Little insignificant things that annoy me to the point of "Rage Quitting"

The heat map that pop up EVERY SINGLE TIME i place any kind of educational item. i understand i can turn it off, but doing that every time for each individual item when i'm trying to place 20 in a row, it fills me with a rage that i otherwise would not feel in my everyday life. Please just add a Manual / Automatic toggle for the heat maps in the options please.
Yes, please. I understand there's a hotkey for it, but it should be possible to toggle the option off completely.
HUGE +1 to this! It should be an option to turn it on to check education from the heatmap menu but it certainly shouldn't turn on when placing the boards/speakers
Agreed it's very annoying but not rage-quit worthy (unlike the path system ;)), a toggle would be very welcome.
I use the H hotkey workaround all the time, no idea why it has to be double-pressed, seems pointless unless I'm missing something.
The horrible grey on grey of the heat map is so irritating. I'm not sure why it was made so hard to see. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't mind the heat map popping up each time.
The horrible grey on grey of the heat map is so irritating. I'm not sure why it was made so hard to see. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't mind the heat map popping up each time.
I agree. It would already help if we could see paths and barriers more easy. At the moment there is a lot of guesswork involved when placing the buildings. With the heatmaps actually more than without :D
I agree, this drives me nuts, particularly at night when it takes a good few seconds for the screen brightness to go back to normal.

Although I second this (without the part of rage quitting), it helps me to remove the heatmap by double pressing H instead of having to click it away. Hotkey feels a lot faster already than clicking it, although you have to press twice.

Thanks for that tip, I didn't know the hotkey to close the window.
I can't tell what direction an education board is facing with the heatmap on. I usually get them backwards if I don't turn it off. The heatmaps have some general usability issues that contribute to their being annoying.
I normally put it up backwards and upside down.
I prefer they working on making the game run smooth and bug free. All the things that annoy people are not exactly bugs, they are just design choices.
I personally hate the whole inbreed messaging. Get rid of that message, I already knew they were father and daughter. I keep an eye on everything that happens in my zoo, and wished that I could switch things off that I already knew that would happen but doesn't bother me. They are animals, not humans.
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