Killing Hostile Faction Authority Ships

So last night as I was returning to a station after winning some CZs against a controlling minor faction, 3 authority ships interdicted me and started shooting at me.

In my defense, I killed 2 of the Eagles, gained 2 Notoriety and then decided to leave after 2 or 3 more reinforcements jumped in.

My questions:
  • why did I get a Notoriety point for each kill in a War state with the controlling faction ships?
  • do I get any "points" for my faction by killing the warring faction's authority ships?
  • all stations controlled by the warring faction refused my docking request and shot me. Is there any disadvantage in collecting my combat bonds in another system via IF apart from losing 25% of reward value?
So last night as I was returning to a station after winning some CZs against a controlling minor faction, 3 authority ships interdicted me and started shooting at me.

In my defense, I killed 2 of the Eagles, gained 2 Notoriety and then decided to leave after 2 or 3 more reinforcements jumped in.

My questions:
  • why did I get a Notoriety point for each kill in a War state with the controlling faction ships?
  • do I get any "points" for my faction by killing the warring faction's authority ships?
  • all stations controlled by the warring faction refused my docking request and shot me. Is there any disadvantage in collecting my combat bonds in another system via IF apart from losing 25% of reward value?
1) If you're not in an official combat zone, normal laws on kills apply. You're only able to align to a side to distinguish you from a random murderer while in a CZ.
2) It might give a little bit of an effect for your side. It would outside a war, and it's a combat action so it should count within it, though not necessarily in exactly the same way.
3) The bonds won't count towards the war success that way. If you're winning the CZs and not actively opposed you can probably live with that.
3) The bonds won't count towards the war success that way. If you're winning the CZs and not actively opposed you can probably live with that.

Darn, not even if I claim the bonds from IF system controlled by the faction I'm fighting for? After I claimed bounties from my system's IF, my reputation with warring faction increased from Hostile to Dislike. Will this allow me to dock and claim combat bonds in their system's stations or do I have to clear my bounty after Notoriety drops to zero?
Darn, not even if I claim the bonds from IF system controlled by the faction I'm fighting for? After I claimed bounties from my system's IF, my reputation with warring faction increased from Hostile to Dislike. Will this allow me to dock and claim combat bonds in their system's stations or do I have to clear my bounty after Notoriety drops to zero?
You'll get a rep boost with your own faction for claiming the bonds at an IF out of system. They might give an INF boost in the system you claim them in - not sure. (If your faction is in two wars, you can hand them in to the other one)

Yes, you'll be able to dock again now your rep is back up above Hostile. I think anonymity protocols still lets you hand in combat bonds, but I've not tried it.
Yes, I fought for my faction in a system controlled by another and collected bonds from system controlled by my PMF.

I remember fighting a Hostile faction and was able to dock and collect bonds with 0 Notoriety. If I go fight them again today, my rep will go Hostile after winning 2 CZs :cautious:

Thanks both for your responses.
You could also run non-combat missions for the faction you are fighting against as they won’t count towards the war! Best to boost your REP first before going into CZ’s
As expected, my Rep with warring faction returned to Hostile before winning 2nd CZ. I tried returning in a different Un-Wanted ship but outpost refused my docking request and started to shoot :cautious: Fortunately, my faction is still winning the war.

My plan is to continue fighting in CZs today and then visit a neighboring system which the faction is present and do some missions for them before returning to hand in my combat bonds.

My Cutter's Notoriety dropped to 1 yesterday and should be zero after fighting in CZs today...
Not sure if this has changed but I remember you need to spend 2 hours in Wanted ship to lower Notoriety by 1, plus I paid fine in Wanted ship.
Your right that it is 2 hours per 1 notoriety but you don’t need to be in the actual ship you gained it in. As far as I am aware you are unable to pay fines and bounties while having notoriety (or am I thinking of the use of Interstellar Factors to do this while you have notoriety?)
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