Hello Rocket!
Thanks for your question!
We certainly spend time at other theme parks and not only that; we hired a really famous game audio recordist called
Watson Wu who went to a theme park in the Usa for us and recorded loads of rides there. The park was closed for two days and he's had a blast riding the different coasters and flat-rides. One launch coaster was so intense it knocked one of his recorders right out! This has given us pristine recordings without any people screaming and it's part of why the coasters sound so amazing.
At the same time, we have been inventive where we could. One day I was riding my bicycle to work (Dutch as I am) and rolled over a drain cover. That sounded exactly like a wheel going over a flange which we'd been trying to record from trains and other sources, and never got quite right.
So after that discovery, we went to our parking lot and spend a few hours riding the bicycle around; to great amusement of the rest of the team looking at us from their windows : )