Looking for a moderator for the French section

Brett C

Hi all,

Our previous French section moderator stepped down from the role of moderator for personal reasons. As such, this has left a void in this section of the forums for moderation this past month. I am looking for a potential moderator whose native tongue is French for this section of the forums.

As a forum moderator, you'll...

1) Enforce the forum rules here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/251032
2) Be required to sign a NDA before ever being granted moderation privileges.
3) be supportive and helpful of users new and old to the forums.
4) moderate without biases.
5) Be requested to join us on a discord server. (So that you can ask questions and learn the ropes).
6) understand that this is a volunteer role, there is no pay involved.
7) understand that there is no maximum or minimum time limits or quotas to fulfill.
7a) We do ask that you do not spend your life on the forums - that's not healthy!
8) be appointed as a local/international moderator to this forum section: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/forumdisplay.php/78-French
8a) Over time, if you're comfortable enough and are fluent, or decently fluent, of the English language, global moderator role.
9) above all else, help grow the community and guide users as needed.

If you believe that you can fill this role, please private message me on the forums.


Brett C

Hi all, thanks for your messages. I will be looking over the messages later today and tomorrow for potential applicants.

Any further application messages beyond this point will not be accepted into consideration at this point in time. Thanks!

Brett C

As an update, i've had a fair amount of requests. Myself and the rest of the moderation team today is deliberating the applicants. Once we get down to a few people on the list, I'll be sending a PM to said persons. :)

Brett C

Hi all, after careful deliberation and discussion within the moderation team, we've come to a head on our new French forum moderator. Thanks to everyone whose shown interest in moderation of the French forums. We'll keep the rest of your names on the list down the road if the need should arise.

Please welcome Nicou to the moderation team of the French forum section. :D
Thank you Brett, hello everyone [heart]

Nicou here, veteran Elite: Dangerous. I play many styles in-game from Transport to Combat, Exploration, Roleplay, Fuel ratting, and even scientific researches!
I love simulation & strategy games, metal music, chocolate brownies, AND bunnies. They're so fluffy!
While I have this new Moderator cap, don't forget that I'm before all: a player like you. I just have new shiny powers to keep the discussions on track and the forums safe for everyone!
Fly safe pilots o7

Coucou aux français sur les forums !
N'oubliez pas que nos forums comportent 4 sous-catégories qui n'attendent que vous pour communiquer avec les autres mordus d'Elite: Dangerous. Montrons à Frontier que les français comptent parmi les meilleurs créateurs de contenu de la communauté ! [wink]
  • Discussions Générales
    • Discutez du jeu, les éléments qui vous plaisent ou non. C'est avec des commentaires constructifs que l'on fait progresser les choses. Fonctionnalités, roleplay, évènements : vos retours et créations sont appréciés !
  • Groupes / Recrutements
    • Que vous recrutiez ou cherchiez un groupe de joueurs, c'est ici que ça se passe.
  • En dehors d'Elite: Dangerous
    • Je vous ai déjà dit que j'adorais les lapins ? On peut en discuter par-ici si vous le voulez ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  • Problèmes de traductions
    • un matériel "Souffre" qui devrait être traduit en "Soufre" ? Pas de soucis, remontez les informations ici avec un maximum de détails afin que les développeurs puissent corriger cela au plus vite.

À très bientôt sur les forums ! :)
Félicitations Nicou pour ce poste de modérateur o7 Amplement mérité vu ton engagement pour la communauté Elite dangerous :)
Bravo et bienvenue Nicou! J'aime bien les lapins aussi, ils sont très savoureuse!

Je ne suis pas Français, donc peut être je ne comprends pas que j'écris ;D
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