Let me sit in whatever chair I like!

My ship has several chairs, why can't I sit in whatever chair I find comfy?

I spend lots of time in my ship, sometimes a small change would be nice.

Oh, the co-pilot chairs don't have the same controls as the main pilot chair you say? That's a silly reason. The hardware controls seem to be the same and I'm sure it is reasonable that holographic HUD and permissions be transferable.

Oh, and maybe some different colors for my chair too. And lumbar support for those long missions.

Been an often requested feature,

And for ships where you sit off-center, like Cobra, Python, FDL, that would give you the option choose what side is the right side for you...
That as well as an (in game) changeable HUD colour scheme.
God forbid, a bit of cockpit customization like a paint pack for inside too.
My ship has several chairs, why can't I sit in whatever chair I find comfy?

I spend lots of time in my ship, sometimes a small change would be nice.

Oh, the co-pilot chairs don't have the same controls as the main pilot chair you say? That's a silly reason. The hardware controls seem to be the same and I'm sure it is reasonable that holographic HUD and permissions be transferable.

Oh, and maybe some different colors for my chair too. And lumbar support for those long missions.

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Why not get some company on your ship and have frountier allow us to assign crew members to those chairs.

Just as long as I dont have to pay them 12% of all my earnings for the trouble :ROFLMAO:

Then we could all play musical chair with this new feature (which should deffo be a thing btw)
Why not get some company on your ship and have frountier allow us to assign crew members to those chairs.

Just as long as I dont have to pay them 12% of all my earnings for the trouble :ROFLMAO:

Then we could all play musical chair with this new feature (which should deffo be a thing btw)

You do not want to pay your workers when you hire them?
added option, when you move to the co-pilot seat, you can activate the weapons and fire as if you are in the crew. Making your ship a weapons platform
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