Jurassic World Evolution 2 Monthly Round-up - October


Volunteer Moderator
Knock it off please. Remember to discuss the post and not the poster. Also remember this is a public forum and people are allowed to have their own opinions.
Knock it off please. Remember to discuss the post and not the poster. Also remember this is a public forum and people are allowed to have their own opinions.
I’m sorry alright I don’t why people say some mean comments ok this is something I don’t want what I really is more news of Jurassic world evolution 2 of how your only one week away to launch and I’m sorry ok I really am and please don’t mad at me I learn my lesson ok I just don’t like how people putting comments of how they don’t like some things in the game….. ok so are we good?
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Ugly hybrids is that all u can come up with dude the hybrids are much better much much better JWE 2 indominus rex is better then JWE indominus rex
I don't like the idea of hybrids, I don't care if their graphics improved. Those movie hybrids at least were in the movies, those other ones, especially the ankylodocus and stegoceratops where horrible.
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