Powerplay Joined Aisling Duval and would like advice on where to call home for the next month or two.

So I generally like to find a home base and work from there. I had called Cantor Port, Chujohimba home for the last year (The planet it circles is pretty.) Also, as I increased rep in the area, got great missions.

So I would not mind finding a new home with good trading missions, maybe a good center location for staging Mining sorties while I level my Aisling Duval PowerPlay rating.

Suggestions welcome! Thank you!
Hey there,

If i were you I would get in contact with https://inara.cz/squadron/170/ . A very old faction and located in Chona. Chona is nicely located; has a techbroker and all. iirc before the patch they had some good void opals located in that system is as well. And your missions (if you coordinate with those people) will help that group.

Hey there,

If i were you I would get in contact with https://inara.cz/squadron/170/ . A very old faction and located in Chona. Chona is nicely located; has a techbroker and all. iirc before the patch they had some good void opals located in that system is as well. And your missions (if you coordinate with those people) will help that group.


Thanks! I had looked at that location. Not bad.
Funny thing about Void Opal mining. I have been to several Void Opal Hotspots and shot dozens of prospector limits with zero hits. I think they need to redefine the meaning hotspot, if said hotspot does not actually have the item in some reasonable abundance. I get that LTDs were being exploited and some change should have happened, but it appears to have farther reaching consequences.

anyway back to my original post checked out Munshin too. I like those stations with the Palm trees. I hope some more people chime in. Thanks!
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