Is the Type 10 broken or just bad?

I like my mining T10s.
I find laser-mining relaxing and the T10 is pretty relaxing to fly in that role.
Except for launching Prospectors.
That's NOT relaxing. It's bloody infuriating.

I just had a quick blat at mining in my AspX for a change and I noticed that I can safely fire prospectors at full speed, with the cargo hatch deployed (89m/sec).

That really brought it home to me how poopy the T10 is at the same task.

In the T10, anything over around 20m/s results in a certain Prospector failure.
They appear to be hitting something and then they spin off in front of the ship.

I've tried to use the camera to see what's going on but I can't figure it out.
They don't appear to hit any part of the ship. They're just DOA.

The cargo hatch is near the back of the T10 and there is a C3 hardpoint near the front but I would have thought going faster would reduce the chances of a limpet hitting that.
Even so, I've tried removing the weapon from that hardpoint and I get the same issue.
Maybe worth pointing out that Collectors can be launched safely at any speed (with the cargo hatch lowered).
It's just Prospectors that die unless you reduce your speed to <20m/s.

Anybody know if this is an intentional thing or is the T10's cargo-scoop bugged in some way?
I recall that the T10 had it's share of problems relating to the model at launch so I was wondering if this might be related to that.
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I like my mining T10s.
I find laser-mining relaxing and the T10 is pretty relaxing to fly in that role.
Except for launching Prospectors.
That's NOT relaxing. It's bloody infuriating.

I just had a quick blat at mining in my AspX for a change and I noticed that I can safely fire prospectors at full speed, with the cargo hatch deployed (89m/sec).

That really brought it home to me how poopy the T10 is at the same task.

In the T10, anything over around 20m/s results in a certain Prospector failure.
They appear to be hitting something and then they spin off in front of the ship.

I've tried to use the camera to see what's going on but I can't figure it out.
They don't appear to hit any part of the ship. They're just DOA.

The cargo hatch is near the back of the T10 and there is a C3 hardpoint near the front but I would have thought going faster would reduce the chances of a limpet hitting that.
Even so, I've tried removing the weapon from that hardpoint and I get the same issue.
Maybe worth pointing out that Collectors can be launched safely at any speed (with the cargo hatch lowered).
It's just Prospectors that die unless you reduce your speed to <20m/s.

Anybody know if this is an intentional thing or is the T10's cargo-scoop bugged in some way?
I recall that the T10 had it's share of problems relating to the model at launch so I was wondering if this might be related to that.
Yes! This! It’s been driving me bonkers!

Stealthie, it’s not just you. I resigned myself to stopping dead every time I fired one of the things. Would very much prefer to keep moving!
The t9 does something similar, but if you fire your vertical thrusters it'll lift whatever it is on the ship out of the way. No idea why it does it though, it's just one of those quirks

Yeah, I've noticed something similar with the T10.

If I aim a prospector and then lift my nose at just the right moment it'll launch successfully at up to around 30m/s.
Above that, nothing helps.

It definitely seems to be hitting something, and causing the problem, but I can't see what.
As I said, if the limpet's launching forward and hitting the C3 hardpoint then higher speeds should reduce the problem.
Also, as I also said, the problem doesn't affect Collectors.

If it's intentional, it's not going to make me use a different ship for mining but it'd be nice if the T10 could launch prospectors more cleanly.
I only tend to mine in the Python or Cutter. Both of those can go 100m/sec without killing off prospector limpets. Of course that doesn't help you in your situation, unless you plan on changing to one of those ships.
I only tend to mine in the Python or Cutter. Both of those can go 100m/sec without killing off prospector limpets. Of course that doesn't help you in your situation, unless you plan on changing to one of those ships.


I'm all for a bit of "balance" (whereby certain ships have pro's and con's) but it seems like using the T-ships to mine is already a "labour of love" and, objectively, they're not as useful as, say, a Cutter or a Corvette so it seems a bit mean-spirited to also cripple their ability to launch prospectors compared to other ships.

I'm all for a bit of "balance" (whereby certain ships have pro's and con's) but it seems like using the T-ships to mine is already a "labour of love" and, objectively, they're not as useful as, say, a Cutter or a Corvette so it seems a bit mean-spirited to also cripple their ability to launch prospectors compared to other ships.
It would help if Limpets weren't as dumb as they are currently. The amount of times I've had collectors dying when there's a fast spinning asteroid nearby...
Same with my mining Corvette. I just slow to a stop, thrust up or make sure I'm going under 60-70m/s. Collectors are fine, it's just prospectors. Wish FD would fix this problem. Or maybe it's supposed to be a feature?
Anaconda and Dropship also have that problem with Prospectors. It's not so bad when you know how to prevent it, but still annoying like everything limpet remaining. Limpets already clip straight through ships in some situations, just allow it for the owner's ship all the time.
... Limpets already clip straight through ships in some situations, just allow it for the owner's ship all the time.

Oh, no, I'd hate to see that fixed. I had all kinds of fun once as I watched a limpet slowly wiggle across my canopy because it believed it could fly right through the thing. It's worth any number of lost limpets to see that happen.
If the cargo scoop is in the back on a Type-10 fire a prospector limpet then raise the nose of the Type -10 up 20 degrees then back down after it clears the ship. Maybe a test to see how Type-10s deal with prospectors limpets. Any other Type-10 miners having this issue?
I regularly see this happening when I am mining in my Type 10 IF I am going faster than 24 m/s. As long as I go no faster, I don't have any problems. Because of the asteriod density in the ring that I regularly mine, it's really not a huge issue for me because I don't want to overshoot any of my targets.
Sometimes, but not all the time, my T-10 eats limpets. Lifting nose helps, or going less than 50 m/s or so. But that's not a unique issue.

When I've been eating NPCs and go around scooping mats without limpets, I also find I have to be a bit tricksy at times to not have the mats bounce despite lining up with the crosshairs.

:D S
Simple dumb physics bug. Dropped thing from ship, including prospectors, has 0 speed counting to external space ("ground"). Which is incorrect. It must have zero speed related to ship, related to external space it must have exact ship speed and vector at launch moment.
I think if that gets implemented it would change how kinetic weapons work too.
So in case of mining, you just kick not moving yet limpet by ship.

P.S. It is possible it is side effect of "FA ON", i.e. limpet gets effect of flight assist which zeroes speed. Try to drop it having "FA OFF". Maybe physic is ok there.
Simple dumb physics bug. Dropped thing from ship, including prospectors, has 0 speed counting to external space ("ground"). Which is incorrect. It must have zero speed related to ship, related to external space it must have exact ship speed and vector at launch moment.

That sounds plausible but it doesn't explain why it affects some ships more than others.

I mean, every ship has the cargo hatch door immediately behind the hatch so prospectors should smash into that when launched from every ship... and yet I can happily launch prospectors at 90m/s in an AspX.

Physically, the T10s cargo hatch appears to be in a pretty good place.
There's nothing behind it cos the hull slopes upward to the tail section.

There is that C3 hardpoint in front of the cargo hatch but, if the physics is working, the faster you're going the lower the differential speed should be.
Basically, if the limpet's hitting the C3 hardpoint (which it doesn't appear to do) it should hit it at any speed.

Perhaps a quick-fix might be to make prospectors intangible for, say, 3 seconds after they launch so they can get clear of a ship?
I regularly see this happening when I am mining in my Type 10 IF I am going faster than 24 m/s. As long as I go no faster, I don't have any problems. Because of the asteriod density in the ring that I regularly mine, it's really not a huge issue for me because I don't want to overshoot any of my targets.


It's not a show-stopper.
I tend to mine out a roid and then launch a couple of prospectors while stationary, as my collectors hoover up any remaining fragment.

It just bugs me when I notice that it's an issue that seems specific to the T10.
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