Listings for outfitting & another select target option & join the police

In outfitting, when you select a component like a beam laser, a list of available items should show availability at other stations. A lot of times, many things are available within a few systems, but the only way to know, in game, is to go visit each station. This would at least lower that time for searching. You'd still have to fly there. This could be set up similar to how commodoties are, where you can compare prices etc with other systems that have known information but it could show the component and its rating, and maybe even it's price at other stations nearby.

When selecting targets, it'd be good being able to select ships/items that you haven't scanned yet. We have buttons to target 'threats' but a lot of times you're really wanting to scan and see if a ship is wanted. This way, you dont have to scroll through everything, waiting to see info not filled in, you'd just have a button or buttons to scroll ships that dont have information scanned in yet.

This one, I mentioned years ago, but when doing bounties, sometimes you're an ally of the local security and they show to you as green. They'll start shooting at a target but you have to follow their beams to see who their target is, then wait till your scan finishes to show that target as wanted.
I think if you're an ally, and they start shooting at a ship then it's wanted by the locals and after scanning, that target will also show as wanted to you.
Since that's the case, it makes sense that when the local security starts shooting at a ship, that ship should automatically turn red for you, and the scanned data that the locals have obtained should show instantly to your computer.
1. That's a good idea.

2. There is a bind for that I think. Cycle Next Target. (Target Next Hostile is a separate binding).

3. The problem with that as a general mechanic I think is you might be allied to the faction but could (could) decide to turn on the security ships. Get where you're coming from - and I'm not sure I can explain why, other than sometimes you might want to betray a faction - but I think you need to be the one to decide your hostility towards other ships. Being allied, neutral or even unfriendly isn't really the test for that .. and you might be a pirate.

Maybe like this : I'm unfriendly towards my neighbour but we rub along unless one of us opens fire (again) and go hostile (which is like unfriendly ++) and we might want to make up later. Missions to sign up to be a security ship for a time might be more appropriate for the kind of experience you're describing?
1. thanks! I usually play on PC, but sometimes on PS4. When on the PS4, Im not checking the sites that PC's have access to, so why not be like the commodites.

2. I think 'cycle next target' cycles through all the targets. Neutral, Friendly and Hostile. But while cycling through those, you'll notice ships you've scanned or haven't been scanned. What I'm hoping for is a button to only focus on the unscanned ships, since the scanned ones, I already know about.

3. Ok I see that but have you ever shot at local security? You become everyones target, instantly.
Good suggestion though! How about when in that area, or wherever, the mission is offered by them, in that instance? And maybe even if you're in SC, an incomging message/mission and it says to go join a rez area?
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