Issue Tracker now live!

I was having the same issue as everyone else. I play through Steam.
I tried validating the files and that did not work even though it downloaded some extra small files.
I tried validating the files again about 30 minutes later and again it downloaded another file but now the game works as usual.
It seems to be the launcher is out of date. Hope this helps some of you.
  • HUD and using trackir issues with aiming does not line up and not true sight. Have to disable it to work
  • Livery issues connections errors left right and center when trying to apply decals
  • Bought the Alpha pack and where is my suit part of the purchase it is missing
  • sometimes get Cobrat Taupe error missing when trying to connect but not in a cobra.

These are the issues so far.
UPDATE: Mission board loading errors , trying to load them. Booted out of game
- Slow loading times after mission board failure
What's the point in the issue tracker when you dont fix important game breaking bugs? Odyssey still cannot be used by Explorers, the DSS no longer works.
Hello all,

We are now excited to launch our new Issue Tracker! The Issue Tracker replaces our Bug Reporting forums and can be accessed here.

Reporting Bugs

To report a bug simply log in with your regular Frontier account and click 'Submit Report'. You'll then be given all the steps you need to let us know about any issues you have experienced.

On this site you can:
  • Submit issues
  • Follow the status of your reports
  • See which issues have been reported by others
  • Vote on which issues matter most to you
  • Search for specific reports
  • Help contribute towards existing issues
Accessibility Testing

As well as checking our games run - and run well - on various hardware and with bespoke peripherals, we strive to ensure our games are as accessible as possible. In the industry, we call this Compatibility, Accessibility and Performance testing!

If you have any feedback related to accessibility - something which would be welcome to make your experience more comfortable, a moment in our games where something could have been communicated more clearly, or any other aspect of our games that you would like to give feedback on, please drop us a line at

We won't be able to respond to every email, but we will read them all and do our best to pass constructive feedback on to the teams.

Thank you for all your support so far and for helping raise awareness of the issues that are affecting your gameplay!
I've reported Orange Sidewinder and Blue Cobra issues. Sick and tired of the lack of responsiveness and ready to walk away from your game. Fix it.
Has any one else experienced when doing the mission couldn't retrieve the item in your SRV? it would not scoop nothing ,even though it was selected .
@Zac Cocken I'm very sorry for pinging you, but yesterday and again today I spent few hours with bugged mission (is not possible to finish) and then another few hours with searching duplicate reports in your issuestracker. All these reports which I reported as duplicate remains as they were and that report which had the most confirmations is now flagged as duplicate: . I simply cannot get it, this is crazy. HOW we players can effectively help you with hunting all these bugs which plagues Odyssey, when your own tool for bugs reporting is non-functional even in base functionalities ...

EDIT: it works opposite way, you need to add all other reports into "Report as a Duplicate Issue". Sigh, it really is not much intuitive or easily understandable :( ...

EDIT2: there is confirmed report about this issue: ... I added all found duplicates into new report there.
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Is FDev aware that this has been happening since Ascendancy was added to ED? I've opened 3 tickets and all of them look like this when trying to access them.



Volunteer Moderator
Is FDev aware that this has been happening since Ascendancy was added to ED? I've opened 3 tickets and all of them look like this when trying to access them.

View attachment 409063
It's been happening on some reports since the Issue Tracker was introduced in 2019. Haven't been able to work out a consistent reason for it, so my best guess is a character that's used that then means it can't be loaded.
It's been happening on some reports since the Issue Tracker was introduced in 2019. Haven't been able to work out a consistent reason for it, so my best guess is a character that's used that then means it can't be loaded.
Very plausible. Would be easy for someone with back-end access to check that. Hopefully FD will notice this and investigate...
I am having difficulties buying arx for my multiple accounts. The first 3 different account purchases for arx were successful but every time I try to do my forth account, it gets refused or reversed by the merchant as per my bank(my bank denies any refusal to pay). What gives, do you not like money or do you have anything against having more than 3 accounts? I have more than one cuz I have issues with the storage limits ;) Do I deo each account once a day or something? This has been a great year for Elite Dangerous and I would like to encourage you all to continue this behavior. I was able to do it thru Steam but don't they get a cut?


Volunteer Moderator
The ARX store hardly ever works correctly for me so I'd just wait a bit. Eventually it'll work.
No, it doesn't matter how many accounts you have it's just a case of a glitchy website.
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