KM away, we are both in out own instance.
If Joe joins me in mine, can he then fly off into Bobs or would he have to use supercruise as a doorway to get there?
Yes, no, maybe!

It can get complicated, there have been times when there have been a lot of commanders at the same place where Fred was able to see and interact with Bob and Joe who could also interact with Dave and Tom who both couldn’t see Fred while Sam who was also there could hear all of them but see none of them but was getting jerked around by rubber banding issues until half of them left. Even cases where I could see someone else’s ship but they couldn’t see me.
If I am in one point in space and Bob is in another, say 500KM away, we are both in out own instance.
If Joe joins me in mine, can he then fly off into Bobs or would he have to use supercruise as a doorway to get there?
When FD explained instancing, they said he would just be passed from 1 instance to another automatically by the matchmaker, no need to use SC to trigger things. In theory each Cmdr is in one and only one instance, and only able to see Cmdrs in their own instance.

In practice, that's hogwash or bugs.
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