Horizons Jerky Planet/Moon motion

So, I've just bought a Python and have taken it to a planet to fly about a bit. I land her and go to external view. There is a moon very large in the sky and I am enjoying the view when I notice the moon 'jerk' to a new position. I watch closer and every few moments it jerks to a new position, similar to the second hand on a watch.

I'd never noticed this before, but is that how the celestial motion is done? I thought it was smoother than that! I guess you only see it if you watch, but I was a little disappointed that it's so crude. Or perhaps it's something wrong in my settings? I'm maxed out on graphics and have very smooth fps (usually about 60) Does anyone else get this?
So, I've just bought a Python and have taken it to a planet to fly about a bit. I land her and go to external view. There is a moon very large in the sky and I am enjoying the view when I notice the moon 'jerk' to a new position. I watch closer and every few moments it jerks to a new position, similar to the second hand on a watch.

I'd never noticed this before, but is that how the celestial motion is done? I thought it was smoother than that! I guess you only see it if you watch, but I was a little disappointed that it's so crude. Or perhaps it's something wrong in my settings? I'm maxed out on graphics and have very smooth fps (usually about 60) Does anyone else get this?

Things do orbit smoothly, but yes, they do jump as well. I'm not sure why. I think it is something physics-related.

I'd raise this as a bug. It occurs to all orbiting objects, except stations as far as I can tell.
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I have onserved this also. It never used to happen pre 1.3. I wonder if this motion is economising on computational memory ?

I have onserved this also. It never used to happen pre 1.3. I wonder if this motion is economising on computational memory ?


I wondered this... it seems to be that it is saving orbital computations, then every so often "catching up" with where it should be, and jumping.
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